Python: Your ticket to the AI world


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Why now is the perfect time to enter the world of artificial intelligence.

The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is constantly on the agenda, attracting the attention of scientists, experts and the general public. Despite discussions about the potential risks associated with the development of these cutting-edge technologies, the prospects for global AI-based innovation are truly limitless. The world, it seems, can no longer deviate from the path of rapid progress in this area, which opens up all new horizons and changes our view of the possible. The widespread adoption of solutions with elements of artificial intelligence looks like an inevitable trend in the near future.

PwC predicts that AI alone will contribute $ 15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Given that well-known projects like ChatGPT are only part of the AI ecosystem, career opportunities in this area also seem limitless. According World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs 2023, AI and machine learning specialists will be the most sought-after in the labor market.

AI technology is increasingly being used in various fields, not just among experts. According to the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, 70% of professional developers already use or plan to use AI tools in their work.

The basis for creating AI is programming. One of the main programming languages in this area is Python, due to its dynamism and ease of use. Python stands out for its simplicity, readability, and extensive library, especially for generative AI projects, notes Ratinder Paul Singh Ahuja, CTO and vice president of Pure Storage.

Rakesh Anigundi, head of Ryzen AI product at AMD, calls Python a "must-have" language that you can't do without in the field of AI. LinkedIn even ranks Python as the second most sought-after engineering skill in the US, behind only "engineering"itself.

Especially important are skills in the key programming languages used in AI development-Python, Java, and SQL - which are among the top five most sought-after technical skills, writes LinkedIn's head of data and AI, Ya Xiu.

How do I learn AI programming languages?
It is important to understand that the languages that are relevant today may not be the same tomorrow, and they may not be used in your company. However, knowing the basics of Python can be an asset to you. There are many ways to learn these skills, including online Python courses or specialized training programs. Python is also taught in computer science and data science courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Anigundi also notes the importance of being able to effectively set up working programming environments and know the necessary packages to work with specific AI models. Knowledge of mathematics, such as statistics and regression analysis, will also be useful.

Specialization in a particular subdomain, such as natural language processing, computer vision, or robotics, can be a promising area. It is also important to pay attention to ethics and understanding the real consequences of using AI.

With AI technology evolving so fast, soft skills may be even more important than technical skills. Among critical skills, Ahuja highlights:
  • Problem solving and critical thinking
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Effective communication
  • Adaptability and commitment
  • Ethical judgment

First of all, demonstrating your passion and desire to learn from real-world experience can help you stand out from the competition.

"If you're at the beginning of your career-choosing a project, implementing it, demonstrating value, sharing experiences, and writing articles-that's what makes an impression," says Anigundi.