Psychological Aikido techniques


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Salute, lovers to fuck up someone else's account, yielding, you stand the test, they say in the East.
Give in to weaken resistance, the Buddhists teach.
Don't fight, for you will inevitably become what you are fighting against.
Too much force leads to the opposite result.
Learn to be led to lead others.
This is also all from there.
Aikido is not a concession or weakness, Aikido is wisdom.

1. "STEAM" - to let off steam.
The person who yells at you is in a state of passion.
This means that his consciousness is disabled.
It's ridiculous to talk to a person with a disabled mind.
It's like talking to a sleeper.
Have you ever seen someone yell at someone else in a good mood?
Freeze and let it blow off steam!
Let it boil over!

Silence and a clear sense of being are the source of any effective action.
You don't have to listen to what he says.
It screams his pain.
How to keep yourself going?
Very simple!

Praise yourself mentally:
"What a talented person I am! Even with such a person, I can rest easy!"
The function of cold water is also performed by a simple silence, i.e. a pause.
While your partner is making noise, you should look at them carefully and listen to them.
Let it boil like a kettle.
Taking "Steam" is akin to putting out a fire with water from a teapot.
For some reason, people prefer to put out the fire of other people's emotions with gasoline .

2. "PLATE" (Broken)
The child asks you for permission to go for a walk.
You wouldn't want that.
But he insistently repeats his request or demand without irritation and without raising his voice, like a broken record.
Insistently bends its line.
And so on ad infinitum.
Will you give in?

So broken and not so strong nerves.
I want to get rid of it.
In any match, the winner is the one who has enough perseverance, patience and endurance.
This is the "Broken Record" technique.
Don't get annoyed.
The tone is calm.
The face is friendly.
Agree with everything the other party says, refusing your request or demand. "Yes, this is probably true, but I ask for permission (to give, sign, make, etc.)"!
Be persistent and play your record until the very end, until you win.

If the client resists, they can be led on a circular route directly to the agreement with the client.
using the PEARCE algorithm:
P - Extension to the client's objection ("Yes, I agree with you....")
And - "And" ("And at the same time...") Indicate that something else also exists. (Do not say " BUT " or "VICE VERSA", rather pronounce "AND" or "OR").
P - Reasonable arguments in favor of what is behind the "And" or "OR"you have given.
C - Again (repeat your suggestion that he initially rejected or doubted).

Let's apply the PIERCE tactic to your situation:
"Are you a fool? Just a real mistake of nature!
An idiot who doesn't know a damn thing.
You've been working on a project for three weeks and you're five weeks behind.
I won't stand for this anymore! You may be right, the project has taken too long.
I may not be a genius, but I've interviewed all the consultants, including you, and I haven't received any suggestions on what to do.
Too vague and unrealistic goals with no resources at all.
It's like putting a ton of weight on a person and swearing that they can't handle it.

Nothing is more disarming than accepting an accusation or a claim.
"You came in late again yesterday!!!"
"You're right, I was late yesterday!"
"Loitering around in the middle of nowhere!!!"
"I'm sorry, I should have warned you."
How long do you think there will be enough passion to accuse, if the stone of accusations is not picked up?

Energy runs out very quickly.
So why fuel it by bringing back excuses that are still not believed, or retaliatory accusations?
Consent and only consent to any claims! - here is your instrument of power over other people's aggression.
And know that you don't have to feel right or wronged.
This is just a very clever way to extinguish the aggression and annoyance of another.

5. The "Suicide" technique ("Do I look like a suicide?").
An angry customer shouts out:
"Outrage! Everywhere shamelessly deceive! At home, I recalculated the purchase and it turned out that I was warmed up by $ 10!"

"Do I look suicidal?
Do you really think I'm deliberately deceiving you?
Agree that this is akin to hara-kiri.
It's like I ripped my own stomach open.
By deceiving you, I lose you, and then I lose the opportunity to work.

It's crazy, isn't it?
As for the discrepancy in the purchase amount, let's get this straight.
Either you didn't take something into account, or I really made a mistake.

But don't you allow for the possibility of a simple mistake?