Rumors spread by hackers about hacking the Moscow Exchange have been refuted


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The data that hackers refer to as confirmation of the fact of hacking is taken from the public domain.

Hackers from GhostSec in their Telegram post reported that they had gained access to one of the exchange's FTP servers.

The Moscow Exchange refuted this statement: the trading platform stated that the data that hackers refer to as confirmation of the fact of hacking was taken from open access.

"Information posted on the Internet (or published on some resources) and allegedly testifying to the hacking of the exchange's FTP server is publicly available and is publicly available on the Moscow Exchange's website. It includes test cases and configurations for development companies that use them to debug their software for trading on the stock exchange, " the official channel of the Moscow Exchange reported.

The archive published by hackers was also studied by the editorial board of RBC Investments. According to the editorial board, the archive does not contain personal data of Moscow Exchange clients, but it contains numerous instructions in the format.pdf on how to work with various web services of the Moscow Exchange that do not contain sensitive data.