Roskomnadzor blocked 167 VPN services and thousands of other resources

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The Russian regulator is expanding its control over the Internet, affecting many online resources.

As part of protecting the Runet from threats, Roskomnadzor blocked or restricted the operation of 167 VPN services, more than 200 email services, and many other resources.

At the Spektr-2023 forum in Sochi, Sergey Khutortsev, Director of the Center for Monitoring and Managing the Public Communication Network (CMU SSOP), spoke about the scale of blockages in Runet. According to him, as part of countering threats to the security and stability of the Runet, Roskomnadzor restricted access to 167 VPN services, more than 590 thousand information resources, more than 200 email services, more than 2 thousand phishing sites, more than 84 applications and more than 20 malware distribution centers.

It was also noted that more than 17.5 thousand IP addresses were included in the "white list" and excluded from the filtering list.

CMU SSOP was created on the basis of the "Main Radio Frequency Center" subordinate to Roskomnadzor (RKN) as part of the implementation of the law on the sovereign Runet for centralized management of the public communication network through technical means of countering threats (TSPU).

In addition, the head of Roskomnadzor, Andrey Lipov, said that the regulator does not fix mass problems with VPNs for companies that use them in their work, and those that arise are resolved within three hours.

Earlier, on October 7, the Ministry of Digital Development warned Russian organizations using VPN services about possible difficulties associated with blocking prohibited resources. To resolve such problems, it was recommended to contact Roskomnadzor or the relevant industry bodies. If the problem has not been resolved, companies can contact the Ministry of Digital Development.