Practicing Setting Up Linken Sphere


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I'm studying this post, when I started I had no idea that the environment should be configured as similar as possible to the owner of the card, looking in the forum and thanks to the recommendations of some people I managed to find out about this, I'm trying to learn how to configure Linken Sphere, I used ChatGPT to give me random data from an owner to practice using Linken Sphere, Chat GPT provided me with this data
Name: John Doe IP Address: (dummy) City of Residence: New York Postal Code: 10001 ISP (Internet Service Provider): Verizon Operating System: Windows 10 Original Browser: Google Chrome Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Local Time: UTC-5 (Eastern Time, USA) Timezone: America/New_York System Language: English (US) User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-03 142914.png

Now I'm stuck someone could help me practice the setup, I've looked for tutorials on Youtube but they are all in English, my native language is not English so it's a bit difficult for me since when using the translator it's not entirely accurate


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Detailed analysis of session settings in Linken Sphere​

Firework. Many of you ask me about how to use Linken Sphere antidetect. Let's look at what's in it.

Part 1​


1. Session creation window; to create a new session, Create new session provider must be selected in this selector.

2. Window for selecting the name of your session.

3. Anonymity check after the start of the session.

4. Session notes window, which you can edit directly during the session.

5. Color selection, provides a color palette to change the color of the tab.

6. Clones a session with the same settings, but with new clean Cookies, localStorage, indexedDB and new fingerprints.

7. Session renaming window.

8. Enabling the built-in graphics engine SphereGL (its own customizable analogue of WebGL)

9. Enable HTML5 local storage. (LocalStorage is needed for only one thing - to store certain data between user sessions.

10. Save HTML5 local storage data.(Saving data on user side.)

11. Enabling indexing of indexedDB storage data on the user side.

Part 2​


1. Button to check the validity of your connection.

2. Your connection type:

- No proxy: use native Internet connection.

- Tor: use the TOR network.

- Http: use http proxy connection.

- Socks5: connection to proxy via SOCKS5.

- Dynamic socks5: connection for working with mobile SOCKS; when changing IP, it automatically reloads the page to replace WebRTC.

- SSH Tunnel: use SSH connection.

- Tor + SSH Tunnel: Use the TOR chain before connecting to SSH.

3. Button to buy socks5 directly in the browser.

4. The server address field for your connection.

5. A button that activates WebRTC data substitution.

6. Port field for your connection (default is 22 for SSH connections)

7. A function that allows you to set the desired leak IP address via WebRTC if the incoming and outgoing IP addresses of the connection are different.

8. Field for manually entering the outgoing WebRTC leak address when proxying a connection. Before entering the required IP in the field, you must remove the checkbox

9. Field for specifying a local IP address - you can enter any necessary local address transmitted through the leak via WebRTC.

10. Ability to use IPV6 proxy

11. Disable WebRTC.

12. Disable local IP address detection

13. Login, required for Socks, SSH (if not required, leave the field empty)

14. Custom DNS input field

15.Password required for Socks, SSH (if not required, remains empty)

16.Button to check the validity of manually set DNS.

Part 3​


1. Setting up the user client. User agent filters (Allow you to filter user agents by specific browser)

6. Update the configuration after changing the user account.

7. Useragent selection selector, with ready-made configurations.

8. Useragent control button: You have the ability to add your own agents and delete or edit user agents already added in the manager.

9. Language guide by country.

10. Language selection column.

11. Disable pop-ups.

12. Enabling service workers.

13. Allows you to block Cyrillic characters when entering on the site.

14. Window width for the current session in pixels.

15. Window height for the current session in pixels.

16. When you enable this function, the browser will emulate a window at the specified resolution. This will not allow the site to find out the real screen resolution of your device, and it will completely match the user agent data.

17. Emulation of a full touchscreen. This function allows you to take full advantage of emulating mobile user agents, because it not only recreates the touch effect in the eyes of the site you are visiting, but also makes it impossible for your mouse or touchpad to be detected.

18. Configuration manager.

19. WebGL settings, there is also a function to disable this function.

20. Advanced settings.

21. Fonts.

22. Selecting the required geographic latitude.

23. Selecting the required geographic longitude.

24. Time zone prompt by state.

25. Name of the time zone.

26. System time.

Part 4​


1. Enable Canvas fingerprint substitution.

2. Enable Audio fingerprint substitution, more details here.

3. Enable font fingerprint substitution.

4. Enable clientRects fingerprint substitution.

5. Enable user fingerprint substitution for plugins and supported file types.

6. Encrypt and save cookies of the current session after exiting the tab.

7. Flash support.

8. Using dynamic fingerprints, Spoiler: poke

9. Blocking Canvas

Thanks for reading!