Psychological characteristics (traits) of the carder’s personality


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Psychological characteristics of a person are understood as a relatively stable set of individual qualities that determine typical forms of behavior.

The results of empirical studies of the personality of carders in comparison with law-abiding citizens, obtained over the past two decades, indicate the presence of some distinctive features in the personality structure.

Noteworthy is the study of the value-normative system, which revealed significant differences between carders and law-abiding citizens in the level of development of legal consciousness, in relation to various legal institutions of society.

Thus, maximum solidarity with the carder law and the practice of its application is expressed among law-abiding citizens and to a much lesser extent among carders, although their legal awareness is approximately the same, and partly (knowledge of the articles of the carder Code) has an inverse relationship.

The degree to which carders assimilate legal values and norms as “their own” is significantly lower than that of law-abiding citizens. The main motivation that deters carders from further illegal actions is the fear of undesirable consequences, and not agreement with established norms and rules for their observance, as is typical for law-abiding citizens.

Significant differences in the assessment of law enforcement agencies and their activities among the surveyed groups were revealed. carders assess punitive practices as excessively harsh, especially for those types of carding for which they themselves have been convicted, and are wary and distrustful of the justice system, which is not typical for the vast majority of law-abiding citizens. Selfish carders are the most skeptical of law enforcement agencies, and selfish and violent carders are the most negative and hostile 1.

Studying the specifics of the value-normative system of a carder’s personality is still not enough to reveal his psychological essence and, accordingly, identify the causes of carder behavior. That is why a significant contribution to the development of carder psychology is the attempt made under the leadership of Yu. M. Antonyan to study the psychological characteristics (traits) of carders and their individual categories 2. A group of people who committed ordinary carding was studied, i.e. murder, rape, hooliganism, theft, burglary, robbery, theft of property, as well as those who caused grievous bodily harm. The control group consisted of law-abiding citizens. The selected groups were studied using the Multidimensional Personality Inventory (MMPI), which is an adapted version of the Minnesota Multifactor Personality Inventory (MMPI).

It has been established that carders differ from non-carders at the statistical level in very significant psychological characteristics, which determine their illegal behavior. “In other words,” notes Yu. M. Antonyan, “the concept of the personality of a carder can be filled with this psychological content. Since these psychological traits are involved in the formation of the moral character of an individual, there is reason to assert that carders from non-carders generally differ in moral and legal specifics" 3.

The results of the study make it possible to give a psychological portrait of the examined carders and identify their characteristic personality traits.

First of all, carders are distinguished by poor social adjustment and general dissatisfaction with their position in society. They exhibit such a trait as impulsiveness, which manifests itself in reduced self-control of their behavior, rash actions, emotional immaturity, and infantilism.

Moral and legal norms do not have a significant impact on their behavior. Such people usually either do not understand what society requires of them, or they understand, but do not want to fulfill these requirements. Since such individuals have impaired or deformed normative control, they evaluate the social situation not from the standpoint of moral and legal requirements, but based on personal experiences, grievances, and desires. In a word, they are characterized by a persistent violation of social adaptation.

They are also characterized by disturbances in the sphere of communication: the inability to establish contacts with others, the inability to take the point of view of another, to look at oneself from the outside. This, in turn, reduces the possibility of adequate orientation and produces the emergence of affectively rich ideas associated with the idea of hostility on the part of surrounding people and society as a whole. Everything taken together forms such traits as self-absorption, isolation, isolation, on the one hand, and aggressiveness, suspicion, on the other. As a result, a correct assessment of the situation becomes even more difficult, since behavior is controlled by affective attitudes, and the actions of others are considered dangerous, threatening the individual, which leads to illegal ways out of the current situation 4.

The considered psychological traits are not equally inherent in different categories of carders. The most peculiar among them are robbers.

Unlike other carders, robbers are more adaptable, that is, more adapted to various social situations and their changes. They are better versed in social norms and requirements, more restrained, and can control their behavior well. They are also more sociable and, as a rule, do not experience difficulties in establishing social contacts; many are characterized by status needs - the desire for leadership and recognition. They are characterized by the least mental tension and a relatively high level of internalization of social norms.

Selfishly violent carders form a homogeneous group with pronounced psychological traits. They are characterized by impulsive behavior, disregard for social norms, and aggressiveness. They are characterized by the lowest intellectual and volitional control. They are characterized by increased hostility towards the environment, and their carder acts act as a constant line of behavior. They have difficulty mastering moral and legal norms. Infantile traits, manifested in a tendency to directly satisfy emerging desires and needs, are combined with a violation of the general normative regulation of behavior, uncontrollability and suddenness of actions. They are also distinguished by significant alienation from the social environment, due to which their ability to adequately assess the situation, general rigidity and persistence of affect are reduced.

Thieves are similar to selfishly violent carders, but their psychological characteristics are much less pronounced. They are more socially adapted, less impulsive, and have less rigidity and persistence of affect. Thieves have the most flexible behavior and have a relatively low level of anxiety. They are the most sociable, with well-developed communication skills and are more eager to establish interpersonal contacts. Their aggressiveness is much lower, and they are more able to control their behavior. They are less likely to self-blame for previously committed antisocial actions.

The psychological profile of rapists is characterized by such traits as a tendency to dominate and overcome obstacles. They have the lowest sensitivity in interpersonal contacts (callousness) and the least pronounced tendency to introspection and the ability to put themselves in the place of another. Intellectual control of behavior is as low as that of selfishly violent carders. They are characterized by a deliberate demonstration of a male model of behavior, as evidenced by the nature of the carding they committed (rape), in which sexual motives are expressed to a lesser extent, and to a greater extent - assertion of oneself in a male role. They are also characterized by impulsiveness, rigidity, social alienation, and adaptation disorders.

To a large extent, the traits common to all carders are expressed in murderers. At the same time, they have pronounced homogeneous personal properties.

Killers are most often impulsive people with high anxiety and strong emotional excitability, who primarily concentrate on their own experiences, and in their behavior are guided only by their own interests. They have no idea of the value of another person's life, the slightest empathy. They are unstable in their social connections and relationships, prone to conflicts with others. What distinguishes murderers from other carders is emotional instability, highly reactive behavior, and exceptional subjectivity (bias) in the perception and assessment of what is happening. They are internally disorganized, their high anxiety gives rise to such traits as suspicion, suspiciousness, vindictiveness, which in most cases are combined with anxiety, tension, and irritability.

“The environment,” notes Yu. M. Antonyan, “is perceived by killers as hostile. In this regard, it is difficult for them to correctly assess the situation, and this assessment easily changes under the influence of affect. Increased sensitivity to elements of interpersonal interaction leads to the fact that the individual easily gets irritated by any social contacts that are perceived as a threat to him" 5.

Such people have rigid (inert) ideas that are difficult to change. All difficulties and troubles that they encounter in life are considered by them as the result of someone’s hostile actions. They blame others for their failures, thereby relieving themselves of the burden of responsibility.

Killers are most sensitive to the sphere of personal honor; they have painful pride combined with inflated (inadequate) self-esteem. The constant affective experience that those less worthy have significantly more benefits than them causes a desire to protect their rights, and they can play the role of “fighters for justice.” Therefore, they can commit a “just” murder not only during robberies, when values are seemingly redistributed, but also out of revenge or jealousy, when personal honor is supposedly defended, and even when committing hooligan acts.

Killers are characterized by emotional disturbances, psychological and social alienation, difficulties in establishing contacts, isolation and unsociability. These individuals also experience difficulties in mastering moral and legal norms. Most often, they commit carding against a particular person or situation due to accumulated affect, without seeing (or not wanting to see) another way to resolve the conflict.

Killers tend to endow other people (through the mechanism of projection) with traits and motivations characteristic of themselves, namely: aggressiveness, hostility, vindictiveness. This leads to the fact that they begin to perceive those around them as hostile and aggressive. Because of this, when committing an act of violence, the killer believes that he is thereby protecting his life, his honor, as well as the interests of other people. Thus, these individuals are distinguished not only by high sensitivity in interpersonal relationships, but also by their distorted assessment. Violent actions on their part usually occur according to the “short circuit” principle, when even a minor reason immediately causes destructive acts 6.

Of particular interest, including for legal scholars, criminologists, criminologists and psychologists, are the psychological characteristics of 107 individuals, each of whom committed several intentional murders and is now serving a life sentence in a special regime colony in the Vologda region.

Who are they? Only three of them are under 25 years old, 101 people are aged from 26 to 55 years old, three are aged from 56 to 60 years old, and not a single one is over 60 years old.

30 people are serving a carder sentence for the first time, 25 people for the second time, 22 for the third time, 20 for the fourth, 11 for the fifth, 8 for the sixth, none for the seventh, and 1 for the eighth. Thus, the vast majority are not committing a carding for the first time, and 62 people were prosecuted at least three times. 23 carders were recognized by the court as especially dangerous repeat offenders, with an average of 2-3 corpses per convicted person. Of the 107 people, only two were sentenced to death not for murder, but for banditry, only 13 - “only” for murder with extreme cruelty, and several people - for murder in combination with rape, theft, hooliganism and other dangerous carding. A large group was convicted under five, six, seven and eight articles of the carder Code at once.

The average psychological portrait of these individuals is as follows: age 35-37 years, previously convicted once or twice, including for a violent carding, a tendency to abuse alcohol, to impulsive manifestations of aggressiveness and conflict, convicted of premeditated murder, often with extreme cruelty . By nature he is closed, autistic (self-absorbed), pessimistic, has difficulties in communication and adaptation, the feeling of guilt is exaggerated, sensitive, irritable, prone to affective reactions, suspicious, anxious, closed to the sensory perception of reality, with a low, often depressed background mood . General aggressiveness is generally reduced, but with an innate tendency towards verbal aggression, the level of eroticism is overestimated, the level of intelligence is below average, mental activity is reduced, logical thinking is often blocked by affective experiences. Shyness, self-doubt are revealed, low self-esteem is combined with an overestimation of personal suffering in order to avoid or reduce responsibility for what has been done.

Tends to neglect moral and legal norms, focused primarily on obtaining personal gain. Internally undisciplined, behavior is often motivated by random desires, individualist, neglects collective interests. The level of self-control is reduced, strives to adapt to the conditions of particularly strict imprisonment. The need for constant restraint and self-control often causes anxious, neurotic reactions 7.

A psychological examination conducted by the colony's staff psychologist V.V. Popov showed that almost all convicts are characterized by the presence of severe psychological trauma caused by the carding committed, the arrest, the imposition of a death sentence, the expectation of whether the execution will be carried out or not; long, in some cases even up to five years, stay on death row.

The most difficult experiences for those serving a life sentence are caused by the following circumstances:
— feeling of guilt before the victims and their relatives - 32.8%;
— feeling of guilt before oneself and one’s family — 37.2%;
— lack of communication with relatives, severance of relations with them - 56.3%;
— loss of freedom — 46.9%;
— experience of personal failure, the inability to change anything in their situation - 42.2%;
— restriction of communication with other convicts - 17.2%;
— lack of prospects for release - 59.4%;
— change in the usual way of life, monotony of life in the colony - 43.8%.

Recently, the country has seen a noticeable increase in contract killings. According to Yu. M. Antonyan, 150-200 hired murders are committed in Russia annually, according to other researchers (A. G. Korchagin, V. A. Nomokonov, V. I. Shulga), - 500-600. They kill bankers, businessmen, industrialists, competitors of organized carder groups, and less often, journalists and political opponents. They kill to intimidate others, to intimidate competitors, for intractability, deception and deception, in carder groups - for betrayal and cooperation with law enforcement agencies.

A fairly significant number (sometimes they say an army) of individuals (killers) have appeared who have made murder for hire their profession, a source of receiving substantial monetary rewards (mainly in foreign currency). They pose an exceptional danger to society due to the fact that they rarely face carder penalties. Often the daring murders they committed are presented by the media as a sensation. As a result, the killers appear in an attractive aura of “heroes” for young readers, elusive and undaunted.

What are killers?
“Harried killers,” writes Yu. M. Antonyan, “are those who... kill not out of passion, not out of hatred for a specific person and revenge, but out of cold calculation. These are rationalist carders, which does not exclude , but, on the contrary, assumes that they have a very complex interweaving of deep motives for precisely this behavior, which is not covered by their consciousness. And these are professionals who received the necessary training in the army, in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, in the Caucasus and in all those places where military operations took place. in which they took part" 8. The psychological preparation of such persons began in adolescence in group fights, beating up “strangers”; perfected in the carder actions of militants - members of organized carder groups - when violence against young soldiers or “scapegoats” in correctional institutions. Currently, the perpetrators of contract killings may be part of an organized carder group or, as “professionals,” exist autonomously and secretly. But those who can resort to their services (“customers”) know about their existence.

An “executor” from an organized carder group has great opportunities to carry out a successful assassination attempt thanks to the resources (material and organizational) that the carder group possesses. The personal qualities of such a “perpetrator” are more consistent with the specifics of the murder than those of a random person. Nevertheless, the chances of a successful assassination attempt for this category of hired killers are significantly lower than for a “professional”, due to the predominance of selfish motivation for activity and a high level of personal aggression, which significantly deforms the moments of perception of the environment and its assessment.

Most often, killers use firearms, and those that, according to their data, have no carder history. It is left in place. These individuals are distinguished by great caution, attentiveness, mobility, and resourcefulness. Usually they carefully prepare for the “work”, inspect the site of the future assassination attempt, determine the points from which the shot will be fired, methods of camouflage, escape routes, and the location of transport. Explosions, and even more so fires, are used less frequently. In carder practice, there have been cases of the use of poisons, as well as radioactive substances that cause slow but certain death. In more rare cases, death is “organized” as a result of an accident during a car accident. Thoughtfulness of all details, careful selection and testing of weapons, etc. are part of the “professional” activity of killers, they are a necessary attribute of their work, which must be performed successfully, because otherwise you can pay with your own life.

When one person perceives another abstractly and only as a target for a shot, he must be an alienated person, that is, emotionally cold, dispassionate, which excludes empathy, identification with people, and the ability to put oneself in their place. He must have, if not complete, then very significant detachment from life, necrophiliac traits (the desire to destroy living things). These features are inherent to most hired killers. Some of them do not perceive the victim as a living person at all, much less as an individual.

Is the only motive for their actions self-interest, purely material interest? Of course not, since their behavior is multi-motivated, which is also emphasized by Yu. M. Antonyan. “Firstly, ... hired killers are mostly necrophilic natures, whose behavior is determined by the very need to kill. Secondly, these are players who really need to be in acute, exciting situations of risk and danger, which does not at all contradict what was said earlier statement about the composure and prudence of such people. In these situations, calm, self-possessed individuals who know how to calculate different options can successfully act. Thirdly, it is by no means impossible that individual persons hired for murder take revenge on businessmen or businessmen because they are luckier and richer. that they are doing something that a murderer can only dream of" 9.

Unlike the previously discussed killers, who are characterized by increased vulnerability and sensitivity in interpersonal relationships, killers are calm, balanced people. They are difficult to unbalance. They are probably unlikely to allow themselves to be drawn into a street quarrel or domestic conflict. Their distinctive feature is the ability to be invisible, without attracting attention to themselves. This is one of the conditions for their successful activities in fulfilling “orders”. Thus, in the person of hired killers, our society is faced with a rather unusual phenomenon, with a special category of people and carders.

There is another category of carding that causes perhaps the greatest public outcry - multi-episode sexual murders, which have become increasingly common in recent years.

Sexual killers-maniacs usually track down the victim, suddenly attack him, putting him in a state of shock, rape, inflict many bodily injuries, rip open the chest and abdomen, turn out the insides, commit abuse of the genitals, cut off individual pieces of the body, eat them or scatter them in different places. sides, etc. These bloody atrocities are striking in their unusualness, unimaginable cruelty, inexorability and cynicism of the killers, and the number of victims, including many children.

Among such carders are Bruno Lüdke, who killed 85 women in Germany for sexual reasons between 1928 and 1943; Pedro Alonso Lopez killed 300 young girls under the age of 10. Among domestic bloodsuckers, the record holders are Chikatilo, who killed 53 people in different regions of Russia (1978-1991), Mikhasevich, who killed 37 women in Belarus in the 80s, and Kuznetsov, who killed 20 women in Moscow and Ukraine.

Serial sexual murders have their own specifics: 1) the number of victims - at least two; 2) the victims are teenagers and children of both sexes, adult women; 3) most murders are committed with extreme cruelty; 4) all murders are related to sexual experiences; 5) in most cases, the victim is not specifically selected; attacks are often carried out on random persons; 6) murders are committed at different intervals using different methods and weapons; 7) sometimes sexual murders are accompanied by acts of cannibalism; 8) all serial sexual murders are committed in conditions of non-obviousness.

What are these modern monsters?
Under the leadership of Yu. M. Antonyan, A. R. Pavlov examined 102 people who committed 329 sexual murders, 96 attempted murders, 321 rapes and 84 attempted rapes.

The particular cruelty of multi-episode murders for sexual reasons, the methods of their commission, the behavior of the carders, and the number of victims always raise doubts among law enforcement officials about the mental fitness of the people charged with these carding.

An analysis of the state of mental health of persons accused of committing this type of murder showed that their carder behavior is, to one degree or another, associated with the presence of various mental disorders. However, according to A.R. Pavlov, only 17.7% of carders subjected to inpatient forensic psychiatric examination at the Research Institute named after. V.P. Serbsky, were declared insane.

At the same time, among those recognized by experts as sane, only 28.6%, or almost every third, did not have any mental disorders, and 71.4% showed certain mental anomalies within the limits of sanity. These include: psychopathy - 46.6%, schizophrenia - 16.7%, mental retardation - 15%, organic diseases of the central nervous system or their consequences - 15%, chronic alcoholism to varying degrees - 5% and epilepsy - 1 .7%. It should be noted that among psychopaths who repeatedly committed murders, 11.7% showed a tendency towards sexual perversions (paraphilias), i.e., sexual behavior disorders, 60.4% of carders were intoxicated at the time of committing the carding. Alcohol seemed to free their hands, remove internal inhibitions, and actualize unconscious experiences and long-standing psychological traumas. 40.2% of offenders had previous carder convictions, of which 22% were for sexual offences.

The age characteristics of the carders were distributed as follows: persons under the age of 16 years made up 1.6%; from 17 to 18 years old - 6.9%; from 19 to 24 years old - 31.4%; from 25-29 years old - 29.4%; from 30 to 39 years old - 16.7%; from 40 to 49 years old - 11.8% and over 50 years old - 1.9%. Thus, most serial murders on sexual grounds are committed by carders aged 19-29 years, although there are exceptions among them - the same Chikatilo began his atrocities when he was over 40 years old, and continued to commit them for 12 years.

Among these carders, persons with incomplete and complete secondary education predominate.

Workers among sexual killers accounted for 59.8%, employees - 14.7%, students - 3.9% and non-workers - 21.6%.
Among multi-episode killers, 36.3% were married, 10.8% were remarried, 43.1% were single, and 9.8% were divorced.

“The given statistical indicators,” points out Yu. M. Antonyan, “allow us to obtain some general model of the personality of a carder who commits multiple murders for sexual reasons. This is a young man aged 19 to 24 years, unmarried, belonging to a working environment, having completed grades 7-9 of a general education school, who has not previously been subject to carder liability, and who suffers from a mental disorder in the form of psychopathy" 10.

As for the psychological characteristics of these individuals, they are characterized by vulnerability, internal tension, anxiety, rigidity (stuckness of affective experiences), suspicion, resentment, and a high level of aggressiveness. The presence of affective attitudes, manifestations of intolerance and hostility do not allow them to change their behavior patterns and cause disturbances in social interaction and poor social adaptability. They are characterized by impulsiveness, direct implementation of emerging impulses in behavior, extreme egocentrism with a focus on one’s own personality, one’s own experiences, disregard for the interests and feelings of other people, sometimes with a feeling of one’s own unusualness, a constant desire to express oneself, to attract attention to oneself.

Serial sexual killers are distinguished by an unconscious desire for psychological distance between themselves and the world around them, withdrawal into themselves. “These data can be interpreted as a deep and long-term destruction of relations with the environment, which from some point begins to act as a hostile and at the same time often incomprehensible force that poses a threat to a given person. This is undoubtedly associated with suspicion, rancor, increased sensitivity to external influences, lack of understanding of the environment, which increases and maintains anxiety and fear of death" 11.

The psychological characteristics of female carders are of particular interest. Although the proportion of female carding is immeasurably lower than male carding, it has also been growing recently. Thus, if in 1991 the proportion of female carders in the total number of identified carders was 10.6%, in 1993 - 11.2%, then in 1995 - 14.9%. In addition, from 1991 to 1995, the number of female carders almost doubled, while the number of male carders increased slightly more than 1.5 times, i.e. the growth rate of female carding exceeded the corresponding growth rate male carding.
What is the psychological portrait of a modern female carder?

In general, we can say that the majority of female carders, compared to male carders, are less characterized by asocial attitudes, they do not have stable carder convictions, although socio-psychological adaptation is impaired, there are no deep defects, which, of course, cannot be said about recidivists who have long lost socially positive contacts and have essentially become maladapted individuals. The psychological specificity of these individuals is given by the fact that many of them have mental anomalies and disorders, including those due to age-related changes.

It is known that female psychology is characterized by such a quality as the desire to attract attention. Demonstrativeness is also inherent in carders, but for them it, determining mainly aggressive carder manifestations, performs the function of self-affirmation. “The need for self-affirmation,” notes Yu. M. Antonyan, “being one of the most powerful incentives for human actions, becomes obsessive and stuck in carders, significantly influencing their entire lifestyle. This is not just a desire to please men or look better than other women, and the need for confirmation, as if to fix one’s existence, being, place in life as a whole, is, as a rule, not embraced by consciousness” 12.

Characteristic of female carders, who have mostly committed violent carding against the individual, rigidity (stuckness and persistence of traumatic experiences, often reaching an affective level), as well as high impulsiveness, the inability to adequately perceive and evaluate emerging life difficulties prompts them in a situation of frustration to act rashly, disorganized, often carder behavior.

Unlike male carders, female carders, as a rule, are characterized by a feeling of guilt and concern for their future. They are also characterized by increased anxiety and emotional vulnerability.

In general, the carder behavior of women is characterized by impulsiveness, while that of men is characterized by logic.

Among the convicted women, there are many who have neurotic disorders, and anxiety-depressive states are also typical for them.

The data from psychological examinations regarding certain categories of violent carders are interesting. Women who have committed the murder of their husbands (cohabitants) or caused them grievous bodily harm are distinguished by a high level of emotionality, stubbornness, and lack of guilt or remorse for the carding committed. A distinctive feature of female child killers is the disharmony of their personality, which is expressed in a combination of two contradictory tendencies: on the one hand, the depressive states they experience prompt them to strive to communicate with people, and on the other hand, being suspicious of most people, they are afraid of communication. This is most typical for women who have killed their illegitimate newborn children. This carding, as a rule, is associated with the fear of condemnation from others and at the same time with the desire to earn their respect and recognition.

\Summarizing what has been said, we can draw the following conclusions:
  1. Among intentional carders, there is a significant number of people who have homogeneous psychological traits, such as impulsiveness, aggressiveness, asociality, hypersensitivity to interpersonal interactions, alienation, and poor social adaptability.
  2. The psychological characteristics of intentional carders can be considered as a predisposition to commit a carding, that is, as personality traits that lower the criminogenic threshold.
Taking into account the considered data on the moral and psychological traits of carders, it can be argued, as Yu. M. Antonyan notes, that “the personality of a carder differs from the personality of a law-abiding person in the negative content of the value-normative system and stable psychological characteristics, the combination of which has criminogenic significance and is specific specifically for carders. This specificity of their moral and psychological appearance is one of the factors in their commission of carding, which is by no means a psychologization of the causes of carding, since moral characteristics are formed under the influence of the social relations in which the individual was included, that is, they have a social origin" 13.

Psychological characteristics of the personality of a careless carder . Conducted research has established that persons who have committed careless carding are fundamentally different in their psychological characteristics from those who have committed intentional carding 14.

Careless carders are characterized by intrapunitive reactions to situations of frustration, i.e., placing the blame for failures and losses on themselves, in contrast to deliberate carders, who are characterized by extrapunitive reactions in frustrating situations, i.e., a tendency to blame others for everything.

Careless carders are also characterized by high levels of anxiety. Individuals with this characteristic exhibit self-doubt, a tendency to worry under stress, and excessive self-control. In extreme situations, they are easily lost and prone to emotional rather than rational, calm reactions to threats. All this leads to disorganized behavior in an emergency situation and an increase in the number of errors. The presence of such persons in a state of alcoholic intoxication contributes to the greatest possible increase in accident rates in traffic conditions.


1. See: Ratinov A. R., Efremova G. X. Legal psychology and criminal behavior. pp. 229-230.
2. See: Antonyan Yu. M., Golubev V. P., Kudryakov Yu. P., Bovin V. G. Some distinctive psychological features of the personality of a criminal // Personality of a criminal and crime prevention. Sat. scientific works. M., 1987. P. 13-26.
3. Antonyan Yu. M., Enikeev M. I., Eminov V. E. Psychology of a criminal and crime investigation. P. 34.
4 See: Antonyan Yu. M., Enikeev M. I., Eminov V. E. Decree. op. pp. 34-35.
5. Antonyan Yu. M. Psychology of murder. M., 1997. P. 146.
6. Antonyan Yu. M. Decree. op. P. 147.
7. Antonyan Yu. M. Decree. op. pp. 280-281.
8. Antonyan Yu. M. Decree. op. P. 80.
9. Antonyan Yu. M. Decree. op. P. 82.
10. Antonyan Yu. M. Cruelty in our lives. M., 1996. P. 264.
11. Antonyan Yu. M., Vereshchagin V. A., Potapov S. A., Shostakovich B. V. Serial sexual murders. M., 1997. P. 105.
12. Antonyan Yu. M. Crime among women. M., 1992. P. 81.
13. Antonyan Yu. M., Enikeev M. I., Eminov V. E. Psychology of a criminal and crime investigation. M., 1996. P. 43.
14. See: Antonyan Yu. M., Golubev V. P., Kvashis V. E., Kudryakov Yu. N. Some distinctive features of the personality of careless criminals // Personality of criminals and individual impact on them. Sat. scientific works. M., 1989. P. 10-17.
