Problems of distance learning carding and ways to solve them


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You can study in different ways: in a large audience among like-minded people, individually with a teacher, remotely or even independently, having mastered special techniques from our online program "The Best Self-Education Techniques".

Distance learning occupies a special place among the listed ways of acquiring knowledge. It has many advantages and is an excellent alternative to the classic lessons, but it also has its own characteristics that can jeopardize the success of the whole idea. In this article, we will tell you why the future belongs to distance education, what problems those who choose this method of learning may face, and how to overcome them.

Benefits and relevance of distance learning​

Distance learning is a learning process in which the teacher and student are not physically in the same place. That is, training is carried out remotely via the Internet through video calls, online courses or mobile applications.

The global e-learning market is growing at a colossal pace, expected to reach $ 325 billion by 2025. This is understandable since online learning is cost-effective, convenient and beneficial for the general population. One of its main advantages is that it is available to everyone, the price of training solutions tends to fall.

Remote learning is an ideal solution not only for students, but also for employees who want to improve their skills, as well as for those who, for various reasons, cannot travel to university or school. The opportunity to gain knowledge without leaving home makes the learning process comfortable, flexible and less tiring, for example, because you do not need to spend time getting ready to go to an educational institution or overcoming traffic jams.

Another subtle advantage of distance learning over face-to-face training is environmental friendliness. Online classes reduce energy consumption by 90% and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 85%. Thus, e-learning is an essential element in the fight against global climate change.

In today's world, online learning is becoming not just a convenience, but a necessity. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, staying indoors in groups has become a big problem, which is why there is a need for social distancing and forced quarantine around the world. For this reason, distance learning is becoming more relevant than ever and is being introduced in all educational institutions.

Distance learning problems and ways to solve them​

The need and benefits of e-learning are undeniable. However, in practice, both students and teachers face serious difficulties that prevent successful learning. We will now look at 6 of the most common problems and offer tips for solving them.

Problem 1: Difficulty adapting to the online format​

Moving from traditional classroom activities to an online format makes the learning process completely different. If in a regular classroom, students are expected to passively listen and take notes, then virtual discussions, work with a personal account and materials in different multimedia formats require action. Students with a "traditional" mindset can find it difficult to adapt to such changes.

Recommendations for teachers: Tell students in advance what to expect from the online format, explain how much material they will have to master, what the approach to teaching is and how long it will take on average one lesson.

Submit links to resources where students can find support and relieve emotional stress, such as a counseling hotline, sites with a variety of meditation and breathing practices. Encourage students to share tips and strategies with each other to help them adapt to distance learning.

Student Suggestions: First of all, it is necessary to accept new circumstances with an open heart and mind. If you are experiencing resistance, acknowledge it and don't blame yourself. Remember that any change is uncomfortable. Second, focus on the benefits of e-learning: no need to spend time and money on transport to get to the place of study; there is an opportunity to independently choose the time for classes; the home environment is less stressful; distance learning provides an opportunity to master new skills.

Problem 2: low computer literacy​

Lack of computer literacy is a serious problem in the modern world that has affected both students and teachers. Many people still do not know how to work with a personal computer (PC) and standard office applications such as MS Word and PowerPoint. Even among experienced teachers and students, there may be a misunderstanding of distance learning tools such as online educational platforms, video conferencing systems, various applications related to communication and viewing of educational materials.

Nonetheless, technological skills are a must for successful distance learning.

Recommendations for Teachers: Educational institutions should provide teachers and students with the necessary materials and resources to improve computer literacy. For example, you can create a corresponding library of video tutorials. Such an educational program should always be available, and not only in the event of force majeure.

If online learning tools are too complex, no one wants to use them, so you need to choose powerful but easy-to-use educational platforms that will be understandable for users of all skill levels.

Student tip: Basic computer literacy courses are always a good idea. Having a fundamental knowledge of PCs and applications will make it possible to participate in online classes without stress and wasted time.

Problem 3: technical problems​

Technical issues are often a stumbling block in online learning. There may be problems with the compatibility of educational platforms with operating systems, browsers or smartphones, and low speed of the Internet connection can lead to skipping online classes or difficulties downloading lessons in video format. All of this increases student frustration and decreases engagement in the learning process.

Guidelines for Educators: Publish assignments and conduct online classes on educational platforms that you can connect to from different devices (computer, tablet, smartphone).

Create a standalone chat room, forum, social media group, or web page with simple, comprehensive help and FAQs for students to turn to in the event of a technical issue. Identify a responsible consultant for technical issues, create a separate email box for inquiries.

Tips for students: Having a modern computer and a reliable Internet connection is key when distance learning. Use the services of a provider that can offer high speed Internet, and also find out the phone number of their technical support, where you can contact in case of failures.

If you have technical problems with the online platform where the classes are taking place, please contact your instructor. Take screenshots when error messages appear. Also, don't wait until the last minute to get your homework done. Give yourself plenty of time so you don't miss a deadline due to technical issues .

Problem 4: not knowing the basics of time management​

The freedom that the online learning format offers often lulls one's vigilance and creates a false sense of the infinity of time. Distance education places higher demands on discipline and self-organization than its offline counterpart, although this understanding has not yet emerged. Mismanagement of time can lead to serious delays in the curriculum and create a lot of stress.

Recommendations for everyone: Good time management is a necessary skill for online learning. Here are some guidelines to help you manage your time properly:
  1. Set specific hours for your classes. Instead of trying to adapt online learning to your life, do the opposite: organize your daily activities around the class. Create a fixed schedule with time slots that are strictly for attending classes and viewing online tutorials.
  2. Make a to-do list for the day. Try to break large assignments into smaller ones to improve learning outcomes. Stick to your list, remembering to take rest breaks.
  3. Avoid distractions. If you tend to spend a lot of time on social networks, block them for a certain time using special applications.
  4. Give up multitasking. It reduces work efficiency and overall productivity. Focus on completing one task at a time, and be sure to start with the hardest one.
In addition, there are many scheduling services that will allow you to set reminders for your assignments, which will be very useful in the learning process.

Problem 5: poor self-motivation​

Lack of motivation is a common problem for all types of learners. The online format requires a lot of discipline and dedication to complete assignments on your own, stay motivated, and make progress. When students are not surrounded by classmates and there is no physical control from the teacher, it is tempting to postpone studies until later.

Suggestions for Teachers: Set specific, achievable goals for students so they don't feel lost. Use praise and rewards as motivation. For example, you can create a virtual spreadsheet to tag students who are responsibly learning online, or you can individually email positive feedback using fun videos, GIFs, and images.

Sometimes even the most motivated and inspired students lose interest if they don't see the teacher's enthusiasm, so your main task is to demonstrate your passion for the subject. Inspire students: give interesting lectures, arrange emotional and engaging discussions, connect the material of the class with real life.

Keep in touch with the parents: remind them what work their child has to do and in what time frame, let him know if he needs their help.

Tips for learners: If you want to be motivated and do well with distance learning, follow the tips below:
  1. Please log in. Log in to the learning platform daily to see assignments and chat discussions. Communicate with educators and other students, share your opinion, ask questions and ask for help if you need it.
  2. Practice positive self-talk. Repeat life-affirming affirmations. Over time, they will take root in the mind and bear fruit in the form of stable self-confidence. Remember, success is entirely up to you.
  3. Reward yourself for the work done. Have you mastered your next history lesson? Have you written a term paper for five? Perfectly! Celebrate anything that makes you feel like a winner. Reward keeps motivation.
Write down your short-term and long-term goals, be sure to make notes on their implementation. Tell a loved one about your motivation problems, ask for support, for example, in the form of regular reminders of your responsibility.

Our Online Learning Techniques program can also solve your motivation problem by teaching you how to set goals and deal with laziness and procrastination. In 5 weeks, you will learn how to use various mind-activation techniques to learn faster, more efficiently, and more enthusiastically.

Problem 6: lack of social interaction​

While in the classroom, students have the opportunity to communicate directly with each other and the teacher: instantly react, share experiences, joke and establish non-verbal contact, strengthening social skills. For many, communication with like-minded people is an important ritual that they are deprived of when they switch to distance learning. Without friends, classroom noise, and personal contact with a teacher, remote learners can feel isolated. This psychological factor negatively affects motivation and academic performance.

Suggestions for Teachers: To help students overcome their feelings of isolation, create a blog or group chat to communicate, and encourage them to ask questions, help each other, or debate about a given topic. The following strategies can help create a sense of community in the online environment:
  • Take time to talk to students about a distraction.
  • Make the communication personal. Address each one by name and maintain a warm, friendly tone.
  • Organize weekly videoconferences where students can share aspects of their home life and activities.
  • Create assignments that involve working in pairs or groups.
  • Post a short welcome video on the online learning platform every day explaining your learning goals for the day.
Show your students that you are open to communication: ask everyone how you can help him, tell how you yourself cope with the current situation, be kind in assessing the assignments.

Recommendations for carders: Take an active part in online communication with other students, share information and opinions. If you find that you cannot cope with feelings of loneliness and disconnection, and sharing your feelings is difficult for you, try creative self - expression - this is one of the most effective ways to regulate the nervous system during stress: draw, sing, dance, splashing out unproductive feelings.

The world is changing. Yes, distance learning is very different from the traditional one, which gives rise to certain problems. But they are surmountable, you just need to stop resisting the new, change the attitude towards the online format and acquire additional technical skills. After all, it is obvious that e-learning opens the door to favorable opportunities: learning to use gadgets not only for fun, becoming flexible, taking responsibility for your knowledge in your own hands, mastering new standards - the most important of them.

Friends, if you are faced with difficulties, trust that you can handle them. Focusing on your goals is a great way to stay on track and achieve what you want. Good luck!