Red Rooms - the scary horror of the darknet


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Today I will tell you about the most creepy and controversial Internet legend of our time, which, upon closer examination, may well have real grounds. So, what is interactive with death, and do the red rooms of the Darknet really exist?


You know, at all times, many people loved to tickle their nerves. All kinds of stories about "coffins on wheels" and urban legends in the style of "once I woke up in an ice bath and I didn't have a kidney" have successfully taken their place in modern folklore in many countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the age of information technology, dark legends and horror stories smoothly migrated to the Internet and entwined its least studied and most sinister segment - the Darknet.

The place where people come to kill
Today, a legend has begun to circulate in various social networks that on the "dark Internet" one can not only buy drugs and weapons for bitcoins, but also take part in interactive murder and torture. The so-called "red rooms" are semi-mythical closed sites where users who are willing to pay for a bloody spectacle can not only watch bullying, torture, rape and murder in real time, but also take a direct part in the process, giving to the masked to the executioner of the team via chat. Naturally, not for free. Does such a business really exist? Let's figure it out.

ISIS Red Room
Fortunately, most of the so-called red rooms that can actually be found on the "dark Internet" turn out to be nothing more than a fiction designed to scare gullible users and draw attention to their person.

The most famous such fake was the page with the name "ISIS Red Room", the owners of which claimed that they managed to catch seven members of the same terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation, whom they would publicly kill live on such and such a date at such and such a time. Rumors about this page instantly spread across the English-speaking social networks, and at the "X" hour thousands of viewers pressed themselves against the monitors, wishing to take part in the bloody interactive.

However, the expectations of the “meat” lovers obviously did not come true, because at the appointed time the page simply ceased to exist, and instead of streams of blood, annoyed viewers saw only an error message. Be that as it may, this case clearly demonstrated that in conditions of complete anonymity, thousands of people do not mind watching how another person is hurt.

Cruel onion
If "human" red rooms are still, fortunately, something more mythical than real, then impressionable animal rights activists are now strongly advised not to read the text below. In 2016, the FBI arrested a man named Brent Justice and his accomplice Ashley Nicole Richards, who ran a site called CruelOnion on the Darknet. Young people "took orders" from forum participants, after which they filmed and posted videos of sexual acts, bullying and killing of pets. According to police, Brand Justice, sentenced to 50 years in prison, had a fairly large "client base" and actively earned money on "orders."

Daisy's Destruction


The most creepy and chilling real story about the red rooms is associated with the name of a man (if he can be called that, of course) named Peter Herald Scully. Scully, who recently stood trial in the Philippines on charges of child pornography, kidnapping, human trafficking, rape and murder, amply confirmed that red rooms on the Internet can indeed exist.


Police investigating the case claim that Scully filmed and sold through the network Hurt 2 The Core, whose creator Matthew David Graham was also exposed and sentenced to 35 years for pedophilia, numerous videos of children being tortured and raped in front of a live webcam. The "director" was arrested after a scandalous video entitled "Daisy's Destruction" fell into the hands of the police, in which, according to law enforcement officers, the perpetrator captured the process of torturing and killing an 11-year-old girl. Another 17-year-old victim of a pedophile, whom he forced to participate in his crimes, acted as the executioner.