Pro Carding - Setting up NOX


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For those who don't know, NOX is an android emulator with wide settings. You, I hope, know that driving from android is better than from Dedicated Server (RDP). And Nox is our best friend.
Put any bullshit to change your IP address to ip USA, anything will do: socks, tunnel, free vpn for pc.

After USA ip go to Google write Nox and download the emulator.
After installation, the nox will start, wait then exit it. Close completely. 2 icons from Nox and Multi drive will appear on the desktop, we are interested in multi drive, open


A window will open, poke at the bottom to add an emulator.
Click New emulator, we don't need a 5.1 emulator. Your mobile phone will be created.
Put Phone here instead of Tablet.
Any permission. do not touch the rest. Run this emulator. wait until it loads and poke here.

The language is higher is English. after a tick on the keyboard, the emulator will restart. This checkbox cuts in the keyboard like on your mobile, if you think that the ebay is firing what you enter from the PC keyboard, use this keyboard.

After you have set English in the emulator settings, go to the settings of the mobile phone itself.


And turn off Location.
Put the language under the country in which you work, I put English USA, the time, respectively, too, I think there is no need to show.


Then go to
There you choose dns for the country in which you work.

For example:

New York about 4 hours ago valid 100 % whois

Chose dns, now go back to the settings on android and go to wi-fi.
Clamp on the net.


Choose Modify network


Then check the Show advanced options checkbox, click on DHCP and select Static.


The settings will come out. Scroll to the very bottom.


Back to dns with public dns info. - ip dns, enter it into DNS 1

You may have a shit with a Nox keyboard that will not let you scroll down, if you don't, poke Next on it. in DNS 2 should itself substitute

Poke Next and press save. Next, go to your android browser and go to You must have dns from the site. If not, try others until you succeed. By the way, if in the line on the site under the IP address of the dns garbage like this you do not need it, in dns 2 in the Knox it is just 8 8 4 4

So: When the dns matched, exit the Nox and put the socks / tunnel on the system. How to do it Google, buy socks / tunnels and put it, you need it on the system so that it goes to Nox.

Now you can beat the ebay from the knock. Maybe I'll make an article on driving into an ebay with a Nox.