Ring of Omnipotence: Wizpr Ring takes AI Interaction to the next level


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To feel the magic, just whisper your wish softly.

The South Korean company VTouch introduced a unique device called Wizpr Ring (read "Whisper Ring", from the word "whisper"). This is a smart ring with a microphone, controlled by artificial intelligence. It opens up new horizons for the use of AI in everyday life, allowing you to expand the possibilities of using such gadgets.

Although the idea of a smart ring may not seem so revolutionary due to the availability of similar products on the market, existing devices are usually limited to tracking the user's health: body temperature, pulse, blood oxygen levels, sleep quality, etc.

Wizpr Ring, in turn, works as an AI assistant paired with the user's smartphone. The device is activated very simply: just bring it to your mouth and whisper a command. No keywords or keystrokes are required. Although there is a button on the device's body that can be used for unobtrusive interaction with the assistant, for example, in meetings.

The device does not have a speaker: the user's Bluetooth headset must take over its function. But the microphone in the ring, of course, is present. Thanks to artificial intelligence, Wizpr Ring owners can listen to incoming messages and respond to them, receive notifications, route directions while traveling, control various smart home appliances, and enjoy many other functions.

As neural networks that process user commands, the company claims ChatGPT from OpenAI and Gemini from Google. It is quite possible that neural networks will replace each other depending on the task set by the user or in case of problems with servers, which also sometimes happens.

The ring's creators claim that users personal data is not collected or stored: all information is stored exclusively on the owner's smartphone. This means that if the ring is lost, all important data will remain safe.

The only weak point of the device may be its autonomy-the smart ring, according to VTouch, can work from the battery for up to 10 hours, which means the need for its daily charging.

At the moment, the ring has not yet gone on sale, but you can follow information about the development and progress on the official Kickstarter page of the project.