Running programs in an isolated shell


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Let's say you downloaded a pirated program, blindly trusting the "purity" of which is very naive. To check how the program behaves in the system, let's use Sandboxie.

Sandboxie is probably the most popular sandbox that allows you to isolate programs running in Windows 10, 8.1 and Windows 7 so that they cannot affect the system's performance.
This small and handy program with a Russian-language interface allows you to create virtual areas in which you can run almost any application.

At the same time, the results of all programs launched in Sandboxie will be saved in separate, specially designed folders, without affecting the operation of the operating system as a whole, thus protecting it from possible damage by viruses or configuration changes.

Sandboxie can also be used as a means of anonymous surfing on the Internet in the sense that after closing the browser, there will be no traces of visiting sites on the user's computer.
The sandbox controls access to files, disk devices, registry keys, processes, drivers, ports, and other potentially unprotected sources.
In general, for simple testing of third-party programs that you doubt, the default parameters may be sufficient, but advanced users can customize the program to suit their needs.


Program page on GitHub->

In the second part there will be a detailed guide on setting up this program)
Sandboxie is a great tool that deserves a place in any collection of security software. It creates an isolated space or sandbox in which you can execute files without affecting the underlying system.
Sandboxing does not affect Windows or other files and programs. Everything that happened in Sandboxie remains in Sandboxie.

The owner of Sandboxie has changed several times. First, the Invincea company bought the program from the first developer, and then it was in turn acquired by Sophos. Sophos recently announced that Sandboxie is free to use and plans to release source code in the future.

This article will show you how to use Sandboxie to safely browse the Internet, download and restore files, and install and run programs.
To start using the program, you don't even need to get acquainted with the interface separately. It is recommended for beginners to use the system tray icon.

Safe surfing
Any program installed on Windows can be run inside Sandboxie. This also applies to portable applications and regular files (which open in other programs). Some applications may not work in Sandboxie if you are trying to install them in a sandbox.

If you have installed Sandboxie, then you will see the program icon on the desktop, in the Start menu and in the system tray. You can use any of these options to run programs in the sandbox. Most often, a browser is launched in a sandbox. Click on the system tray icon and select Default box> Launch Web Browser. The default browser will be launched. This can be Firefox, Chrome, Edge, or whatever browser you choose.

The launched browser will have a yellow border (shown when you hover over the border of the window). In addition, the title of the program window will be enclosed in two characters [#], for example [#] ... Google Chrome [#]. These are indicators that the program is running inside Sandboxie.

You can use a stand-alone browser normally. You will be able to send emails, check social media and visit @ h4ckers_zone

One of the main differences is that if a browser gets infected with malware, its action will be limited to a sandbox. For example, you have visited a site with malicious ads. As long as the browser is running, the threat will not be able to spread to the main system due to the use of the sandbox. Sandboxing also restricts cookie tracking and other unwanted activities.

You can use the Default box> Delete Content option to delete the entire sandbox and start a new session. It is recommended to perform this procedure from time to time.

Note : Sandboxing does not provide the anonymous surfing that you get when using VPN or Tor.
You can also open links from any application (mail application, messenger, etc.) in the browser in the sandbox, although for this you will need to change the program settings.

Downloading and restoring files
Let's say you want to upload an executable or any other file to Sandboxie. It won't show up in the Downloads folder in Windows Explorer because the sandbox download is also isolated.

You need to restore the download. To do this, select Default box> Quick Recovery. Use the Recover to the same folder option to make the file appear in your Downloads folder (and be ready for use in a non-sandboxed environment). You can also run the file in the sandbox first, delaying its recovery.

If there are no items available to restore, you can select the Default box> Browse Contents option (which opens Explorer) to manually explore the sandbox and restore the contents. This feature is especially useful if you are using a custom download folder instead of the default Windows folder.

Installation and removal of programms
By running a suspicious program in Sandboxie, you eliminate the risk of damaging your main system. Even malicious programs can be run in the sandbox, but usually virtual environments are still used for this.

For portable applications, extract the content to the drive folder in the DefaultBox (Default box> View Content) and run the executable. To install the program in a secured Sandboxie environment, open Explorer and right-click on the installer file.

Select the Run in Sandbox option.

Note. If necessary, you can grant administrator rights to the installer by checking the Run as UAC Administrator checkbox.
You will see a yellow frame by the installer window and the familiar [#] symbols in the name. This means that the installation of the program is performed in the sandbox.

You need to run the installed program manually from the Defaultbox folder.