Rosfinmonitoring Lost access to information about International Crypto Crimes

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The Egmont Group, an international community of financial intelligence agencies from 170 countries around the world, refused to exchange information with Rosfinmonitoring and conduct a joint investigation of cryptocurrencies.

Egmont explained the suspension of Rosfinmonitoring from participation in the association's activities as temporary, "for the period necessary to protect the group's interests and ensure the achievability of its goals."

The international organization previously provided Rosfinmonitoring with operational information and assisted in the investigation of cases related to the laundering of illegal income using cryptoassets.

The Russian supervisory authority called the decision a "politicized violation of the mandate, charter and principles" of the Egmont group. Russian officials believe that the decision carries direct risks and threats to the global financial system, as it stops a number of important international financial investigations.

In 2022, the head of Rosfinmonitoring, Yuri Chikhanchin, said that his department has initiated about 400 investigations and is conducting more than 20 criminal cases related to the illegal turnover of digital assets, including those involving foreign criminal groups.