Problems of interaction with the call service


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Interaction problems with dialing-service or how I work with private dialing.

Good time, colleagues!
Do not judge strictly, the first experience, a test of the pen, so to speak. I would like to hear any criticism and your feedback. I tried in colors and with dialogues.
I work as a private dialer
The topic of ringing is much broader than it might seem at first glance and is closely related to almost all areas of carding, and with a skillful approach it provides excellent support in running any shadow business, in principle, ringing can be used everywhere.
I won’t go into details of how I got into the world of carding, I’ll just say that it was back in 2009, I lived in the US, worked in real life, also took drops to banks to cash out wires and the first acquaintance with the customer service of dear and our all-favorite banks in the United States began precisely when we had to call to resolve current issues.
I have about two years of experience in calling, I speak spoken English, I have experience in other areas of carding, the language is naturally suspended, in general, it turns out a little and I have the courage to share with you some information that may be useful to you, moreover, someone he can recognize himself in stories and dialogues, but, as you understand, all coincidences are random and the stories are fictitious))
At the moment, I am closely and comprehensively engaged in calling banks, hotels, sticks, payments and other things, I work in several calling services and accept applications from private clients.

I would like to talk about the typical problems of interaction between the customer and the call-service.
So, the lack of information, or the provision of incorrect information, is the very first and most global problem, the main reason for the failure of the call.
Why does the customer not provide the required information?

1. Fundamentally wrong approach, so to speak. many people think that the dialer will appropriate your, so tasty, fat theme that you either developed or bought for days and nights for over a lot of money, and will use it for free, wring it out to the last, and you will be left with nothing.
Frankly speaking, this of course can happen, because everyone understands if the ringing hangs orders - he, of course, knows the customer's shops, he sees the customer's bins, knows whether the bin climbs or not. If he makes a reroute, he knows which shops are sent with a ban, which shops are rerouted, and so on. He knows what questions are asked at the bank, what documents are asked for verification, whether the topic works or no longer works.
But! this is the specifics of this type of service, if you did not provide the required amount of information, the chances of a successful call are about zero. If you are not satisfied with this state of affairs, you can always call yourself)

Recent dialogue from practice. The situation is as follows, the “team” as they call themselves, on one of the old closed boards of our subject, they are looking for a dialer for the team, for a permanent job, they are ready to discuss the terms of cooperation.

The following is an excerpt from the dialogue:
-Is there a substitution of the number, do you receive calls?
- I can change the number to any number. Calls are accepted by appointment. There is a list of countries .... blah blah blah
- And what service do you use to change the number? What about receiving calls?
- I use both public and private services. What is the issue related to?
- Well ((we will reveal our whole topic to you, you will find out everything, you will test new topics at our expense, but you don’t even want to share the service for receiving calls with us? We are looking for a person in the TEAM! You can use our topic without us !
-This is the specifics of the work of the dialer, I cannot complete tasks without possessing the information I need. And mind you, I'm not asking where you get the material….
- Team, do you know this word? We must trust each other! By the way, does your service not accept SMS?
-Oh, that's great, come on, what kind of service, we ourselves will throw money into the balance, you only be there at a certain time ... ..

I think it is clear that we have not agreed on any cooperation.

2. The desire to save money, and it’s not like “But the other day, Vasya called me, his call cost $ 0.05 and, in fact, I didn’t wait for him for 5 minutes, but everything happened at once,” although such conversations are very common . The problem is deeper, for many, especially beginners, in the head “I won’t spend money on breaking through the BG, it’ll suddenly fail, if it’s really necessary, we’ll try and call back.” And you might not be able to call back.
Some colleagues begin to blame the dialer, they say, you have a lot of experience, that you didn’t suggest in advance what you need BG?
I explain, a call to the bank, conditionally in everyone's favorite PNC can be ordered for a hundred different reasons, Transfer from PNC to external acc, Transfer from PNC to a payment system, you need to add a Secondary Account Holder, you need to change billing, you need to add mail, you need to put a notification about upcoming purchase (Purchase notification) or notification of using the card outside the US (Travel notification), you need to find out the balance, and many many other questions. Will BG be required to clarify the balance? - Definitely not, will BG be required to unlock the account during an interbank transfer for certain reasons? - exactly yes. But to understand in each case, to delve into all the ins and outs, there is no way. If the dialer is private, then it depends on the person. If you contact the service, give the task to the performer through the admin panel or even worse through the support, when it is generally a deaf phone, then no one will definitely delve into it.

The dialogue is usually like this:
“Did XXXX call here?”
- Called.
-What do they ask?
- They ask depending on the situation. What's the problem?
-Well…..simple….there is an acc on the hold. So what do they usually ask?
-Because of what the acc is on hold?
-Yes, they did a transfer from one office, that’s not the point ... .. no, well, is it generally BG to punch?
- From which office did you transfer? Yes, it's better to punch.
- Can you not punch?
- (sadly) You can not punch. But it's better to break through. It definitely won't get worse.
-Do you need ssn?
-And this ... .. is it necessary?
And this ... .. is it necessary?
-Mmmm…. in general, there is a current name and ss, even there is no cvv, so it will ring out????
A curtain.

3. Unscrupulous sellers, breaking through the crooked, low-quality mat - everything is very clear here,
If Deсline, Authorization failed, Call to your financial organization, and we are dealing with the usual SS, then usually no one analyzes anything. But often, following the results of carding by phone, I hear from operators that the billing in the order does not match the billing of the CC, the so-called AVS mismatch (regarding carding in US shops) or when the automated bank / payment system asks for 4 digits of SSN and after entering it says that they were not found coincidences in the system - all questions to the sellers, punchers.
You all know very well that even the top seller and the presence of Amex Black class CC does not guarantee a successful order.
The situation repeats itself every day: you placed an order, the shop writes to you by mail, “call back, there are problems with the SS”.
I call, it turns out that the address does not match or that the bank has suspended the transfer.
My advice to you, specify the time of the call, if possible, be in touch with the dialer, if the order is Important to you, have the opportunity to give a new CC for the order, right at the moment, the chances of successful completion are much greater than when calling back.

4. Fantasies of a customer from the series “but a friend, a neighbor of my mother’s sister, another dialer replayed a cast-iron bridge from Amaz to hell literally 2 hours ago” - I have a lot of them, including because of such customers, I began to record calls and provide records to clients.
I ask
Is the product the same as that friend's?
- The same, a hundred pounds
-Is the situation exactly the same?
-Absolutely, I give a tooth!
- Is there a recording of that call?

Well, ok, in fact you call, the answer to the task is negative, you ask for a manager or supervisor, the conversation with them is negative, the request to replay is impossible (I remind you everything is recorded), but I remember about that miracle of the dialer who just successfully completed such a task, ego presses, I ask the supersupervisor, because you are radishes, and I am a prime member! with a million orders from 1900 BC, and you refuse me a replay, as a result, the oldest available amazon person again chews in detail the reason why the replay. Result of a fiasco.

- or like this, “let’s call the ministry, ask the secretary in the office of the construction department to send a copy of the license of some construction company, and if possible, will we pay you?” “let’s call the hotel, ask them for an invoice, Vasya lived there three months ago, when I don’t remember, I don’t know his last name, well, how he lived, we flooded, and then something went wrong, in general, you’ll come up with it yourself, you’ll figure it out along the way , we only need an invoice. Another caller did this to us a hundred times, there are cases for 5 minutes "

5. Relying on the call-service as magicians and expecting a 100% solution to the problem.
Remember! No one will ever guarantee you that your issue will be resolved by the call-service. Ringing only increases your chances of success. If you have passed the antidetect, then call do not call nothing will help.

Recent report to a client.
“Firstly, the antidetect fires you. they see that you are using something, your proxy / hueksi / ip does not match the billing, this is said by the operator (OPERATOR OF A REGULAR SHOP, WHAT ABOUT THE POSSIBILITIES OF BANKS) I told her that sometimes foreign pages with our ip do not open, you have to use anonymizers and blah blah...
Secondly, most likely there is a global problem in general, it is because the operator asks "have you recently traveled to another country? To Russia?" - they see the IP of another country .... your tunnel falls and the connection does not break ...?
Thirdly, she asks questions about BG, we don’t have BG, and not every BG has such data, first she asked about the address where she once lived there, it can be found, and then she asked about some people, age and who they are to me. (this mb will not be in bg)
In general, they said the transfer was canceled, the account will be closed”

6. Your own, raspiz ... sorry, inattention.
Situation 1:
Completed the order. I write a report, I provide a record.
The customer is not listening to the recording, well, tell us briefly, what is there?
I say - I indicated the wrong phone number in the online order, it differs from what you gave me in the task, well, there was a jamb in the billing. The order was cancelled.
-How does the phone not match?
-(Sending a screenshot) Here is the task, there is another XXX in the online order
- Oh, I screwed up. let's call again? say you mixed up, well, or you will spin a thread, you do it every day, you know how to chat them up!

Situation 2:
Completed the order. I write a report, I provide a record
I - In the process, they asked questions about BG, all the questions were answered, except for the question about some kind of Jennifer. As a result, they refused to unlock, asked to come to the bank with two forms of ID
Customer - Jennifer? Crap….
I- ??
Customer - Yes, this is a cardholder heifer, I had information about her, I thought she would not be useful to you ....

Further, it’s already somewhat off topic, well, since “Ostap has suffered”, I’ll voice what, in my opinion, infuriates everyone, no matter who does what.
Enrages Remodel after others
-Listen, can you call the shop to find out what the problem is, otherwise the ringing of the stingy called today, they told him that the letter was in the mail, there was no letter, that is not there, that is not there, he did not understand anything, all hope for you is the task
Why didn't you apply right away?
-And it's cheaper / free / he is a friend of the matchmaker brother
-Well, OK. – All the rules, they asked to verify the order, confirmed the billing shipping mail and the pack went.
-Oh, that's all, it's so simple) And I wait half a day, I wonder, I'm nervous
-So simple.

Infuriates the search for freebies.
-Are you going to lead a drop project? You will be HR, you need an interview, for 20-25 minutes with each drop, then a 5-page report with all the answers to the questions, and you also need to develop a questionnaire yourself, for each Europe individually, but why, you rummage around English, throw in the text yourself, and it is also necessary that the voice of the caller be different for different drops, otherwise you never know, and exactly at the appointed time so that you call, at 18:07, neither earlier nor later, and if something was always in touch, and we will pay you $ 2 for this for a call, arrange? 50 calls per day, you will earn good money.
-And if the order does not fill up, do I still have to pay?
- And come on, if they don’t take orders by phone at all, I won’t pay?
-So you didn’t talk properly, 30 seconds of the whole record, they closed the acc for fraud, let me just throw you half? Kapets you, in RU at the factory in a day they get as much as you do in one call ...
- I found some more information here on cardholder, let's dial it again, this doesn't count as a new call, right?
-And let's 3 calls for a review? This is how I addressed people, everyone agreed for the review.

Infuriates impoliteness and tactlessness
-Here? And now here? HERE? Urgently needed! Urgent question, burning! Get in touch! AU! AUUUUUUUUU!
- Well, is that all? What result? (At the same time, if the task is in the messenger, then the text of the task runs across the screen and you need to scroll to find the one you need) How much longer? I need to run...
Is it always that long? Are you sure you're calling? (for some reason it reminds And it won't hurt? Are you really a famous director?)
- enrage people who write 40 messages of 2 words, instead of one big message, do you all know these? But I have to look for information in these 40 messages, turn the mouse or finger back and forth during the call. Not very comfortable.
- Enrage people who saw ads or worse came from a review! and start the interrogation with passion
- Is there a replacement?
-What about any number?
-How much does it cost to call? Are there any discounts? What if you can't call?
-Do you have any experience of calling the Bear Anus Bank of the Federal Reserve? (the most famous bank in the world, the number of clients is about 100 people, and then all the clients are employees of this bank in one of the villages of Oklahoma) There is a huge anti-fraud, not everyone can handle it!
-What time is online?
-Are you on the boards? Are there any reviews? Did you work with Vasya Gorely?
-And the record? Do you provide a recording? I don't speak English, but so that it was ....
-And if you need to break through, can you break through? And there are contacts who will break through?
- Do you have a good aura? Is the air fresh? Is there a guard against antifraud?
And a million more questions, after the answers to which most often
- Well, ok, I will contact you as soon as your services are needed.

People to whom you speak enrage - the service costs conditionally $ 10. They pay. You look, and $ 9.78 came to the balance. Because 22 cents is a commission for the transfer, and 22 cents is not enough! And they don’t lie on the road!))))) And it seems that it’s not even worth raising a question because of this, but it pisses me off)

It has been written for a long time and the first time I wrote an article, don’t kick it too much
Since then, a lot has changed and so many stories have happened, it draws on a new text.