PRO Carding - Small Beginner Mistakes


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I also advise you to read the part Phone number when driving.

A topic for those who have already mastered the basics and the technical side of carding.

Let's take a more global look at the picture and try to avoid minor mistakes in the future, which are sometimes worth the fact that a whole thousand-strong topic (in the form of a willingly slut shop) passes by you.

I am 100% sure of the information that I will present further, and I came to this without thinking, but experimenting and only the analysis of performance allowed me to draw certain conclusions. But I will bring you to this gradually.

Consider the following situations:

A friend from Russia came to a citizen of America and a Russian, without hesitation, made an order from his laptop on which the Russian version of Windows was installed.

Question: Will the shop cancel this order?

A person from the CIS who came to permanent residence or to visit or study in the United States is trying to buy in an online store, but the Russian version of Windows is installed on his computer.

Question: Will the shop cancel this order?

A decent American, went on vacation (to relatives) to another city (state), on the way he remembered that he had forgotten to buy something and, having stayed where there is an open Wi-Fi, he made an order for the product that he needed. But here's the bad luck, the IP of this open WI-FI for many years managed to get into all black and spam databases.

Question: Will the shop cancel this order?

ANSWER: Not in any of the above cases, the shop will not cancel the order. You may have a question, but how not to cancel, because Windows was not ENG and / or the person made an order from one state, with delivery to another state, and he himself is from a third state. You can also argue that the IP in the examples above was fraudulent.

But my answer will not change - the order will be sent to the holder, whatever Windows he has, wherever the order is made (different beat - spike address), whatever the dirty IP, the ORDER WILL BE SENT TO THE HOLDER.

No, no, I am not telling you that you would place orders with a machine configured in vain and I do not urge you to do them, from any IP. But I will give an example of one of my clients, he regularly makes packs of $ 800. Once, we got to talking and I found out that he not only does not have an anti-tect for $ 100,500, he does not even have an elementary CCtools, and he never tests IP. But nevertheless, from him comes from 3 to 5 packs a day with price tags of $ 500 - 800 of liquid goods.

The whole secret is that for each order, he buys a phone number for the state of the holder and writes an answering machine on it, under the name of the holder.

Further more. Over the years of the existence of carding, it has become that the most vulnerable part when ordering in a shop is the phone number. Yes, exactly the phone number, because everything else, every year, the carding community improves (configures machines, IP tests, antidetects are released / updated / installed).

I can say with confidence that 99.9% of all fraudulent orders come with left numbers, someone changes the last number in the holder's number, someone writes 123 456 7890.

But after all, shops also know this and know better than us!

You have never asked yourself why a shop calls the holder, but yes, I forgot, you change the numbers in the holder's number, how do you know that 80% of shops call the number specified in the order.

So, when the shop calls the holder, and instead of the holder, it is not the holder who answers, while he says that he did not order ANYTHING, this is a STOP of your order right away, it can be of different severity, they will ask for a photo of the card or they will immediately call the bank, but this is a STOP order. From personal experience and from the experience of my clients, I say that most shops, when the holder rings, when they hear, well, at least an answering machine in which the holder's name sounds, this is a success!

Why? Yes, because for a shop, this is the cheapest, but the MOST EFFECTIVE way of checking an order for fraud. There is such a thing as statistics, and in 99.9% of cases, the left number is FROD!

Often it is not important for shops whether this number is indicated by the holder when registering a credit card or not. The main thing for a shop is to hear, the coveted name of Holder in the answering machine, the shop will naturally dictate a voice message, they say so and so, such and such a shop calls you about your order.

In no case do not indicate the real number of the holder, since then the holder will cancel the order.

But if you indicate a pre-prepared number with a recorded voice greeting, on behalf of the holder - your order!

At the moment, this topic is working, how long it will work and when the shops will stop buying it is unknown.

In conclusion, I will say that there are shops that like to hear an answering machine addressed to the holder, leave a message on him, and if the holder has not called back and canceled the order, shouting "someone stole my card details", then after a certain time they will send you an order.

There are also shops that like to talk personally with the holder (there are fewer such shops than those that just need an answering machine). In this case, you should regularly monitor the voice messages left to you by the shop and as soon as you receive a message asking you to call back, go to the call service and order a call.

There are also extremely boring shops (there are very few of them) that want the call to be made from the phone specified when ordering. For often this may be asked by the bank.