Protecting websites from hacking


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How to protect your site.
When a person decides to take on his own project, first of all he thinks about the most global things. In online business, creating a website, promoting it and attracting visitors are important points.
Therefore, at the initial stages, the owner is concerned that all pages are displayed correctly, the functionality is performed, and the number of unique visitors grows every day.
But over time, the site grows and develops. More and more people learn about it, and not all show a healthy interest. The threat to the security of the resource increases with every minute of its presence on the world wide web.
Hackers strive to gain access to the data of users of a well-known site, unlucky copywriters use the magic "ctrl + c, ctrl + v" when they see an informative article, and malware clings on its own over time.
That is why the protection of the site should be considered as one of the most important moments in its "life".

Burglary protection
If all people on the planet were engaged in creation, the world, perhaps, would be much more advanced, but also unbearably boring. Some take the path of destruction, maintaining balance in nature.

When a thief breaks down a door, he gains access to an apartment that does not belong to him. The hacker, on the other hand, has someone else's information or opportunities at his disposal.
Most often this happens when the website creator starts writing software modules on his own instead of using those offered by popular content management systems.
The reason lies in the fact that CMS already provide their code with all the necessary protection (although there is nothing impenetrable), and the programmer alone can forget about something.

The goal of a hacker is most often to be able to access under the guise of an administrator or other user. This requires a username and password, in the correct use and reliable storage of which lies the protection of the site from hacking.
Reliable protection from professional hackers takes a lot of time, even better - to find a specialist in these matters.

But to fight less sophisticated crackers, it is enough to follow the basic recommendations:
  • Use complex passwords. The more characters are used, the longer the automatic selection program will work. Needless to say, your own name or year of birth is not the most suitable data for a password.
  • Administrative panel - for administrator only. If your acquaintances, their acquaintances and a certain Anonymous Unknown have access to the "admin panel", then it is highly likely that the resource will have "courtesan tendencies".
  • Remember passwords or keep them in managers. The text file "My most important data" on the desktop is, in its own way, very cool, but for those uninitiated in such a religion it is better to use special programs that will provide encryption and sorting of passwords.
  • Do not follow unverified links and do not allow them to appear on the site. Control over information updates will significantly reduce the number of unwanted links.

Copy protection
In most cases, users are looking for information on the site, and in order for a resource to be popular, its content must first of all be of high quality.
The visitor is not very interested in duplicating the posted texts, but this parameter is extremely "worried" by the search engines. The uniqueness of the content affects the ranking, that is, the position in the search results.
If the resource has a solid age and authority, then the owners are not particularly worried about copying content. But if the site is young and has not yet won the respect of search engines, then "borrowed" information can have a very negative impact on the development of the resource.

The fact that the content of your site is useful to someone is good. But if copying occurs without placing a backlink, then the resource will only be bad for this. In order to prevent such actions, the site is protected from copying. To ensure it, the following methods are used.
  • Prohibition of copying. You can use scripts that prohibit the selection and dragging of text. Of course, advanced users can easily bypass this limitation, but the likelihood of copying will be reduced.
  • Place the name of the site in the text. If a person thoughtlessly copies and pastes the information, then the address or name of your resource will help determine the original source:
  • Likes and retweets. If users are actively signaling how they like a page on your site, search engines won't be able to miss it. The faster the indexing takes place, the higher the likelihood of identifying the site as the primary source.
  • Attribution. You can link your articles to your Google+ profile, then your first and last name will indicate who came first.
  • Warn the search engine in advance. Yandex.Webmaster provides a very convenient "Original Texts" tool, with which you can notify the search engine in advance about the imminent release of new material. Having received and processed the text of the article, the robots will know who the author is and where to look for the original source.
  • Crossposting. If other sites trumpet that you have a new article, search engines will be able to find out much faster about it.

Virus protection
Malicious programs also threaten the security of a resource, so protecting your site from viruses is just as important as from hackers. To prevent such threats, follow these instructions:
  • Scan computers of people who have access to the administrative part of the site with an antivirus.
  • Try to avoid using Internet Explorer. As the most popular browser, IE has garnered a lot of attention from virus writers.
  • Using CMS, it is necessary to switch to the latest software versions in a timely manner.
  • Update your antivirus as often as possible.

It is often necessary to check the security of not only your site, but also other resources. After all, you can execute viral code anywhere, and in any case, this will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Let's check the site for viruses using the service. Let's check the service itself for viruses. We get a list of scanned files, as well as scan results.
Thus, it is extremely important to ensure high-quality protection of the site from hacking, viruses and copying. By following the basic information security recommendations at the initial stages of the project life cycle, you can protect yourself from major problems in the future.
But it is important to constantly pay attention to the protection of the resource and follow modern trends.

A secure site is reliable, and reliable is trusted.