Reasons to Avoid Public Wi-Fi

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The phrase "free Wi-Fi" makes everyone happy. But in reality, you may have big problems. The main problem with public Wi-Fi is the lack of security when it comes to your privacy and data. Public Wi-Fi, as the name suggests, is public and can be accessed by anyone. And now anyone can easily hack you just because you are on the same network with them.

Unauthorized Wi-Fi networks.
You may be tricked into using a malicious Wi-Fi network created by a malicious or black hat hacker. This network may have a very trustworthy name, such as "Free Wi-Fi" or GUEST-WIFI. If you are in a hotel, anyone can call their Wi-Fi guest or free. They may have sniffers and malware that will be sent to your device and compromise your data and your company's data.

Man-in-the-middle attacks.
Man-in-the-middle attacks are much more common than you might think, and because they are passive in nature, they are difficult to detect. We have written an article about how hackers perform man-in-the-middle attack and how to easily perform MITM on an android phone. There are already many articles in the hacker world about how exactly MITM works. Be sure to read them to understand what MITM is if you don't know how they work.

Malware via unsecured Wi-Fi.
Many hackers send malware across the web to create backdoors and steal your data. Hackers have many ways to do this because people do not take the necessary precautions when using Wi-Fi and their devices. Many people do not even buy antivirus software.

Spying and eavesdropping.
This attack is usually used in combination with a man-in-the-middle attack. But this is not necessarily the case. Especially if the victim uses HTTP sites. You don't even need MITM to hack them; they are directly visible to any sniffer on the network.

Many people are unaware of the risks of not using HTTPS sites. Even the hacker world uses HTTPS just to keep their readers safe; there is no login as such for readers, but why take the risk.

Targeting companies.
Many hackers try to hack into companies by gaining access to the company's network through a hacked device. Hackers are always looking for devices that can be easily hacked. If you use public Wi-Fi, you can easily be hacked. Therefore, if you do not want to lose your job due to negligence. I would recommend avoiding public Wi-Fi networks completely.

Malicious attacks via ad hoc networks.
Ad hoc are peer-to-peer networks that allow users to directly connect two or more computers. When a worker whose system has been compromised uses a public Wi-Fi network, their devices will likely be configured to be discovered on new networks, allowing hackers to infect and compromise other computers on the network. This is not the case you want.

Vulnerability of passwords and usernames.
Due to the fact that sensitive information such as your cookies or username passwords is exchanged online, anyone can access it. Do you really want this network to be public?

Advertisements are the most commonly used method of making money. Both legally and illegally. Many hackers install adware and ads on the network that, when clicked, make money for the hacker. Many public Wi-Fi networks are hacked in this way, where the user who registers on the network ends up adding many more ads to the system. If you don't want this, avoid public Wi-Fi.