Psychological types of carders


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It is impossible to understand any human behavior, including carder behavior, without deep penetration into his psychology, without knowledge of the psychological mechanisms and motives of socio-psychological phenomena and processes.

Why was the carding committed by this person, why did this person commit this particular carding? To answer these questions, it is necessary to clarify the system of personality traits that prompted her to commit a carding.
Studying the personality of carders is impossible without identifying the types of groups of carders with their characteristic features.

There are several typological schemes for the personality of a carder. Let's look at some of them. Based on the antisocial orientation of behavior, the typology is based on the individual’s attitude to various social values 1.
A negative and disdainful attitude towards the human person, its most important benefits (life, health, bodily integrity, honor, dignity, tranquility, etc.). This attitude underlies deliberate aggressive and violent carding - murder, bodily harm, rape, insults, etc., as well as most cases of hooliganism.
Selfish-private property tendencies associated with ignoring the principle of distribution of material goods according to labor, the rights of state, public property and personal property of citizens are the basis for theft, theft, fraud, bribery, smuggling, etc.
An individualistic and disdainful attitude towards various social institutions, institutions and regulations, towards general civil, official, family and other responsibilities predetermines the commission of a number of economic carding, carding against the order of government, justice, military and other carding.
A frivolous, irresponsible and careless attitude towards established social values and one’s responsibilities is manifested in various careless carding.
Based on the depth and persistence of the antisocial orientation and the underlying value orientations, the following types of carders are distinguished:
“Accidental” - a person who has committed a carding for the first time, which contradicts the general socially positive orientation characterized by all previous moral behavior.
“Criminogenic” - characterized by the following features: 1) formed in conditions of intense illegal and immoral behavior of others (family, comrades, acquaintances); 2) in the past he systematically committed immoral offenses and various types of offenses, which continued to be repeated even after the adoption of legal measures; 3) disconnected from the value-normative system of society; 4) is accustomed to a negative assessment of his behavior, uses socio-psychological mechanisms of self-defense; 5) is active in the situation of committing a carding and, as a rule, commits a carding without sufficiently justified external reasons 2.
Within the framework of the type of criminogenic personality, subtypes are distinguished: sequential-criminogenic, situational-criminogenic, situational.

The consistently carder subtype is formed in a microenvironment where moral and legal norms are systematically violated; carding naturally follows from the habitual style of behavior and lifestyle and is determined by persistent antisocial views and attitudes of the person. The situation of carding is actively created by such persons.

The situational criminogenic subtype is characterized by violation of moral norms and the commission of offenses, improper fulfillment of the requirements of social roles; is formed and operates in a contradictory microenvironment; the carding is caused mainly by an unfavorable situation (being in a carder group, conflicts with other persons, etc.). Such a person is led to commit a carding by the microenvironment and the entire previous way of life, the natural development of which is the situation of the carding.

The situational subtype is characterized by the fact that immoral elements are expressed insignificantly; more significant are the defects in the mechanism of interaction between the microenvironment and the individual in a difficult situation, including as a result of the individual’s unpreparedness for it. A carding is committed by a given person under the decisive influence of a situation that arises through no fault of his own, is to a certain extent unusual for him and in which established norms of behavior are violated by other persons. At the same time, such a person (unlike a random carder) can justify in these cases (situations) his own and others’ unlawful, even carder behavior; often he does not know the legal ways to resolve conflicts 3.

According to the degree of social danger of an individual and his carder activity, the following types of carders are distinguished:

“Particularly dangerous” (“actively antisocial”) are recidivists with multiple convictions, whose persistent carder behavior is in the nature of active opposition to society and its values. This includes, first of all, carders who systematically commit thefts, robberies, robberies, hooliganism and serious carding against the person. There are also professional carders among them, for whom carding is the main source of their livelihood (pickpockets and house thieves). They themselves actively create situations favorable for committing carding.

This includes large property thefts, large bribe takers who commit such carding for a long time.

“Desocialized dangerous” (“passive asocial”) are declassed persons who have fallen out of the system of normal communication and have been leading a parasitic, homeless lifestyle for a long time. Such persons are engaged in vagrancy and begging. These are parasites, repeatedly convicted, alcoholics. They commit various carding, mostly petty thefts, to support their livelihood and especially to purchase alcoholic beverages. Unlike “especially dangerous” carders, these persons are mostly passive: they do not create carder situations themselves, but use those that arise outside of their participation. Stable in their carder behavior.

“Unstable” are persons characterized by partial carder contamination and who commit carding not due to persistent antisocial attitudes, but due to their lifestyle, which is on the verge of socially acceptable and antisocial. Persons of this type commit, mostly when drunk, petty thefts and thefts, hooliganism, and, less often, robberies, robberies, and some violent carding. With a significant change in life circumstances for the better and effective educational influence, they can refrain from illegal actions.

“Situational” - persons whose behavior does not pose a significant public danger. They commit carding due to the fact that, due to their psychological characteristics, they become severely dependent on the situation and cannot find a socially acceptable way to resolve it. Such persons, under difficult financial circumstances, often commit violent carding, as well as mercenary carding 4.

The considered typologies, like others existing in criminology, are conditional. Not every carder can definitely be classified as one type or another. There are also representatives of mixed intermediate groups.

Moreover, all typologies are primarily descriptive rather than explanatory. Meanwhile, every science, as is known, strives for an explanatory level of knowledge of the phenomenon or object being studied.

An explanatory level of knowledge in revealing the causes of carder behavior of certain types of carders is possible by identifying the subjective, internal reasons for committing carding.

Such internal causes of human behavior, including carder behavior, are motives. It is the motive that reflects the reason for which actions are taken, what their personal meaning is for a person. The motive materializes a person’s needs; it is formed under the influence of drives, emotions, and attitudes.

The motives themselves are neutral, that is, it is believed that there are no carder motives, there are carder means of their implementation. The exception, perhaps, is motives that are aimed at fulfilling the physiological need for alcohol or drugs.

More promising, therefore, is the typology of carders, which is based on the motives of their carder actions. There have already been separate attempts to create such a typology. Thus, among persons who commit violent carding, according to motivational criteria, subjects are distinguished who are characterized by motives of jealousy, motives of revenge, associated with the need for self-affirmation in the family, in the absence of long-term hostile relations between them and the victims.

Worthy of attention is essentially the first attempt in carder psychology to create psychological types of carders based on motivational criteria 5.

Among selfish carders, the authors identify the following types:

The “affirming” (“self-affirming”) type , for which the meaning of carder behavior is to assert oneself at the social, socio-psychological or individual levels. Naturally, there is also a selfish motive here, which acts as an accompanying, in many cases equivalent. That is, there is polymotive behavior here.

Possession and disposal of stolen property is a means of establishing identity. This is especially evident in the carder actions of young people, when they take possession of prestigious things in this way.

The assertion motive at the socio-psychological level occurs when a teenager commits theft or robbery in order to be accepted into the informal asocial group that is his reference group.

“Disadaptive” (or “asocial”) type, which is characterized by a violation of social adaptation, i.e., adaptability to microenvironmental conditions. These carders lead antisocial, often homeless lifestyles, many of them are tramps and alcoholics. Many of them had previous convictions and do not have a permanent place of residence, registration or documents. They usually do not work anywhere, have no family, friends, or relatives. Most of them are indifferent to their fate.

Such maladaptive behavior is based on complete personal uncertainty and psychological alienation (rejection). Since in such cases emotional ties (attachments) with people, with the group and with the social environment in general are severed, behavior is motivated by an unconscious desire to avoid identification (assimilation) with other individuals or the group. Therefore, the social contacts of maladaptive individuals are superficial. If they get a job, they don’t stay there for long; they try to get rid of any obligations and avoid any social responsibility. In a word, they strive to live, as it were, outside society, outside social activity.

For the most part, maladaptive individuals do not have legal sources of livelihood - they are provided by theft and other property carding.

The “alcoholic” type is very close to the “maladaptive” type, but not identical to it. The criterion for identifying this type is the motive for committing mercenary carding - obtaining funds to purchase alcohol. Most representatives are chronic alcoholics. They are distinguished by profound personal changes - personality degradation according to the alcoholic type, since alcohol becomes the meaning-forming motive of their behavior, the measure of all values. As dependence on alcohol increases, this motive becomes dominant in the personality structure, displacing all other motives into the background. Subsequently, socially positive needs fade away and are reduced. Family, work - these become secondary.

The sphere of communication is also changing, especially the circle of closest friends. Persons with whom communication is not accompanied by alcohol consumption fade into the background, and then are completely “forgotten.” New “friends” come to the forefront of communication—drinking buddies who are always ready to support the company and obtain funds for alcohol by any means, including carder ones. All this aggravates a person’s isolation from the normal social environment and increases his maladjustment.

Persons of the alcoholic type most often commit petty thefts and petty thefts at work to satisfy the need for alcoholic beverages. They commit carding in primitive ways, usually they are not prepared in advance, no measures are taken to destroy traces, and the stolen property is most often immediately sold.

The “game” personality type of selfish carders is quite complex from a psychological point of view. A representative of this type can be called Shura Balaganov from “The Golden Calf” by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.

This type is characterized by a constant need for risk, hence the search for thrills associated with danger, the desire to participate in risky operations, etc.

The behavior of such persons is polymotive: selfish motives act along with “game” ones, since for them both material benefits as a result of committing a carding and the emotional experiences that are experienced in the process of committing a carding are equally significant.

The “family” type of selfish carders is characterized by the enormous, dominant role of the family in motivating carder actions. Usually this type is found among embezzlers and bribe-takers and extremely rarely among thieves. Such a person commits thefts not so much for himself, but for the material provision of close and dear family members. Many such self-serving carders at work are characterized positively.

“Family” motivation is quite common among women who steal property entrusted to them for the sake of their children, husband, and often for male acquaintances.

The listed types are also found among other categories of carders. Thus, among murderers there are often “self-affirming” ones. In order to establish oneself in the eyes of others and to assert oneself, many rapes are committed, especially by teenagers.

Representatives of the “game” type of carders are most often found among robbers, brigands, hooligans and persons who commit rape. Among the latter, these are persons of the so-called passive play type, passive because the game (flirting) is started by women and, with their ambiguous behavior, provoke men to overcome their, as the perpetrators later claim, imaginary resistance.

Among rapists, there is another type - the so-called “rejected”, which is not found among other carders. Individuals of this type are characterized by defects in the sphere of interpersonal communication. Due to dementia, retardation, or the presence of any physical defects, they are rejected and despised by women. In addition, mental retardation prevents them from mastering the moral norms governing communication between the sexes. Deprived of the opportunity to satisfy sexual needs in a socially acceptable way, they resort to violence 6.

It is not yet possible to create an exhaustive classification of psychological types applicable to all carders.


1. See: Criminology. M., 1988. P. 100.
2. See: Criminology / Ed. A. I. Dolgovoy . M., 1997. P. 303.
3. See: Criminology / Ed. A. I. Dolgovoy. M., 1997. pp. 304-305.
4. See: Antonyan Yu. M., Enikeev M. I., Eminov V. E. Psychology of a criminal and crime investigation. M., 1966. S. 21-22.
5. See: Antonyan Yu. M., Enikeev M. I., Eminov V. E. Decree. op.; Antonyan Yu. M., Golubev V. P., Kudryakov Yu. N. Personality of a selfish criminal. Tomsk, 1989.
6. See: Antonyan Yu. M., Enikeev M. I., Eminov V. E. Decree. op. pp. 24-28
