Relationship between carders and mail forwarders


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Citizens of our country often purchase goods in the United States of America. This is not difficult to do and people are completely satisfied with it. The overwhelming majority of such purchases go through mail forwarders. As a rule, with their help, you can save on shipping or get a product that is not always delivered from the United States. It should be noted that making purchases abroad is likely to suffer from scammers. These people realized that it is possible to earn money in this area, even if it is illegal. These scammers are called carders. The essence of the carders' activity is the theft of the victim's bank card details and their subsequent use for their own selfish purposes. There are two types of such intruders. Some buy goods for themselves, while others resell them. They often resell expensive equipment. The goods that carders buy for themselves are expensive clothes or expensive accessories.

You need to understand that all carders' activities are fraudulent. A number of carders prefer to interact with foreign bank card holders. Thus, carders try to minimize risks and not fall into the hands of law enforcement agencies. Most often, cybercriminals try to gain access to bank cards of citizens of the United States. Some scammers even think they are doing a good deed and taking money from the rich. True, the poor are unlikely to distribute them. But today there are frequent cases of theft of money from European citizens. True, it is important to understand that the problem of carding exists not only in Russia. Citizens of other countries are often involved in this type of fraud. There are entire communities of carders, where people share their experience with each other, look for helpers for their activities and unite in groups.

What about mail forwarders?

The mailforwarder is the last defender. Of course, if the package has already been sent, there is a possibility of returning it. Although this is not easy to do. The best solution is to delay the goods in the warehouse. The anti-fraud system is responsible for this. She has many levels. First, there is the software layer. Here the program determines whether the parcel belongs to the carder. Secondly, the work of the warehouse staff. Thanks to their extensive experience, employees can easily understand if something is wrong with the package. Third, the employees in charge of anti-fraud. These people have excellent instincts and do not miss more than 90% of packages for carders. Carders dislike these specialists very much and are even afraid of them. In fact, the work of anti-fraud specialists is very responsible and difficult. But they perform very important and necessary tasks.

If such a specialist begins to understand that the package is suspicious, then he initiates a verification of the account of the person for whom the package is intended. In general, account verification is short-lived and the user may not even notice it. But such checks are carried out quite often. Often, carders use the names of public people whom many know. If the name and surname of the recipient of the parcel coincides with the name of a famous person, then there is a high probability that such an account will be verified. But it also happens that a person simply has the same name and surname as a famous person.

For example, there was a case when a person's name was Philip Kirkorov. A check was carried out and it turned out that this is the real name of the person and he does not even have family ties with the singer.


Of course, mail forwarder is a very responsible position and such employees are simply necessary in our difficult times. Retailers also do not like it when goods come back to them. When goods are returned, store representatives often speak rudely to mail forwarders and try to hurt and offend them. Although mail forwarders are used to this attitude, and they have already developed immunity to such conflicts.

Today mail forwarders are the guardians of law and order. They reveal suspicious messages and create considerable difficulties for carders. For which many buyers of various goods are grateful to them.