Retailers, bank and tech giants: experts named the most expensive brands in the world

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The consulting agency Brand Finance has presented its annual ranking of the most valuable brands in the world.

Topped the rating again by Apple: the value of its brand was estimated at $ 145.9 billion, in second and third places are Google with $ 94.1 billion and Samsung with $ 83.1 billion, respectively.

Apple's brand value rose 14% year-over-year, driven largely by the success of the iPhone 12 and the recently unveiled iPhone 13. The company's revenue for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2021 was a record $ 51.5 billion with profit of $ 11.1 billion. Revenue for the year was $ 233.7 billion. Apple's success, according to experts, is due to good sales of mobile devices, given the saturation of the market, and also the growing popularity of the mobile payment service Apple Pay.


In addition to these, the top 10 most expensive brands in the world included such large retailers as Amazon (4th place, brand value $ 69.6 billion) and Walmart (8th place, brand value was $ 53.6 billion). In addition, the list includes Microsoft (5th place, $ 67.2 billion), Wells Fargo bank (10th place, $ 44.1 billion) and a number of telecom operators: American Verizon (6th place, $ 63.1 billion), American AT&T (7th place, $ 59.9 billion) and China's China Mobile (9th place, brand value $ 49.8 billion).

According to Brand Finance, Chinese brands such as WeChat, which grew by 40% last year and now more than 650 million users, were in a strong position last year, with 70 million of them outside of China. As a result, the value of this brand immediately grew by 83% to $ 6.5 billion.