PRO Carding - Warm up shop


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Today we will talk about warming up the shop. I will give an explanation of two different authors for clarity. Go. Perhaps the second part will be released, depending on the views on this article)
# 1
Warming up shops - communication with the seller or manager before driving. It can be by phone, it can be online chat, it can be e-mail.
Driving in - payment for the purchase by someone else's money, usually someone else's card.

Its main goal is to increase the success rate for driving. You can even "force" the manager to hammer in for you)) This is the so-called driving by phone. I will give you an example so that you understand what I mean.

We want to drive a clock from some shop. We remember all the characteristics. Color, size, shape, brand, etc. We call the consultant and say that we want such a watch as our friend bought, but we cannot find it. We describe the parameters. The consultant will name several models, including yours) And then we ask you to help pay. We dictate card data, address, etc.
You can also just call the store and already say that you have chosen the product, but you cannot pay and ask for help. We also dictate the data to the consultant. The chance that the tranza will go through is so much higher than just trying to drive through the payment on the site).

Also, when warming up shops, you can use different news and come up with stories. Let's say if the cardholder lives in a city where there is a flood or something like that. You can screw up that you are now in another city, but your laptop stayed at home and most likely suffered from the flood, and a new one is urgently needed) So you can drive into another city with great success)
There are also subtleties that allow you to convince the seller that you are the owner of the card. Let's say to break through the next street, and say that you are nearby now, with a friend. Turn on an American TV channel or radio for the background. Perhaps even just a movie in English. language so that someone in the background pizdel type)) Everything only depends on your imagination.
The most important thing here is knowledge of the language. I advise you to watch several TV shows in English in order to learn to understand them. Well, in general, learn English, the right thing)
It is also very important to understand human psychology. How exactly one should speak in order to convince a person. Another important point in warming up in advance is to find out the maximum of information and keep it at hand so as not to dull at the right time. And be able to answer when infa is unknown).

As for the accent, don't worry too much about it. In America, they are not so suspicious of this topic) Since there are a lot of different nationalities. They are used to it.
If you do not know the language very well, cannot react quickly at the time of the call, etc., then warm up through e-mail or chats. The technique is the same, but the implementation is simpler) But the call is still usually more convincing.

# 2
We will analyze different situations and methods of solving them
Have you heard about the fires in Canada? I think all the news is watching. Who understood what I mean?
SS for that city, state to take where the fire is and go ... to put pressure on pity, urgently need an aimak, mine burned out ... This is a smart option for warming up a shop.
Probably one of the best, we find Canadian shops, the principle of work in Canada is the same as in USA.
Those who listen carefully to the news name the cities from which people are completely evacuated.
We are looking for maps of these cities or, in general, we look at the epicenter of the fire and look for the nearest cities.
We find Canadian shops + Canadian stores. We write to the shop in live chat that we were in a difficult situation and we had to evacuate. But there is nothing with me. And you need to buy at least a mobile phone.
In order to keep in touch with the outside world.

We warm up in this way and hit with a different spike. The likelihood that you will be sent increases many times over. + an excuse for you if you are asked to call
And if the shop starts to do our brain, you can stupidly start running into them based on the situation.
Therefore, I always advise you to watch the news. Because such incidents can be played perfectly.
So get creative with it. The states are constantly tornadoes. Floods. Hurricanes and so on and so forth!
You should take note of this quickly.

And get the maximum out.
Let's talk about Gift. And then about something more serious.
When you drive in Gift, try to write a normal letter to the person to whom you are making this Gift.
Write a big beautiful greeting text and send it. Don't write something like "c dr"
But at the same time, the letter must be written correctly so as not to attract too much attention to itself. Who had a situation when the shop asked you why you send to a different thorn?
And so this is a standard question of the shop
I will give a vivid example of how to do NOT WORTH.

As a rule, each carder says departure / gift, etc., etc. Try to be more original
The last time I received such a letter was from a shop that was very hard to penetrate and very difficult to send. The card I had was NY
Again, in order to avoid fraud, they asked why I was sending on a different thorn.
To which I replied: "We found a bunch of termites and beetles at home and now, while they are being poisoned, I live with a friend."
This is a fairly common problem in NY. They have a bunch of termites. I send both to the drop and the middle. This works equally well in all cases.
One more example.

Colorado had heavy snow at the beginning of the year
And when I called the shop, I said that it was very cold at home and I flew to my relatives who live in Florida. But this was not enough for the shop and the shop began to make my brain
They say we can't send it to a different beat. the shop policy prohibits the first order to be sent to a different beat spike.
Then I took the first detention I came across and put in an air ticket on an expedition from Colorado to Florida.

Saved the voucher.
Edited in notepad. Changed dates and sent to the shop
This convinced them and they gladly sent me a pack. At the same time, he apologized 1000 times for unfounded suspicions.
Also another interesting example of working with a shop.
I ordered myself a certain illiquid equipment for a drop. The shop was Canadian. I drove it to 2k. without warming up, just drove in. He sent

Then I hammered it in again ..
He again sent me
and when I drove in for the third time ... the owner of the shop wrote to me.
Says "dear swindler, we will not send you nichrome in connection with your chargebacks" and wished you a pleasant day.
And then I began to pretend to be a surprised client.
ask how and why ...
He said that the payment was withdrawn by the bank.
I replied that I would call now and figure it out ...

Then I again wrote to him, That the bank withdrew all my payments due to a strong delay in loans.
And she said that she was ready to pay him a charge from her debit card and immediately place another order for 2k.
The Canadian was very happy and sent me an authorization form.
Which I successfully paid with the Canadian infinite))))
Pack was sent the next day =)

I still sit and wait ... The moment when he writes to me that I am, to put it mildly, a person of non-traditional sexual orientation =)
Develop your ability to talk on the phone. just call and talk to shops. And in a month you will be able to consistently place an order by phone yourself without unnecessary waste! The first time I called my knees trembled. And now to call as you do not need to do.
I will give you a few subtleties by driving in a ringing tone.
I'm not a fan of ringing. But sometimes when I can't get through the shop, I call.
Let's say a large shop with a watch. Before calling there, I found one American online TV channel and turned it on in the background. Just so that the background of the TV in the house was stupid.
The watch I wanted cost around 1500
I saw reviews on their website. I remembered the name of the person who left the review.

Let it be John Smith
I call and say hello I was advised to contact you by John Smith. I saw his watch, they are amazing.
And I start to bring the consultant to the hours that I need. Naming the criteria you need.
For example, so that the clock is of such a color, of a large size. She calls me one model.
Then another. And then the next ones called mine.
Well, then everything is according to the standard. billing address. Card number, etc., etc.
As for the accent.
My drop RUSSIAN.

Therefore, I do not need to portray a native speaker.
and in general there are a lot of immigrants / immigrants there ..
And no matter how much I study, he will still remain.
You may have a problem with the fact that you will not understand them. Don't forget the connection distorts.
I suffered from this for a long time. But as soon as I watched the week of Doctor House in English and I understood them much better.
For those who want to call with a substitution
I advise Sip-System Service for number substitution.