Question about correctly writing TRACK 1 FOR AMEX and caps on swiping 201 dumps

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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Can anyone give me an example of a correctly written track 1 amex dump -

And also is there a transaction limit when triple dipping then swiping a live dump/card.

For example the last transaction I made on self service in the UK was a soda ($1.60) approved transaction -
Then I immediately bought some lego for $20 approved.
Then on the 3rd attempt the card was dead.

Did I try too many transactions in a short space of time to kill the card? And if I try to spend $300 is it likely to kill the card as it has bypassed the chip and pin?

I'm new to successfully using 101/201 dumps without pin and would appreciate the advice.

Thank you


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For recording Amex tracks, a similar method is used in the same way as for recording Visa or MasterCard dumps.
This method has no significant differences and disagreements.

Basic conditions for the correct recording of card dumps:
1. The validity of the dump data. You can check in autochecker beforehand.
2. Lack of regional blocking. With regional blocking, it will be possible to use the card only in the country of the issuing bank.
3. Correctness of using EMV software for card recording
4. Ability to write data on a blank magnetic stripe card. The magnetic strip must be free of abrasions, scratches and microchips, that is, it must not have any damage.
5. The operability of the installed card recorder - MSR.

When recording dumps without a pin, you must determine the limit in your country for which payment by card is available without entering a pin code.
You should be aware that if the cardholder has a notification about the transaction via SMS or he writes off the withdrawal in the personal account of the bank or banking applications, then he may block the card and further use of this dump is not possible.
A card with recorded data can live indefinitely and it does not depend on the number of transactions. That is, the card can be blocked by the owner after 1 transaction or will work until the balance and credit limit are available on it.
The amount in this case does not matter, the card can be blocked after $ 1 is debited and will continue to work after $ 1000 is debited.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following limits and features of transaction processing by the payment system and / or bank:
1. The maximum possible transaction limit in case of using a card dump in another country.
2. The maximum possible daily or monthly limit for transactions of cards of another country in the pos-terminal.

When making a payment in one pos-terminal, it is advisable to do it in equal amounts not exceeding the value by 10-20%. Try to make more than 3 transactions in 1 day on 1 pos-term. The time limit between transactions should be 10-20 minutes - the longer the time interval, the better.
It is advisable to pay by card in different pos-terminals, but no more than 5-10 transactions in 1 day. Payment in different pos-terminals should take from 20-30 minutes.
It is also not recommended to dramatically increase the amount of transactions, it should be moderate. This circumstance depends on the type of card (business, infinity, corporate, elite). For premium types of cards, purchases for larger amounts are possible than for standard and classic ones.
There are many nuances and features that must be taken into account when working with dumps.
It is recommended that you first study the policy of payment gateways in the country in which you plan to make purchases.

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