Portrait of the negative inhabitants of the carding forum


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Woodpeckers are hammering. This is their main essence. They are busy. They're hammering. They have no time to stop and think that maybe they are doing something wrong. In the process of chiseling, they lose their sense of common sense, that is, they do not understand that chiseling does not speed up the result they are trying to achieve.
This category is a silent nightmare for anyone who sells any products. There are usually enough woodpeckers for a couple of days of waiting. Then they start sending letters, and the number of letters per day increases proportionally over time. The woodpecker can't stop.
He needs to continue the process.
The woodpecker doesn’t care that there are any rules for accepting orders, conditions and just common sense - he doesn’t read or understand all this, and also doesn’t respond to warnings that, like, enough, wait.
In this category we include the phenomena of this subspecies and those who have proven in some similar way that they can rightfully be proud of this honorary title. The main harm from woodpeckers is that they steal time.


This is the most numerous and harmless category, but up to certain limits. It includes many subspecies, of which the main ones are:

The common hoopoe - it is young, lazy, or, on top of everything else, simply stupid. The common hoopoe bombards everyone with questions, despite the fact that it can find answers to the questions on its own from available sources. He is sure that everyone is simply obliged to answer his questions and is sincerely indignant when he is culturally sent to teach materiel. Sometimes the common hoopoe is useful - funny questions entertain people, but it’s not worth wasting your time on it.

The developing hoopoe - for some reason, clusters mainly in the greater New York area - that is, in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, northern New Jersey, and Staten Island; small habitats are also found in Germany and Russia, but not many. A characteristic feature is the presence of one’s own only correct opinion about everything in the world, be it repairing a combine harvester or breeding parrots. Typically, each individual instance floats through the forum with a lot of noise and a lot of comments on the posts of other carders for several weeks, after which it disappears just as abruptly. He's moving south, apparently. The harm from this type is the introduction of confusion into the heads of the young and not yet experienced generation of carders, who do not yet know what to believe and what not.

A simple hoopoe - A simple hoopoe does no harm, just as it does no good - he asked, asks and will ask questions in the series: “How to drain money from a credit on WM,” and stupidly ignores all advice and hints. We will include in the lists only hoopoes with clear clinical cases - so as not to take time away from others.

The last of the subspecies worthy of mention: The hoopoe is an overgrown one. We will definitely warn about each detected case, since the harm from such a hoopoe is double: a waste of time and nerves. Usually, hoopoes of this subspecies are over 20 years old, and they are more transparently characterized by an ancient joke:

“The teacher asks Petya in class: “Petya, tell us what the goose gives us.” “Fat,” answered Petya. “And what else?” “Fat.” - Petya answered. - Well, for example, what do you sleep on? - The teacher asks. - What do you put under your head? - Right! And if you shake the pillow, what comes out of it? - And what else?!! - Pooh - answered Petya. Hurray! - said the teacher - So, what else does the goose give us? - Fat...”

The hoopoe of this subspecies absolutely does not care about any explanations and preliminary agreements.
Any arguments fall on deaf ears, and treatment does not help here, since the cases are usually too advanced.


This is a very interesting category. First of all, it is a mixture of hoopoe and thrower, but quite unique.
An individual's belonging to this category can be very easily determined when communicating via ICQ, given experience, and most of those included in this category would be more accurately called “scammers by circumstance.”
An ancient joke characterizes this category very clearly:

A man came to the hippodrome, collected the last of his money, and decided to take a risk.
He approaches the hippodrome and meets an old, old, thin nag, who tells him: “Listen, mushik - bet all your money on me, I will definitely come first in the shabega. Don’t think, bet, I’m a good and strong horse, but what am I I look like that, don’t pay any attention to me!” The man thought and bet all the money on her number. The race began, of course, this nag was the very last to arrive, the man, naturally, all in tears and on nerves, yelled at her from across the entire hippodrome: “Well, you promised, I bet all the money on you? I promised, I swore.” ..." To which the nag replies: "Why are you yelling? Well, I couldn’t... I couldn’t..."

For the most part, this category is comprised of young people who offer some kind of service or product. Moreover, in most cases, when accepting an order and money, they themselves sincerely believe that they will fulfill their obligations.
Then - depending on each individual person - either they, quite naturally, having received the money easily and easily, literally, get used to it (and for this category, 100 dollars is already a lot of money), and decide for themselves what, they say, I will do order someday soon. Or there is another option - a more common one: having poked around once or twice with attempts to do what was promised, they discover that either the shark is deaf, or the whistle does not work, or the donkey is dead, that is, that they will not be able to do what was promised.
Or the third option is when the storyteller somewhere heard from someone that some Vasya, whom Kolya knows, who in turn is an acquaintance of Petya, whom Yura’s cousin knows, is doing this and that. Without a moment’s hesitation, the storyteller rushes as fast as he can to the computer and types on the Planet: “I, Pupets-Pitersky, pour, change, sell this and that. 20 years in business. Scam is excluded.” And since there are no bad reviews about it yet (I haven’t had time to do any harm), then someone is doing it. Of course, the further scheme is no different from the one described above. The result of all these stories is the same - what was promised was not done, and there was no way to give the money - it was spent. And then the usual begins: I got sick, my internet went down, a meteorite fell, I broke my head (leg, arm), I had an accident, a flood, the server crashed, my account was stolen, Asya was stolen, soap, a towel and socks were stolen, I was urgently taken into the army, into the bullpen , in a psychiatric hospital, got into a fight, into a hole, into a puddle, into a ditch, I’ll do everything tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, as soon as I heal my wounds, reformatted the hard drive and everything was gone, lost the floppy disk with the WM key, basically lost everything - a list of this juvenile nonsense and the excuses can be continued ad infinitum. The harm is clear - loss of time, money, nerves.
So it is necessary, as in that joke about a steam locomotive, to wet them while they are small, because, having become accustomed to small, easy money and having completely lost the concept of decency, they will certainly move into the category of scammers.

Amateur swindlers.
As a rule, these are children aged 13-16 years, with a very primitive writing style, here is a typical example of such a letter: Hi dude! You posted an announcement here on the planet that you need Nuno cardboard, finally, I have a cool card from Amers, visa and mastcr, which one do you need?
Basically, they have very high self-esteem, they have only recently become acquainted with the world of the Internet, some of them do not even have their own computer, they spend most of their time on the computer playing games and still beg their parents for money for chewing gum and ice cream. , for them, even $1 seems attractive and sufficient.
The tactics of this category of scammers are very simple and banal. They register a nickname on the planet and publish advertisements for the provision of services or the sale of this or that product, they can also collect a certain number at the beginning, no more than 50 (very stupid in their content, for a person who does not have any knowledge on the topic of carding it is very difficult to the strict policy of the forum administration to collect such a number of posts and at the same time maintain its original status), posts in order to inspire greater confidence among its potential clients and then publish an advertisement about the provision of its services. After receiving a response from customers to their ad, they try to get money for their product without providing it to the client. To accomplish their task, they can resort to all sorts of tricks, for example: I urgently need to leave on business, so let’s make a deal quickly, I still have a lot of clients ready to buy this product or service, I don’t have time to argue with you here, in general, let’s get to the point. Are you paying or not? But of course in a much more primitive presentation. Also, some of the swindlers in this category have grown to the level that they use the services of a guarantor service or guarantees of famous people on the planet, but of course without their knowledge, to implement their insidious plans.

Semi-professional scammers.
Young people aged 18-25 years. Mostly educated and with competent writing, intellectually developed. These people spend most of their time sitting in front of a computer and working on it. They have their own desktop computer or even two, some are the proud owners of laptops and expensive cell phones, unlike the previous category of swindlers, they bought all this with money they personally stole from their partners and comrades on the forum. As a rule, they are not exchanged for amounts less than a few hundred dollars.
The most important difference from the previous type of swindlers is that they actually have a product or can provide the services they advertised. In this regard, their deception technology is completely different.
In general terms it can be described as follows.
Register on the forum, promote yourself under your new guise, that is: make friends with verified members, show the goodness of your thoughts to other forum members with the help of posts in which they share their experience and knowledge, in general, try in every possible way to show others that they they really know what they do. After they have gained a sufficient limit of respect from other forum members, they begin to publish advertisements for the sale of goods or the provision of certain services, it is not necessary that they wait while typing posts, maybe so, having demonstrated their knowledge, they will immediately begin to sell their goods or services .
At first everything will go well.
Transactions through the guarantor service, positive reviews from the first lucky ones, etc., etc., but then delays begin in fulfilling their duties and, having waited for that critical moment when the murmur of the dissatisfied can no longer be kept with their promises, they happily dissolve in the darkness of the virtual world and after some... then a new person may appear on the forum with a similar level of knowledge, experience and with the same services.

Professional scammers.
These swindlers can be given a completely similar description as semi-professional swindlers, but with one caveat, they earn their money exclusively by deceiving their clients, and semi-professional swindlers also have a legal source of income and engage in fraud, so to speak, during breaks from their main activity. An excellent example of a swindler of this type can be the mythical figure of Mr. Kulikov, a man who has already become the talk of the town.


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I am new to the forums, I entered looking to learn more about carding, and in that process they have already tried to scam me several times xd, thanks for the post it makes new users of the forum more alert about the type of people you can find here


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What do you think about this? Is it another scam?
Captura de pantalla 2024-06-02 153016.png


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What do you think about this? Is it another scam?View attachment 9499
Carding training from WWH-CLUB is not a scam, but not a piece of cake either. All information taught by lecturers is publicly available. All lectures and manuals are on our forum and can be read for free.
Information for 2021-2023, but they do not tell about new carding methods.
Training costs about $1k, on other forums you can find it 4 times cheaper, and it is not really different.
If you have time and extra money, then you can sign up for a group of beginners.
Many beginners wish they had studied with them, but maybe you will be lucky and like the individual approach.


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I am reading and practicing all the information that has been recommended to me for free, there are still terms that I do not understand since my language is not English or Russian, regarding the course I thought it was some kind of scam since I tried to download this pdf to read it and detect a virus


  • Captura de pantalla 2024-06-02 154852.png
    Captura de pantalla 2024-06-02 154852.png
    1 MB · Views: 4


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Be careful and attentive - many files that tell you about carding training or carding methods may contain a Trojan. Never download .pdf and .doc files as they may contain a virus (stealer) that is not detected by an antivirus program.