Reputation earnings


Reaction score
I would like to start with the fact that most of the establishments in the service sector require the formation of an image on the Internet, this is almost the most important component. But many of these establishments do not pay much attention to this, especially in Runet. Indeed, before going to a cafe, restaurant, hotel or other institution, many of the visitors will first get acquainted with the reviews and only then make a choice in the direction of one or another institution.
There are agencies that help to form and correct the image on the Internet, but fortunately these agencies do not know how to look for clients, but sit and wait for clients to find them.
Most often, they try to offer their services to large firms that are not very interested in the image on the Internet, even if they are vilified on some forum. I suggest a completely different approach.
First of all, you will need to look for exactly those establishments that have very bad reviews. We will offer such establishments our services to improve their reputation by removing negative reviews and filling positive reviews on different sites, but primarily on the Google Maps site. After all, almost always before visiting a cafe, restaurant or checking into a hotel, we often read reviews of the hotel so as not to be disappointed.
The first and largest platform where we will conduct business and look for clients there is Google Maps. On her example, we will consider this method because it is spread all over the world. When you search for any establishment, the top shows establishments with reviews, and often these reviews are not very good. Places from 1.0 to 3.9 stars are our hot clients. But do not ignore those establishments that have no reviews at all, because they also need a reputation.

We start by looking for clients on Google Maps.
I divide clients into 2 types - "hot" and "cold". Hot customers will be establishments that have negative reviews, the number of points / stars starts from 1.0 to 3.9. And "cold" are those who have no reviews at all, which is also not very positive for these establishments, so some will agree to such a service.
It is best to search for establishments using the following keywords: cafe, restaurant, bar, pub, hotel, hotel, motel, hostel, delivery, club, sanatorium, hairdresser, beauty salon, clinic, dentistry.
The next step is to build a database of hot and cold clients. I advise you to collect the base in one city and work with it already. Find contacts of all establishments, it can be emails, phone numbers and data in social. networks.
If you work in Russia, then I recommend contacting establishments via VK, so you can wait for a response much faster. In the information about the institution, there is often a link to the Vkontakte group, if the link is not indicated, then use the Vkontakte search by the name of the institution, 95% of all institutions have their own groups. Next, we send a proposal to the group administrator. You can also contact and offer your services over the phone, but it's a little expensive.
It makes little sense to send suggestions by e-mail, tk. they are rarely read and ignored.
But with overseas clients, emails are the main communication tool.
I suggest this letter text for hot clients, but I do not recommend copy-pasting. It is best to compose your text based on it. For cold clients, the text should be slightly different.

I want to go straight to the point, tk. I know you're busy. I noticed that you have unfavorable reviews on the first page for Google maps. I would like to offer you my services to improve your image, and I have experience working with restaurants / cafes / hotels (depending on which institution you write to).

You should understand that many, 70% of customers, before making a choice to visit an institution, read reviews and look at ratings on the Internet.
I am sure that if you had a choice, you would like better reviews of your company. I am ready to work with you to partially or completely rid you of negative reviews, increase the number of positive reviews in a large volume and thereby make your establishment the best in the eyes of new visitors / clients.
I can offer services from a simple one-time cleanup to managing your reviews every month.
The associated costs are nothing compared to how much you lose customers and money who change their minds to visit your establishment due to negative reviews.
Thus, we offer our clients services in the form of a subscription within a month, the gradual removal of negative reviews, then filling and interrupting with positive reviews. Or a one-time removal of negative reviews and filling. But more on that later.
As for the prices for services, then everything depends on your greed. I personally pointed to a subscription of 3000 rubles per month. This included removing reviews from Google Maps and a total of 30-50 reviews on 3 sites. And there are dozens of such clients per month.
But when working with foreign clients, I set the price for the same subscription to $ 100, because they are used to paying more for such services.

Filling with positive reviews
Fill with reviews will be for us. We go to the job exchange, for example, seosprint.
But before that, you need to agree with the customer on the details of his business and on what aspects to make a bias. For example, if this is a cafe, then you need to find out about what dishes, what details you can talk about in order to attract customers and what is really the advantage of their establishment.
Reviews should be published in detail, describing some situations, and not in the spirit of "super, class, fly away." Therefore, it is advisable to prepare several dozen templates for each type of establishment and then adapt the text to them according to the wishes of the customer. The best option is to see good reviews from similar establishments.
I assigned this task to the performers from the stock exchange, just in the task I set that it was necessary to describe "such and such" situation based on "such and such" facts. Reviews that do not fit the description do not need to be paid, but any reviews will be useful to us. But such tasks will cost you more, otherwise few people will undertake them. Personally, I paid 10-15 rubles. You can also hire a copywriter for such tasks.
The main thing is not to publish reviews very often, I tend to the figure of 1-2 reviews per day in total on 3 sites, but even this I consider a lot. We agree with the customer in advance about 30-50 detailed reviews per month for different sites. Optimal for one site is 15 reviews per month.

To fill with reviews, the following sites will also go:

Removing negative reviews
Google Maps reviews will be deleted by complaint, spam, or a person concerned.
Just want to warn you that deleting a review on Google is not 100% successful. Sometimes, after 100 complaints, the review remains, and sometimes after 10 complaints, the review disappears. With what this is connected, it was not possible to find out.
Open the reviews, click on the checkbox and select "This post contains ads or spam" or "This post was made by an interested person", but it works better with spam.
Naturally, with one complaint, the review will remain alive and nothing will happen to it. Therefore, we need someone else's hands again. We go to job exchanges and create a job. The essence of the task, as you already understood, is that other participants, from their google accounts, file complaints about the "negative reviews" you need, and in most cases the review will be removed automatically.
You can choose the prices for the task yourself, I usually set it in rubles.
Specify in the task the exact algorithm of action and the fact that the task must be completed from a google account.
Once again, I want to note that the removal of a review requires a different number of complaints, on which it exactly depends, I don't know.

Removing reviews from other sites
Everything is simpler here and there are 2 ways of development:
Bribery of the administrator / moderator of the site. This works most often with forums. We find the contacts of a moderator or administrator and politely ask how much it will cost to delete certain information, i.e., a review. Usually this amount starts from 5,000 rubles and up to infinity. Previously, for example, one of the reviewers' moderators deleted reviews for just 5,000 rubles, but now it is not there.
Next, we announce the price to the customer with our own wrap. Immediately warn the customer that there are no fixed prices for removing reviews from sites other than google. If the site admins refuse to delete the review, you can resort to the second option.
Threat, not of a physical nature, but of a legal one. The most appropriate article that can scare the site administrator is libel. Of course, this is not the site that wrote a review, but it turns out that thanks to the site, this slander spreads and in part they are also responsible. Of course, there is a stick with two ends and it is best to have an experienced person with a legal entity nearby. education, but some fall for such threats. Even more are being conducted when you send them the documents on the claim.
Of course, this is a monotonous occupation, but after getting 10-20 clients on a subscription, you will receive almost passive income, of course these clients will not last forever, but you will not have to work as hard as at the very beginning. There are a lot of clients in this area, because this method is not limited by Russia alone.
If you wish or know the zenka, this business can be automated, at least the collection of information.

About income
I charge the client 3000 for a subscription, it takes about 500-800 rubles for reviews and deletion. You can calculate the net income yourself. To remove reviews from sites other than Google, I put a markup of 20% of the amount that the site / forum will take for deletion.
But I also work with clients from Europe, from whom I charge $ 100 for a subscription, and the costs are exactly the same. Therefore, it is much more profitable to work with Europe, which is what I am focusing on.
Reputation agencies charge 3 times more, so in this area you can be greedy or roll out at low prices.
If you are too lazy, then you can do the usual filling with positive reviews, it's easier. And it takes less time.