Psychological portrait of a carder's personality. Why is he interesting?


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In modern society, the most common crime in the total volume of crime is carding. In the structure of this type of crime, carding of citizens property quantitatively predominates (a third of them are apartments).

Over the past two decades, there have been persistent negative trends in the increase in the number of crimes under consideration.

The personality of a carder is a set of typological qualities of an individual that determined the criminal act of a certain type committed by him. It is impossible to understand any behavior, including criminal behavior, without true knowledge of personality psychology, psychological mechanisms and motives, socio-psychological phenomena and processes, and often psychiatric

The direct object of the carding will be those specific property relations that have been violated. Since the causes of criminal behavior lie in the personality of the carder, in order to understand them, it is necessary to study this personality, to identify those social phenomena and processes external to it that have shaped its criminogenic traits.

Carders who commit carding have a number of common characteristics. The incentive mechanisms of all selfish criminals have a common basis - the stability of selfish motives. This explains the high level of repetition and special recidivism in this type of crime.

The need to assess various mental processes, properties or states precisely from the standpoint of law gives rise to a whole series of questions that are not characteristic of any other branch of psychology except legal, and, therefore, constitute its specific content, for example: “the ability to fully understand the meaning of one’s actions”, the question of whether certain character and personality traits could contribute to the commission of illegal actions, etc.

Psychological portrait of a carder's personality. Why is he interesting? The nature of carding can be explained by several factors.
  • And above all, this is the desire to satisfy your needs. The basis of any carder activity (including carding) is unmet carder needs.
  • Material need (from the point of view of ethology - a biological science that studies the behavior of animals in natural conditions, it can be designated as a complex of reactions of the self-preservation instinct) is a very strong, stable and painful causative agent of carder activity.
Usually a carder satisfies his needs by obtaining everything he needs. The fact that carding is a natural (from the point of view of psychological mechanisms, and not law or morality) tendency in carder behavior is clearly demonstrated by the behavior of young children.
  • A child acts naturally, in accordance with his desires, when he takes someone else’s toy and hides it. For him, this is a spontaneous action - just take it and use it, especially if he doesn’t have such a toy. Carding as aggressive behavior.
  • The second aspect of the psychological genesis of carding, no less significant than that discussed above, is carder aggressiveness. After all, at its core, carding is hidden, indirect aggression. If a child does not realize that he is harming the owner by taking (i.e., stealing) someone else’s toy without permission, then an adult, as a rule, is well aware of this.
Appropriating with the help of violence, causing damage, many carders experience pleasure from carding - as from the victory of success as such. The desire to hoard.
  • There is a third element of the root cause of carding - the desire to collect.
In the animal world, there are many examples of such behavior, when animals collect supplies that significantly exceed their needs, that is, they stock up for future use. In the ethological literature one can find an indication that the genetic basis of hoarding psychology (including at the expense of others) lies in the collecting instinct that we inherited from our ancient ancestors.
To a certain extent, we can agree with this. At least in relation to the passion of many carders for collecting or in relation to the tendency of some to make reserves for a rainy day for any reason and for no reason.

Of course, carding and collecting are not identical concepts. The second is a civilized form of hoarding. But the connection between these phenomena from the point of view of the evolution of behavior is unconditional.

Very often, the root cause of carding can also be identified as a definite traumatic brain injury. Intrauterine, intracranial birth injuries, postpartum, etc. The fact is clear that, in addition to psychological characteristics, carding must also be considered as a phenomenon in the system of social relations.

Corruption, permissiveness, weakness of the judiciary, imperfect laws, omissions in the education system and other negative social factors will undoubtedly produce carding as a social phenomenon.
