Revision of the communication structure: Russian operators will be divided into primary and secondary networks

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Roskomnadzor reveals plans to strengthen the Runet.

At the Spektr forum in Sochi, the head of Roskomnadzor, Andrey Lipov, announced the development of draft legal regulations and the law on primary communication networks. He explained this by the fact that the latest planned exercises on the safety and stability of the public communication network, conducted within the framework of the law "on the sovereign Runet", showed problems with the survivability of communication networks with deliberate impact on lines and structures. In the near future, it is expected to introduce appropriate amendments to the law "On Communications".

The initiative was described in more detail by Alexey Ivanov from Giprosvyaz, who suggested dividing communication networks into primary (trunk) and secondary ones. For primary networks that have cross-border junctions on backbone networks, a number of requirements will be established, as well as an automated system for inventory and monitoring of communication network facilities will be created.

To meet the requirements of the ILN, it will be necessary to redraw all the main communication networks in Russia, and it will also be necessary to lay the cable at a greater depth and away from large settlements, the Forbes source believes. According to experts, such changes can significantly affect the cost of communication services.

The regulation of backbone networks is of concern to operators, and they are afraid of monopolizing the market. The initiative arose at the intersection of Rostelecom's business interests and the desire of the Main Radio Frequency Center (GRFC) subordinate to the RCN to install TSPU at cross-border junctions of backbone communication networks, says a Forbes source familiar with the development of the initiative. Now there are commercial prices on the market for passing trunk traffic, but Rostelecom is not against monopolizing the market and raising prices, he explains. However, the implementation of this idea may face difficulties, as backbone operators from other countries may not want to cooperate with the sanctioned Rostelecom.

Oleg Grishchenko, President of the Rosteleset Association, called the regulation of primary networks a complex issue that will require changes in the licensing policy and other regulatory documents. This initiative will cause additional costs for regional telecom operators, including the formation of backup connections and communication nodes.

According to a ComNews Research survey, Rostelecom is the market leader in backbone operators with the largest length of communication networks (500,000 km). MTS and Vimpelcom (Beeline brand) also occupy significant positions in this market.