Repair earnings


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I present to you a simple scheme for making money. Completely legal, white and fluffy. You will not need a lot of effort, knowledge or time, and the profit will be worthy, from $ 1000 per month with 5 hours of work per week, respectively, with more employment, the profit will be several times greater.

The basis of this theme lies in the relationship between large companies, manufacturers of household appliances and consumers, the role of which we will play. The manufacturer has certain obligations to the consumer, which he does not always comply with, and we will play on this.

To begin with, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with an excerpt from the law on consumer protection, and you will understand what the scheme is based on.

The obligation of the manufacturer to ensure the possibility of repair and maintenance of the goods.

The manufacturer is obliged to ensure that the product can be used during its service life. For this purpose, the manufacturer ensures the repair and maintenance of the goods, as well as the release and delivery to trade and repair organizations in the amount and range of spare parts necessary for repair and maintenance, during the period of production of the goods and after removing it from production during the life of the goods, and in the absence of such a period within ten years from the date of transfer of the goods to the consumer.

If it is impossible to use or repair the goods during the service life, full compensation of the cost is provided.

That is, the manufacturer is obliged to provide spare parts for household appliances during the entire service life of the product , as the law says.

How does everything really happen? Suppose LG updates its TV and monitor lines every year, so every year the factories update parts. Of course, there is an option when they remake the case, and the filling is left, but for us this is not a hindrance. In any case, after 45 years, your TV or monitor becomes obsolete, and it will be extremely problematic to find parts on it.

It is not profitable for the plant itself to produce parts for outdated household appliances that were discontinued 4 years ago. And it is not profitable to store them either, they take up useful space. Only few people know that the manufacturer should be responsible for this with his finances.

This rule applies to any technique that is often updated, but I chose a certain manufacturer for myself , which I now milk like a cow.

Now the very essence, step by step and by example.

1. We are looking for an LG monitor (I chose LG because of its pleasant support, long service life, and quick compensation) The service life of monitors is 7 years. It is necessary to look within this age, it is desirable that he was about 6 years old. The production date is written on the back, where the serial is.

Prices go from $ 10 to $ 30. Ideally with a check, because that is the amount you will be given.
If there is no receipt, then they themselves break through the average price of the product for that period. This monitor has an average price of $ 330 in 2007. A prerequisite is the
presence of a sticker with a readable serial number, and the year / month of production is also written on it.

I usually look for all the equipment on eBay, since there is a large selection there.

2. As soon as the monitor is in our hands, we begin to render it unusable. We break the case parts (cases are removed from production the fastest, they are most inconvenient to store because of their size). It is important to meet the grant so that the monitor is recoverable. It is enough to break a couple of holes in the back and throw out the fragments.

3. Go to the LG website \ support \ warranty and service \ find a service center. What services are not suitable for us, we only need authorized ones. You can also find out by calling the toll-free hotline.

4. We go to the nearest service, we say fix my case, I will pay any money.

Your application is accepted and a request is made to the manufacturer within a week. Actually, the manufacturer does not have these parts, and they call you back within a week and say, they say so and so, there are no details.

5. Don't worry, everything is going according to plan. Come with a sad face and ask them to write an ACT OF NON-REPAIRABILITY. They are obliged to do this in any case, remind.

6. Take the act in your hands, hold it in front of you and call the hotline, describe the situation: the monitor is broken, not repaired, there is an act. You will be transferred to the compensation department, where you will need to provide the deed number, the name and address of the service, the serial number of the product, and your bank account details. EVERYTHING, the job is done, within two or three days you will receive compensation in the amount of about $ 300. Put in 1, we get 10, good arithmetic. This principle can be applied to any technique that changes rapidly, you can start several processes at once, bring 3 monitors, then the profit will be 3 times more, you can bring 3 monitors to one service, three to another, three to the third.