Qrator Labs: 42% of cyber attacks occur in the financial sector – their duration is growing


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A new report from the company shows attack trends in 2023 and the record attack time.

Qrator Labs released a report on DDoS attacks for the third quarter of 2023, according to which the financial sector was the most vulnerable, becoming the target of 42.06% of all recorded attacks. In second and third place were the e-commerce sector (29.80% of attacks) and the IT sector with telecommunications (6.05%). Educational technology and the media industry also made the list, taking fourth and fifth places, respectively.

During the first nine months of 2023, banks were the most frequent targets of attacks, accounting for 27.74% of all cases. They are followed by electronic message boards and online education with 16.16% and 9.5% of all attacks, respectively.

The duration of DDoS attacks increased in the third quarter, with the average attack duration reaching 66 minutes, which is 19 minutes more than in the previous quarter. August was marked by a record-breaking attack on transport and logistics for the year, lasting more than 71 hours, with signs of a custom attack. In September, the attack on the public catering sector lasted more than 22 hours and was among the five most intense, with a maximum capacity of over 100 Gbit / s.

To bypass the blockages, the attackers began using IP addresses close to the victims ' region, which led to an increase in the number of blocked addresses by more than 116%, from 18.5 million to 40.15 million. Most of the blocked addresses are located in Russia, the United States, and China.