Purity costs $ 49 million: Clorox calculates losses after August cyberattack


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A stain on the budget of the manufacturer of household chemicals was left by ransomware from Scattered Spider.

Clorox, an American manufacturer of household chemicals and professional cleaning products, was hit by a ransomware attack in the summer that led to major supply disruptions and order processing delays.

The incident occurred on August 11, 2023. In reports provided to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Clorox disclosed that by the end of 2023, the costs associated with the elimination of consequences amounted to $ 49 million. These funds were spent mainly on attracting third-party specialists — IT experts in system recovery, criminologists, lawyers and other consultants who helped investigate the case.

Although the recovery process is still ongoing, Clorox management has assured that it is working to resolve the issue and expects that costs will gradually decrease.

"Our results in the second quarter demonstrate the effectiveness of our recovery plan after the August incident," Linda Rendle, chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Clorox, commented in a Form 8-K report.

"We are replenishing inventory for retailers ahead of schedule, which will allow us to resume trading and restore the distribution system. Although there is still a lot of work to be done, we are focused on performing our duties flawlessly in this challenging environment to ensure the company's revenue and profitability grow."

According to unconfirmed information, the attack could have been carried out by the hacker group Scattered Spider, known for hacking large companies using social engineering methods. Previously, she attacked such giants as MGM, Caesars and Reddit. It is known that Scattered Spider cooperates with the BlackCat group.

Clorox is also a fairly large player. The company has 8,700 employees, and its annual revenue for 2023 was almost $ 7.5 billion.