Recruiting drop (mule) students


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For what?
Why is this necessary?

In this article, I reviewed the approach to finding locations for recruiting drop students. Yes, you can come to any village or city where there is an educational institution, and break through there, but not everything is so simple. First, you need to decide what you want. I described everything in detail there, what are the advantages and disadvantages. So, now let's go directly to our bestiary-directly to the students.

So, what are student drops suitable for?
1) Direct debit processing. I do not know, I have never issued a debit to my friends, and even to left-wing students, BUT we also had anxious passengers hanging around who encouraged us to open cards on them, under the guise of "For refugees from the Donbass" and some other legends, and one particularly frostbitten person offered to do this on a free basis, and therefore was fairly sent to three funny letters. Well, on our forum, they probably would have sent him here earlier, so I'll share my observations on this topic.

Well. Some students asked recruiters reasonable questions: "Well, it's kind of illegal, what if the cards are used for money laundering?"

The main argument of the recruiters was "The cards are not for money laundering. BUT LET'S EVEN ASSUME THAT IT IS FOR LAUNDERING. Well, the card and the card, what's so terrible for you? It's not a credit card, just a debit card. You don't owe anyone anything, and you won't be able to withdraw more money from the card than you already have on it. Even if the cops come to you (purely theoretically) because of money laundering through your card, you will say lost. Just so you know, there are cameras in ATMs, let's even go take a look, I'll show you.

So, if at the time of withdrawing money from the card, the face will not be yours - and in general you will be in a dorm at home, or at school, and the face will be in a neighboring city-what will it be for you?
As a rule, with such moral pressure, even those who do not need the very thing of rubles that was offered for the card, still agreed (as long as the recruiter fucked up, and went to draw up the card.

2) Registration of companies. Honestly, I can't say anything about this topic. I haven't encountered it. It hasn't been offered to anyone else, not to me or anyone I know, and I've never even heard such stories. Here are the hooters with the debit went for a while, then something stopped. But I think this will be quite difficult to pull off. Why? For the simple reason that the student is a creature of the nature.

It's one thing to go to the bank to issue a card with them. I got the card right away and am free. And then catching the same student for weeks to sign papers, travel for tax purposes, etc. will be problematic. Our drops either thumps or works hard(before sessions, and therefore it will be quite difficult to catch and negotiate, and you should not rely on such people.

3) Forwarding packages. Mail drop. Also, I won't say anything special, I haven't encountered it. But according to my estimates, it should work, provided that the legend is correct(I'm a dropshipper, I work with Amazon and Aliexpress, I need addresses here). As a rule, students don't know what duffel carding is(if you don't know either, go here @scamersant), and I don't think they would have smelled any dirty tricks.

4) Credit drops. No, no, and immediately no. The student is a young creature, and not so desperate as to take on loans in the millions. No one will do it, you can just forget it.

5) Document drops. In principle, if you find a desperate student, you can certainly offer "Brother, sell your passport. You go to the police station, report the loss, then as soon as you get a new one, sell me the old one." A dummy under plywood, a student a couple of mowers. I think it might work. Scans and photocopies of their documents are unlikely to be provided.

6) Drops for work. Depends on what you suggest. One student will agree to become an easy, the other will even accept a parcel with glasses. It depends on the student, the situation, the amount offered, and the job offered. Again, it is better to talk to the bad guys who will directly find you a drop. Because such bad guys know everyone, and they will immediately agree on it themselves.

7) Drops for bays. From the MFI, Contact, and so on. In principle, if the student is a bit slow, it will work. Like "Bro, do you want to earn a thousand dollars? My mother sends me money, but I lost my passport. Why don't you use your own data? I'm alone in this city, and I don't even have anyone to turn to.

According to my observations, students don't know much about bays and bays, and most likely, they won't have any special questions. And I myself, even as a student, would not have refused such a thing.

And why? Just come to the bank and get the money, what could be easier? I went in, took it out, gave it back, and got a percentage. But now I know, thanks to the forum how much in roofing material, and now subscribe to this. But ordinary students are not so advanced, and therefore, I think, they will easily agree.

8) Drops for exotics. Registration of cars, real estate, anything so exotic. I don't know about that, I just don't know. You need to look at the situation again. It depends on the student, on the gift of persuasion, on the position of the moon, and so on. A year ago, I myself was offered a loan car loan by a bloke. Or cars from auctions from impound lots, I don't remember. Well, the bottom line is that they pay 30k for making out a car for themselves. But I immediately sent it, because it's all muddy. But I am me, and an ordinary student is an ordinary student.

Search, locations.

So that's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the students. First of all, let's talk about the locations where you can catch them. There are three types of locations : colleges, universities, and dorms. These locations each have their own zest, advantages, and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.

Colleges. Colleges, vocational schools, Technical schools, and other institutions for students who left after the 9th grade of school and entered there.

Dignities. If you are a novice dropovod (owner drop-service), you should go there. Why? I'll explain. The population of college students is yesterday's students. They can easily pass through the ears. Relatively easy. These yesterday's students quite easily get involved in adventures, with a competent approach. Because I repeat, these are yesterday's schoolchildren(14-18 years old), and their brains are still not enough. If you find someone who needs money, consider yourself lucky.

The disadvantages include the age of students, as well as Hinduism. Again, they are yesterday's students. Age does not allow you to register a company for them, well, for example. How to use them is up to you. And yes, the disadvantages can be attributed to the fact that this audience is more sober-minded(due to age), and it is both adventurous and timid. And about indifference - as a rule, most of these students do not think about making money-they are supported by their parents, and they will most likely refuse you an offer to earn extra money.

Let's go further. Universities. Universities, universities, Institutes, and other similar locations. These are places where an older audience hangs out(as a rule, they are already 18 years old and older). I think it will be an average task for a drop-driver.

Dignities: Versatile use of drops. There are adult beings who, in principle, can be defined anywhere-a company, a card, a loan, anything. Also, the advantages include audience loyalty. Simply put, students want money. Parents don't provide much anymore, and there is a lot of money to hang out in a club or bar, and if you offer a student enough money, he drives to the moon and back for a beer.

Disadvantages; Sobriety(not always). As a rule, a person of legal age is already beginning to think about what he is doing. And therefore, driving through the ears will be a little more problematic. This audience knows how to Google and ask uncomfortable questions, and therefore your legend "I need Sberbank cards for refugees from the Donbass" will most likely not work out - they will find you out. So it's better to tell at least some of the truth right away.

Let's go further. Dorms. Dorms, campuses, and other locations where the above-mentioned student lives.
They can be either university or college dorms(sorry for the tautology).

Advantages - in any dorm there are hooters who know how to manage students. Who enjoy authority and respect, are able to draw their comrades into adventures. And if you find such a hooter, and say "Hello, brother, you find me a couple of people to issue cards on them, and I'll roll them back", then they will do everything for you. And they'll find it, and they'll arrange it, and all that sort of thing.

Disadvantages - try to break into the dorm again(as a rule, there are watchmen there), and you will have to turn around on the street or negotiate with the watchman. It is also quite difficult to find such a person, and in general to start a conversation with someone. Dorms are also a beehive where news travels at the speed of the wind. If there is a rumor that "There is an anxious passenger, he needs something, it is better not to contact him", then write it down, you can leave immediately-you will not recruit anyone..

Types of students
It would seem that he knew everything. But not quite like that. We have not yet considered the types of students and their approaches.
Simply put, having studied the types of hostel in which you can find a student, having studied the types and types of applications of students, it would seem that the matter is in the bag. Not exactly. It is not enough to find hostel and apply it to a student. We still need to find the right student, bitch.

Again, I repeat. I'm not a drop driver. I am rather a troublemaker who enjoys authority among students(the student himself. I just know everything and everyone from the inside out. I've never recruited students for drops, but I know THEORETICALLY who they are and what they are doing.

So, today we will not divide students into study profiles(humanities and techies), we will not divide them by gender and religion, and so on. We will divide them into personality types. Namely, the ones that will suit us.

1) Student-collective farmer. As a rule, a student who came to the city to study from somewhere out of the country. It doesn't matter who he's studying for, or where. It's just that it's by itself. The concentration depends on the school or dorm that is attached to the school. He can be a nerd, major or poverty-it doesn't matter. First of all, this is a collective farmer.

How to distinguish it? The easiest way is to ask "Where are you from?". In appearance and habits, it is quite difficult to distinguish. As a rule, collective farmers live in dormitories.

Distinctive features - no special features were identified. As a rule, an ordinary student. Especially naive or stupid, as a rule, does not differ. The only significant difference from a city student is the lack of experience in participating in different schemes. And it is easier to involve such a person in an adventure. You can not even wave money, but offer to participate in a profitable business. The damn Tienshiists have drawn all the collective farmers to their offices.

2) A rogue student. AN IDEAL RECRUITMENT TARGET. I'll explain why. For the simple reason that he needs money. It can be either urban or rural, both nerdy and unpublished. But the distinctive feature is an acute need for money.

How to distinguish it? Easy and simple. We look at the crowd of students. If we see a passenger with a brand-new iPhone, but in worn sneakers or patched jeans-our client. Just look at the degree of wear and tear of clothing. Do not confuse with different punks and rockers who go to school in torn leather jackets for fun.
Distinctive features - if you wave a bundle of bills in front of your nose, it will go down to hell, and it will knock off the horns of the devils. Because it dreams of getting out of poverty, or even wants to leave the show-offs with money.

3) Student-shlimazl. Usually, it's just a loser. They are often nerds. Roughly speaking-just a sucker. The target is no less ideal for recruitment than a rogue student. I'll explain why. For the simple reason that it lends itself well to persuasion.

How to distinguish it? Look at the crowd of students. Unkempt disheveled personalities (yellow-toothed, unkempt, dirty clothes, etc.) who stand out from the crowd in appearance are classic shlimazl. Again, not to be confused with punks and rockers. Their behavior also gives them away.

Distinctive features-if you screw a kui in your ear, you can do anything with them. Our gopniks even squeezed money from such shlimazlovs. Situation. There are two shlimazla kolo uni, smoking. Gopar approaches, and begins to say "Brothers, we have a car stalled here, help out, $ 10 for gasoline is necessary", then the conversation smoothly flowed "What do you want, a trap to share money or something?". So these shlimazly gave $ 10, just to get the GOP to fuck off. I don't think it needs any explanation.

That seems to be all. I told you what I knew. About the other types (majors, subculturists, and others), I think it makes no sense to explain. I just told you about three types of students that can theoretically be used as drops.

Getting in touch
First of all, you need to prepare in advance. To recruit anyone - from a homeless person to a student, from an alcoholic to a schoolboy, it doesn't matter, first of all, you need to make an appropriate impression. As they say, meet on clothes, see off on the mind. You should leave the impression of a very successful friend.

First of all, new clothes, without scuffs. An anxious passenger who approaches in a dubious form will already cause incomprehensible associations, such as "This Vasya himself is dressed in a paita, which is two years old, and offers me 10k to earn. If he had the money, he would buy clothes for himself." This I hope is clear? Just glitz, chic, and luxury. You must give the impression of a good-looking friend who does not count change in stores.

New clothes, shoes(everyone always looks at your shoes), neatness, combed hair. It is important. Accessories also play an equally important role. Belts, watches, phones, and other devices. If you smoke, buy yourself a Zippo lighter. If you light a cigarette with such a lighter in front of a student , it will already be a good +. An iPhone in your hands(or an expensive flagship), beautiful shoes or sneakers. All this should indicate that you are a serious person, and you do not count the last penny.

Is that clear?" Let's go further. First of all, where and how to hook students.

1) Smoking rooms. In any hostel (or rather near any hostel) there are smoking rooms, where students go out for smoke breaks between pairs. If no smoking rooms are found near hostel, take a walk around the surrounding courtyards during recess. Somewhere, students should huddle together in flocks, and smoke a cigarette(especially frostbitten ones also sip beer) Did you find a flock? Fine. We evaluate it from afar(whether there are beggars or shlimazly there).

If there is , we approach, take a cigarette (best of all, if you smoke), and ask for a light. They give us a light up, and then we unobtrusively start a conversation, like " What are you guys studying here? Yes? I work nearby. By the way, since we are communicating here, I have a maza to really cut down the loot." The most important thing is not to immediately approach and recruit. Start a conversation first. If everyone refuses, then ask "Who would agree to such a case, can you tell me?". Maybe they'll give you someone's phone number, or just tell you who to approach.

2) Canteens, buffets, etc. Again, in any hostel there is a place where students eat at the big break. It's even easier here. We go to hostel, and on the first floor we turn around in search of a canteen or buffet. And Prem there. We order our own coffee and wait for the right victim. If such a victim is drawn, and sits down to eat (Well, shlimazl went to eat), then we wait until it eats, and catch it at the exit.

If it's recess and the cafeteria is packed , you can do it even easier. Sit down with someone (brother, all the seats are taken, will I fall here?), and already in the process start a conversation, and lead to recruitment.

3) Parks, alleys, etc. Near any hostel there is a place where students skip couples, drink beer, lick with people of the opposite sex, and so on. As a rule, these are parks nearby. Just go to the park and look for goals. Targets usually carry bags. Well, or especially frostbitten people go with a notebook and pen in their back pocket. You can't go wrong. Just come up, ask lighter (or any plausible excuse), and lead to " Are you a student? Listen, this is the case, you look like a smart person, there's a case here, and I won't hurt you with money."

Bonus recruitment of whips
I explained in detail, and in all colors, that there is a student, which drop from him, how to recruit, and so on.
I repeat once again-I share only my thoughts and reasoning based on personal observations, and not my personal recruitment experience. Well, this applies to students. But about the whips...As for the whips, I've had more experience. I've been recruiting whips for my own topics, and I can say with confidence that I know a lot about whips. Roughly speaking, we can say that I recruited them as drops. So I'll tell you everything I know about them...Well, let's go! This is certainly not a Simcoe dropology for you, but it will also work...

So. Who is FIP? FIP literally stands for "Former Intelligent Person". In my understanding, this is not entirely true. It's more of a marginality. That is, a person who has fallen, without a permanent source of income

There are homeless people, there are alcoholics, there are drug addicts. And there are marginals. Homeless people have no documents, no hut, no income. They are not needed. Therefore, it is useless to go to the garbage dumps. Alcoholics often have a family and a job. They don't really fit us either. Therefore, it is useless to walk on bar. Drug addicts are similar to alcoholics, only they are not so easy to find. And a scourge is a person who, if he works, then at a very low-paid rough job, and even often lives part-time.

First of all, where to find it?
If in a city, look in the areas of railway stations and bus stations. There's a lot of them hanging out. You can tell them apart by their shabby clothes. You can also find it in the markets(hooters that walk in circles in the markets). Also, it is IMPORTANT at the collection points of scrap metal, waste paper, and glass containers.
If in rural areas-look again, at scrap metal collection points, as well as at markets and railway stations.


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We find drops in our country
It all depends on what type of drop we want to find. Let me remind you what they are:
Adjustable - such drops do not understand what they are going for and how it threatens them. Such drops quickly "die", usually one-time or for a short time. But they are cheap.
Semi-divorced - such guys understand half. That is, they know that some kind of dark matter, but they do not realize all the seriousness. Mid for the price and duration of work.
Non-divorced - they realize what they are doing. You can work with them for a long time, but they require a lot of money.

Let's start with the wrench.
It's good to look for such guys among students. They always need money and are more reliable than alcoholics and the like. We advertise on Facebook or paste up paper ones near places where students gather (hostels, etc.) of the following type:
We are representatives of RICH LLC. We are engaged in cargo transportation from foreign countries. Russian (Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc.) customs take high taxes if the parcels arrive more than dollars (there really is such a limit, in different CIS countries there are different amounts). To save money, we are looking for people to receive and send parcels from abroad to our warehouse. We pay 1000 rubles for 1 received parcel (the price can be different, depending on where you live, in Moscow, for example, 1000 may be even small, and in a small town,

That's all) You will definitely find a couple of three in this way.
Also an important rule - do not show your real phone number, your car, your real name and other similar things that can give you away, before the drop, because if he is taken by the ass, he will give you up without hesitation.

As for the adjustable drops:
You can search among the same students, but either we do not give announcements, but we try to make contact directly, or we give an announcement, we meet or communicate with a person, we figure out whether he can agree to this or not, for what money he is ready to do it, whether he can he blabs too much or is not a chatterbox, etc.
How we figured it out and think that it suits us, we explain the essence. We say that the parcels are not the most legal, but we have never detained anyone. We can make a joke about the fact that there are connections in the police, and if anything, we will smear him. When asked why then we ourselves are not doing this, we say that we have already done it and have been several times, once again not an option, but new person is easy. In general, we hang noodles on our ears. Too many drops also do not need to know)

Semi-adjustable drops can be obtained from adjustable drops during operation:
You also explain to them in a nutshell the real essence of their work, but less than irrevocably.
Also, from personal experience, I can say that it is better to have several fixed drops (for fatty rare packs that are very undesirable to lose) and several adjustable drops (for frequent, not very fat packs, which are simply undesirable to lose).