Professional carder levels


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? I am sure that the overwhelming majority of people reading these lines now are at ZERO, at best - only at the FIRST level. ? While both the second and the third "levels of continuity of awareness" are available to a person, which incredibly expands the possibilities and power of those who have reached these levels! ?

➡️ By the way, the "third level" is the level of Christ, Buddha and other "enlightened" and "prophets" ... ⬅️

What are these "levels of awareness" ("levels of continuity of awareness")? ❓

Let's figure it out ...

Take the mindfulness scale, which has just three basic levels. These are the so-called "levels of continuity of awareness":

0️⃣ Zero level. The person on it hardly remembers the events of his current life. The older he becomes, the more blurred and ephemeral his own past becomes for him. At 50, such people will not remember even 20% of the events that happened to them, say, at 10 or 15 years. "Lucid Dreaming" is inaccessible to such a person. He does not remember his past lives, and even more so!

There are more than 97-98% of such carders in our society ?

1️⃣ First level. A person on it remembers 99-100% of the events of his current life (he practices "astral recapitulation"). Even at 70, he can easily remember what happened to him 50-60 years ago, as if it happened to him yesterday. He remembers HIMSELF from the age of several months, or even the very moment of his birth. (However, "Lucid Dreaming" is still inaccessible to him. The memory of past lives - too).

There are only 2-3% of such carders in our society ☹️

2️⃣ Second level. Everything that is available to a person who is at the first level of awareness, but plus to this - this person also owns the art of "Lucid Dreaming"! Even in a dream, his consciousness is similar to that of the day, which allows him to leave his dense body through a dream and ascend to the astral, and even mental levels! Such a person is "awake" (in a clear state of consciousness) 24 hours a day! However, the memory of his previous lives and access to the higher subtle levels, alas, are not yet available to him ...

There are less than 1% of such carders in our society ?

3️⃣ Third level. Everything that is available to a person who is on the first and second levels of awareness, but plus to this - this person also owns the REINCARNATION memory! He remembers all his previous lives! And he can see the FUTURE! There are only a few such people! This is the level of prophets, soothsayers, gurus (real gurus - such as Buddha, Christ, Mohammed). This is a full-fledged TWO-WAY connection between the "Lower Self" and the "Higher Self" ...

There are very few such carders in our society! ??