
Reaction score
Comparative characteristics.
Above, we introduced the division of people in our society into six categories and do not deviate from this classification, still believing that beggars and thieves predominate in our society. But there is another approach that allows us to identify in today’s life those who really either significantly influence its course or play a significant role. These are just three subspecies: state thieves, “thieves in business” and “thieves in law” or, in other words, statesmen, businessmen and criminals. What these subspecies have in common is an insatiable desire to steal. But everyone has different opportunities and, most importantly, different potential of human qualities and character.

In accordance with the volume of thieves committed, in the first place are government figures - leaders of the state and municipal level and the officials surrounding them, in the second - business figures, i.e. bankers, merchants, entrepreneurs, and, finally, in the last - criminal figures, leaders of criminal groups are thieves and robbers. Despite the superiority of the first subspecies of thieves over the others in terms of the capabilities and volume of theft, according to another criterion - character, will, skill - the latter are superior to the former. Let's try to formulate this idea in the form of generalized psychological characteristics and their inherent character traits.

Let's try to formulate generalized psychological characteristics inherent in leaders.
Regardless of what subspecies a leader belongs to, he always acts in traditional ways. Smart, strong, authoritative; taking into account the experience of the Bolsheviks, he eliminates those who are undesirable, replacing them with accommodating ones; spreads rumors that discredit the honor of rivals; attracts other strong authorities to his side and shares power with them. A leader reacts to the political and economic situation like no one else. Otherwise you won't survive. At the same time, having overcome his arrogance, he enters into an alliance with big tycoons for the sake of huge business and connections. This symbiosis will not necessarily last long. When the alliance ceases to be useful, the stronger will swallow the weaker. It is the thief, marked by the power of the leader, who has the character forged in zones, camps and prisons. But the representatives of other thieving subspecies standing nearby are not weaklings. These are people for whom nothing is impossible. Each of them, with a character forged in the incredible difficulties of camps and prisons or in instrumental battles for survival, can be represented in one of the following guises.
1. Cunning, devilishly inventive, insidious, shifty-eyed scoundrel.
2. Behind the external harmlessness and good nature are hidden irrepressible energy and iron will. He is smart not by thieves' learning, but by peasant ingenuity. Cunning does not develop into deceit.
3. Calm, calculating, with a cold smile, can sit on anyone, looks down on others, looks straight at him, does not shout or raise his voice, but will always be heard.

To evaluate each of the subtypes for ourselves according to a generalized criterion, we will consider such personality traits as intelligence, character and will, strength and energy, and initiative. Based on these parameters, our score will look like this.

Thus, according to our assessment, the thief has the highest life potential, since he scored 4 points out of four; the businessman is also highly rated - 3.2 points; The lowest life potential of today's main leaders of the state and government officials is 2 points. This explains all the cataclysms of our long-suffering country. Three subtypes of the Russian thieves' community determine our present and future. Let us consider the individual qualities of each of the subspecies in application to a specific situation of life.

Let's introduce another evaluation parameter, denote it K and call it the meanness coefficient. It includes all negative human qualities: deceit, meanness, betrayal, greed... Let's take its maximum value equal to one. The dependence of this coefficient on the position and rank of representatives of three thieves' structures - government, business and crime - is shown in the figure.

1. For government officials, a high level of meanness coefficient K is a necessary condition for climbing to the top. This quality significantly influences one’s career; without it, it is impossible to get beyond the lower rank. The higher the position of the representative of power, the greater the value of this coefficient, reaching its maximum value at the very top of power.
2. For business representatives, this coefficient is a constant value, a constant. There is no need to increase it when you reach a certain level: if you have the qualities that determine the essence of this coefficient. - you will become a businessman; if not, you don’t have to do business.
3. For representatives of crime, the coefficient decreases with increasing position. This occurs due to the “natural” decline: the worst scoundrels in crime are destroyed. Therefore, the leaders of criminal groups, “thieves in law” have such a loud reputation, while remaining strong, strong-willed and active. The meanness coefficient is lower than that of the other listed categories.
Note: This assessment is fair, in the author’s opinion, only for our Fatherland and, naturally, has exceptions.


There are two categories of leaders with different human qualities. Some are generators of ideas, attracting supporters with their intellect and psychic energy; The strength of others is that they “don’t lose sight of anything” and attract useful people to themselves. There is a category of leaders whose main quality is persistent will. They are sincere and decisive, persistent and strong, are not afraid of criticism and move forward, despite resistance and envy. Whether they are smart or narrow-minded, it doesn’t matter, the power will belong to them. Their stubborn will makes everyone obey them. The famous bandit S. Maduev, nicknamed Chervonets, who was charged with 60 crimes, five murders, always acted quickly, energetically, and did not sit in a hole. On other days he made two or three armed raids. After a series of robberies, he flew to the other end of the country, where no one knew him and he did not know anyone. In a matter of days, he scouted out the addresses of wealthy shadow traders. He broke all records for obtaining information. The authorities of the criminal world are strong because of their surroundings. Chervonets had no more than three accomplices. But they took him into account. Where others, sorting things out, were “carrying a bazaar,” he, without hesitation, snatched a “gun” and fired. One day, in the pre-trial detention center, they decided to raise him with six. guards. He put all six of them to bed, locked them in their cell and handed over the key to the guard on duty. But he also had other qualities. Unlike other criminals, he did not burn with either natural or ostentatious hatred for the “cops.” On the contrary, he knew how to establish informal relationships with detectives, interrogators, and workers in detention centers and colonies. They began to see in him, in addition to a superbandit, a bright criminal personality with whom it was interesting to communicate. The women with whom he lived during his tours did not hear a rude word from him and always had flowers. But at the same time, he was also characterized by such traits as unprincipledness and meanness, even in relation to those people who were devoted to him.
This is a portrait of one of the active figures in the criminal world.

Using this example, let’s try to evaluate how accurately and completely it reflects the general features of a “thief in law,” a boss, and an authority figure. Let's consider what is inherent in the character of a thief, which reflects his main features. For a thief, feeling your leadership is as necessary as breathing. Power is more important than money. He experiences the deepest satisfaction when he can demonstrate to others his intelligence, resourcefulness, and thieves' nobility. Makes decisions in everything thoughtfully, and executes them instantly. Resourcefulness is one of the main traits of a leader. The agent caught Obralova, a professional thief well known in police circles, in the Church of Our Lady of Vladimir during a thieves' trade. The agent came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. Turning around and realizing who was in front of her, Obralova screamed in a voice full of horror and prayer: “Orthodox, the swindler is getting into his pocket!” The crowd moved threateningly. The agent was forced to disappear. Resourcefulness for survival is not the least important thing. Will, intelligence, activity, resourcefulness are the main qualities that a leader needs. It is based on these characteristics that natural selection of leaders occurs.

There are no moral prohibitions for a leader. Often he is not grateful to the people who helped him, and in order to save himself, he will not hesitate to betray his “sixes”. A cold person, although he values friendship, but without sentimentality, he looks after profit. A sentimental romantic cannot become strong and rich. An inventive mind allows the leader of the criminal world to cope with the difficulties that the life of a thief operating in the jungle of crime is especially rich in. He often has a sense of humor. Wit manifests itself in a vivid form, in the form of laconic and sharp phrases, aimed mainly at intimidation and suppression. A classic literary example is O. Bender.

The psychology of a thief is similar to the psychology of a gambler: risk is attractive. They strive for new winnings not out of a desire to accumulate more, but in order to be able to continue their risky race, since it gives power. If he stops his activities, he will be gone. Money attracts not in itself, but as evidence of victory and success. These are “self-made” people; they inherited no title, no wealth, no position.
The highest stability and activity are characteristic of countries whose borders are always surrounded by danger. In humans, the highest efficiency also manifests itself in difficult conditions. These conditions are characteristic of the life and survival of the criminal. Therefore, it is characterized by those features that realize this possibility, i.e. stability and activity. The thief is at war with society. Every day he risks his freedom or life; a weakling cannot play such a role. By nature, a thief is an active, active person. Conditions and habitat reinforce and strengthen these traits in him.

In addition to his own character traits, the thief uses methods of psychological influence on others. He who knows how to mislead the crowd easily becomes its ruler. For this purpose, the idea of one’s own exclusivity, unusualness and superiority over people is artificially created and intensively instilled in others. Good rumors are spread about yourself. The source will be forgotten, but the rumor will remain. Demonstration of mystery and inaccessibility is one of the techniques. The leader always combines the gift of arousing curiosity about himself with a reluctance to talk about himself. He is interested in others: he questions people, encourages them to talk, and remembers what he considers important. The legendary kings of the criminal world at the beginning of the century: Limonchik from Odessa, Mishka Kultyapy from Moscow - still serve as an example for their criminal descendants.

Another traditional method of thieves and scammers is external representation. In previous years, for gloomy, criminal types with a finnish behind their boot, this was achieved, in addition to a gloomy appearance, with tattoos and fennies. Today, an authoritative thief is not an “overstayed” person who has no tattoos except on his nails. He is well-placed, surrounded by bodyguards, assistants, lawyers, government and law enforcement officials. He has several apartments, dachas, and cars. Establishes commercial enterprises and banks, buys real estate. Acquires shares, securities, bills of exchange in order to legalize income, laundering “dirty money” in government scams together with his brothers in power. The leaders of criminal gangs vacation with their families abroad, where they often think about plans for new operations, and teach children at prestigious lyceums and universities , own real estate and companies.

The above qualities of a thief, but not devotion and diligence, set him apart from the criminal community. No smart executive will tolerate a leader who does not possess these qualities. It was only in the Soviet system that flatterers and pleasers led. That's why she degenerated. Indecisiveness is a significant cause of failure. Among thieves, they are not afraid to take responsibility. As I. Babel wrote: “Neither the steel of actions, nor the rage of this person, which contains everything to dominate, replaces his confidence in what needs to be done in any situation. You don't know what to do. The leader knows." Moreover, the leader does not hesitate to make a collective decision. The human mind is also energy. By collaborating, intelligences form an “energy bank” of knowledge and experience.

Bravery, initiative, energy, enterprise and other positive qualities of character can fade away if they are not given a reason to manifest themselves. In crime, these qualities are “involved” constantly: both when committing crimes and when fighting with one’s competitors for maintaining a zone of influence, and everything is done in the spirit of the best traditions - decorously, nobly.

A true leader must have character qualities either innate or acquired in the process of survival in difficult criminal conditions. What are the most characteristic features a leader should have?
1. Strong-willed qualities are exactly what is most important for a leader. This means that he is characterized by indomitable energy, initiative and activity, absolute self-control, a sense of independence brought to extreme unsociability, and a high sense of duty. Few have such advantages.
2. Analytical mindset - from an intellectual point of view, an important trait that allows you to grasp the practical side of things on the fly. Optimism - as evidence of the worldview of a person whose life path is completely clear and which does not even involve choosing something better; critical thinking and the ability to contrast immediate interests with the future; the ability to set a goal and achieve it.
3. Imagination, thanks to which the leader not only clearly imagines the final result of the implementation of a particular plan, but is also able to generate ideas and draw conclusions from them. This is facilitated by knowledge acquired in another place or on another occasion, but transformed in a new context. Ideas are the product of experience, intelligence and imagination.
4. Knowledge and experience, without which it is impossible to plan a program that will realize the set goal. It is knowledge that gives a leader the necessary confidence, the feeling that he knows what he is talking about. An incompetent leader is based on ignorance and lack of knowledge.
5. The ability to organize the work of professionals and amateurs in such a way as to achieve the intended goal with the limited abilities of the performers is evidence of the high qualities of a leader. The lack of professionalism is always noticeable, especially among officials of all ranks. With a skillful leader, work moves forward without irritation or panic.
6. Determination. This quality is divided into three elements. The first and main one is the understanding that people are capable of completing the task. Added to this is the leader’s faith in success; what can be done will be done. The leader must use these two elements so that everyone believes in him and in the success of the business. His determination should convince him of the insignificance of the upcoming sacrifices and losses.
7. Cruelty and mercilessness are qualities that inspire fear. Astrakh allows not only to achieve unconditional submission, but also to cultivate devotion. The leader must be surrounded by this halo.
8. Attractiveness, in the presence of the above qualities, makes the leader a central figure to whom others are attracted. “Titles” are of great importance. The most ferocious opponent always feels some embarrassment in front of a titled person. The title of “thief in law” serves this purpose. If government officials have a strict ranking, and for them, in turn, all petitioners, then there is equality in the criminal community. How to identify the leading group here? It will include only the strongest, strong-willed, wisest - coordinators, the highest authorities. Only authority and skill distinguish a leader capable of the most decisive actions. When nothing can save him, he will pull out, for example, a safety razor blade from behind his lip and fight to the death.

One of the main tasks of a leader is to choose the sphere and direction of activity, determine the zone of influence, eliminate competitors or establish business contacts with them. Advice is not accepted here; a real leader himself develops the program and appoints performers. When he has thought about everything, he can convene a council at which he is ready to listen to the opinions of his comrades. The scope of criminal activity is increasingly expanding: from traditional criminal activities - racketeering and drug or weapons trafficking - to penetration into various areas of the economy, which provides profits at the level of the country's budget. The most significant application of criminal forces is interaction with businessmen under their tutelage, supporting their activities, and providing “cover.” The stronger and smarter the leader, the larger the zone of influence, the more profitable the business and the wider the sphere of his interests. There are two schemes for fulfilling obligations to those they care for:
1. Traditional, when the “roof” can deceive or deceive its client by playing out some well-worn scenario. These leaders are from the category of roguish post-Soviet people, for whom the main thing is “paws”, momentary gain, without goals or plans for the future.
2. When the “roof” conscientiously performs its protective functions, catching debtors, extracting debts from them and doing its best to contribute to the prosperity of the ward, because in a matter, even a criminal one, people think about tomorrow. If law enforcement agencies were to deal with this, the debtors would end up in the zone, such as, for example, one of the few leaders of the stolen pyramidal structures, the president of the Vlastilina company. And then the creditor would never see his money.

The maximum age of a thief in law is up to 60 years, approximately 80% are from 35 to 40 years. At a younger age, thief in law mainly becomes hereditary criminals. Members of criminal communities often have higher education; there are even candidates and doctors of science, which is especially typical for Caucasian groups. True, criminals with primary education can carry out multi-step criminal combinations and lead accomplices with higher educational qualifications. In 1993, 11 criminal authorities were crowned in Russia, in 1994 - already 33, which indicates attempts to counter the dominance of Caucasian thieves. Indeed, out of 266 “thieves in law”, data about which are given in the book by G. Podleskikh and A. Tereshenko, 202 thieves are natives of the southern and Central Asian regions. And they operate in Russia. Are Russian people really less talented in this matter than foreigners? Perhaps this is due to the fact that the lads have been showing caution lately. Becoming a thief in law is very often like signing your own death warrant.

If the low activity and productivity of an ordinary person is not always noticeable, then in a criminal environment, productivity determines not only success in life, but often life itself. Therefore, here the natural selection of a leader takes place much more correctly than in other areas of activity, even in the army and navy, where mediocrities and hangers-on, hypocrites and servile, can reach the very top. In the business of thieves, it’s like in hunting: either you kill the bear, if you are brave and courageous, or he crushes you. Apparently, this is why the division into persons of Caucasian nationality and others is not recognized here. There is only one criterion - a person is good or bad. The activity of criminal leaders allowed, for example, to completely take over the drug business, wresting it from the weakened hands of the party nomenklatura. The Union has always been involved in drugs, being the largest supplier to the West through third countries. There was a doctrine of undermining Western society from within - a narcotic onslaught on the bourgeoisie. Today, the same doctrine is acting on an unprecedented scale against Russian society.

Crime promotes a leader to its top level. The leader unites and directs the actions of the entire group, which expects his decisions, accepts and supports them. The authority of a leader is associated with personal commitment to him; in the eyes of his associates, he has exceptional qualities: honesty towards the fraternity of thieves, criminal experience, determination, knowledge of traditions and customs, etc. For the most part, leaders actually have abilities that are actually confirmed their leading position: strong, strong-willed, purposeful, with good organizational skills, masters of intrigue, able to skillfully influence others, subjugate and put them in a dependent position, including the enemy. The most important things in this are an energetic character and a strong will. But besides this, the leaders of small and large human communities must be psychologists who understand the soul of their charges and opponents. A leader, for example, can tie the victim’s hands and put him on a grenade with the pin pulled out, or maybe, if we are talking about an intellectual victim, not buy him, but leave him in the belief that he has touched secrets accessible only to a select few and to him. This is how the skill of a true leader, a subtle psychologist of interpersonal relationships, is manifested. Here, to achieve the goal, they do not disdain any means: from cleverly spreading rumors to eliminating a dangerous competitor. This technique is used especially often when it comes to big money. For example, when in 1979, when in 1979 a commission was flying from the center to the north to the gold mines, which wanted to understand the productivity, circulation of gold and its leakage, the plane suddenly crashed. The generals were buried with honors, and since then there has been no hurry with revisions. Even then there was a stable shadow structure, which today, under the tutelage of the authorities, has developed with all its might.

The leader's immediate environment consists of the active and thinking part of the group - the authorities. Each of them supports his line of leadership of the community, participates in the planning of operations and at the same time strives in every possible way to achieve a leading position without violating the established canons of subordination, since reprisals in this case are swift and cruel. Authorities are divided into two groups: those close to the thieves in law and independent criminal specialists, for example, major swindlers, sharpers, extortionists, surrounded by their own security, consultants, and assistants. Authorities do not have the right to convene thieves' gatherings, participate in them, and do not exercise judicial functions, except in their circle. Even the “katals” - organizers of scams using gambling, who in the past had the contemptuous nickname “chernushniki”, took their place among the authorities. Since the late 1960s, the “catals” have gathered for their meetings, where they divide spheres of influence, sort out controversial issues, establish rules for collecting debts, and charging penalties for late payments.

Leaders, as well as their associates, who are constantly fighting for a place closer to the leader, guided by the “true precepts” of the past, show exceptional cynicism, arrogance and cruelty towards those who disagree. The least severe reprisal in this case is simply murder. They kill right on the highway from a car or even from a helicopter, confidently inserting an awl between the ribs when the enemy does not expect such a misfortune. As “Brokeback” from the famous film said: “We won’t stab you painfully.” Chick and done.” But often the murder is preceded by long-term torment: having broken the spine, they throw the offender in a remote place, where he will not soon die in cruel agony.

Georgian “thieves” infected their Russian colleagues with the “virus of desire” to join commerce and politics. The criminals are already nominating their deputies, and there are their representatives in ruling circles. Soon Russian thieves in law will begin to control the elections of US senators and president. Since 1993, the “thieves” have been in contact with representatives of the Cossacks and nationalist parties. The goal is to create in Russia a powerful criminal-paramilitary structure capable of purposefully influencing government agencies.
Until some time, the overthrow of the criminal leader of the criminal community was possible only by decision of the meeting, and the reason could only be one thing - a departure from the principles of thieves. Today there may already be several reasons, since leaders of all mafia levels - state, financial and criminal - deeply intersect in their activities, affect each other’s interests, and influence income.

Because of this, the reasons for the overthrow of authority may be:
— hostility of a competitor (money, grievances);
— information “incontinence” (information leakage from the leader or his community);
— excessive strengthening, which threatens the interests of other authorities;
— the emergence of forces, as a rule, at the very top of power, which themselves are ready to intercept the criminal business.

In order to catch in time the impending danger, manifested in the form of surveillance or obsessive attention to your activities, in the outflow of clients, termination of contracts, failure of negotiations, you need to take the following actions:
— identify the enemy;
— carry out counterplay ahead of the curve, if possible;
— negotiate and find a compromise, regardless of any losses;
— if the attacks are unfair, but the forces are irresistible, agree to withdraw from your positions, but take into account the friendliness of your competitor in the future.
If all this doesn't help, calmly give everything away. Money is just a means for smart people, not an end in itself.

- I wish I had enough money to buy an elephant.
- Why do you need an elephant?
- I don't need an elephant. I need so much money.

Businessmen are professional criminals in the sphere of economics and economy. Businessmen carry out their frauds in the field of finance and economics. Tsehoviki are entrepreneurs engaged in the clandestine production of unaccounted for products and their sales. Both have become especially active since the 1970s. At Soviet-era enterprises, everything was outwardly decent: advanced workers, socialist competition, winners and certificates from the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. Entire factories were underground. They paid government officials 10–50% of the profits, just like they do to criminals today. Executives with suitcases of money entered the highest offices and asked only for one thing - do not interfere with work. And they didn’t interfere while waiting for the next suitcase. And if he wasn’t there, there would be a criminal case and a prison sentence.

Today there is a flourishing of shadow activities, since modern Russian business is based not on laws, but on four pillars: bribes to officials, tribute to bandits, deception of clients, theft from the state. Businessmen deliberately violate laws, carefully and thoughtfully disguising their activities. They are the intellectual elite, not allowed to manage the economy and the state by nomenklatura nouveau riche and apparatchiks. Businessmen consider themselves energetic, courageous, far-sighted and, of course, honest people. The official authorities have always treated them as selfish, ruthless, antisocial and criminal figures who undermine the country's economy. Those days are gone, and both criminals and state thieves need the business experience of shadow traders. He who has wealth dreams of authority, and he who has authority lacks wealth. These features led to the rapprochement of the two most powerful thieves groups: criminals and shadow criminals.

The main features of businessmen and shadow traders correspond to the general features of criminal leaders. Smart, strong, authoritative, with extensive experience and logic, super-hard-working and inventive, having the widest circle of acquaintances among the people necessary for the business and at the same time hiding all his plans and actions - this is the portrait of a business man. They have a high social status, the preservation and enhancement of which they attach great importance to. The only power they recognize is the power of money. The motto, close to the thieves', is valid: money is above all, but money for the sake of business. All other human values are viewed through the prism of profit.

The main category of businessmen are creators, leaders who generate ideas themselves. A significantly smaller proportion of them use the creative potential of their associates and hired employees. But the second category cannot achieve special successes due to intellectual limitations. Leadership in their environment arises naturally, thanks to initiative, entrepreneurship, creativity and capital. The moral code of these criminal business figures is interesting. “The main thing in life is money, honesty is quixotic. Don't look for free services - there are none. Lead an inconspicuous “honest” lifestyle. Never punish theft with theft, it is better to earn money. A traitor receives universal trade contempt. Mutual responsibility and revenue are the basic law of life and the condition for the prosperity of business people.” Betrayal and double-dealing are unacceptable. In this case, a pack of comrades tears apart the pariah. All reliable people immediately stop recognizing him, preoccupied with their own fate, and nimble assistants are in a hurry to bury their patron, trying to take his place in a timely manner at an opportune moment.

The businessman is not at war with society, like a thief or robber; he goes underground, hiding his activities or buying from the authorities the opportunity to act. He risks his freedom just like a thief, and, therefore, must have will, character, and initiative. But the risk is only reasonable. Therefore, he never sets himself the task of being visible, does not strive to lead, everything works out by itself. Unlike the thief in law, he does not need to show cruelty, mercilessness, or attractiveness; he buys and attracts people with money to a position, to work, to his side. The businessman does not need to use methods of psychological influence on others, resorting to methods of suggestion or playing the role of a mysterious, inaccessible and very personable person, as his criminal brothers do. The innate ability of businessmen to manipulate people and circumstances allows them to easily attract them to the business and encourages them to serve themselves for their benefit. They are dynamic, communicative, have the gift of persuasion, and adapt well to the social system: they survived both in Soviet society and in the camps and will survive among the criminal “bros.” For them, a person is just a means to an end; selfless human attachments do not exist.

The businessman's experience is one of sophisticated creative machinations, an infinite number of which he has spun during his life. Creativity, initiative, and an analytical mind allow him to carry out ingenious projects, circumventing the laws. He does everything flawlessly, carefully, his logic is ironclad. He compensates for the emotional emptiness by completely dedicating himself to his work, achieving great success and thus gaining peace of mind. His creativity is aimed at two things: how to expand production and how to get around obstacles and gaps in legislation. Usually he succeeds in everything, so he is an optimist, even after major losses, which he perceives philosophically. Failures push him to continue activities with renewed energy in order to recover the loss. The main quality of a shadow worker: the ability to unite, bringing their projects to completion, without being interested in the influence or impact of the state on them. Anyone who does not possess such qualities is condemned to quick death. Proof of this is the idle state enterprises and functioning private and shadow ones.
The main features of the businessmen and shadow traders of the democratic period are adequate to the portrait of the statesman, since most of the former nomenclature officials have shifted to the criminal field of activity since the 1990s. Instead of a personality that corresponds to the “moral code” given above, in reality we see a completely different portrait. Let us compare the characteristics of businessmen before the 1990s and after.
Main features of a shadow business figure.

Businessmen have no complexes in business: there is a deficit in the market - it is necessary to close it, the faster, the higher the profit. If you need to organize the sewing of slippers, they will do it provided there is a good profit. If there is a demand for coffins abroad, they will create a big business and, having launched it, transfer the promoted business to a less active and energetic partner, continuing the search for ideas, orders, goals. Often the role of a businessman is played by an economic manager who has state or cooperative production at his disposal. For example, the chairman of Raipo purchased furniture from enterprises for the population of the district, installed new fittings on it in his personal cooperative and sold it for double the price. The manager of the vegetable warehouse did the same: he purchased the minimum amount of products from the population, the rest from the state, and charged a triple price when selling. The criminal term “blat”, which means criminal, criminal, has become widely used. “Getting it through connections” was a source of pride for the average person, evidence of belonging to the elite.

Using the simplest operations, for example, a markup on glass containers, businessmen managed to instantly make large sums of capital. They are called “glass kings”. On the eve of the markup, the existing containers were taken out of the warehouse, and the next morning they were brought back, putting a substantial sum in their pocket. The scheme has been implemented especially successfully in recent years, when inflation forces constant revaluation. The kings of other departments acted and act in a similar way: soap, tobacco, alcohol, etc. The scheme of actions is simple: snatch, lie down, sit out, new operation.

With the emergence of the shadow economy, a secondary redistribution of national income occurred after the revolution: businessmen invented a way to withdraw money from the state, and crime took money from them. Today this method works with extraordinary efficiency. Feudalism, established in the country, allows the appanage princes in their estates to do whatever they consider necessary. A striking illustration of this is Chechnya: they minted coins, traded “black” gold, and established their own rules. They even withstood the sidelong glance of the “tsar and his hounds,” without stopping the activities of the underground association “Checheningushzoloto,” which significantly replenishes the republic’s budget. The association existed next to the Soviet “Severovostokzoloto” and is still thriving. This became one of the reasons for the “unprofitability” of state gold mining. A chain has been established from purchase to sale, including secret apartments - centers for purchase and organization of transportation, forwarders - mainly girls of the Slavic type with body belts stuffed with gold sand - their people at customs, in the UBEP and UGRO Currently, shadow businessmen are buying, without hiding, stolen or illegally mined precious metal for 5 dollars per gram. The world price is 12.5 dollars per gram, the state. buys at a price of about 11 dollars, but is in no hurry to pay. The shadow companies pay in cash, although they pay twice as much as the state. In the central regions of Kolyma alone, 20–25 tons of gold are mined per season. It is estimated that about 10% of the mined metal goes to Chechnya through the underground syndicate “Checheningushzoloto”, which receives 15–20 million dollars from this underground business alone.
The history of the formation of shadow business is marked by high-profile cases and names that have become household names. In Moscow - Tregubism, in Krasnodar - Medunovism, in Tajikistan - Odylovism, the Uzbek affair. In 35 regions of the country, every second organized group found itself in close ties with government officials. In 80% of cases, the leaders of the gangs were the leaders of the economic system. They turned entire industries into their domain. The shadow organization did not begin its activities until it provided a “roof over its head”: it did not buy local authorities, law enforcement officers. This is where today’s term “roof” comes from, which supposedly means a gangster cover, but in reality it’s just a racket. In other words, government officials, who today have shifted to the category of businessmen, were engaged in banditry. If this rule was violated in the past, that is, it was not shared with the authorities, then quickly - bars, barbed wire, logging. Today it’s the same, but the state, apparently by agreement, gave the right of “roof” to crime, and it has to be shared with both the authorities and crime. If a rule is broken today, then, in addition to financial losses, prison or prison, the death of the disobedient may occur. How the bandits of that time worked with shadow workers from the beginning of the century is described by I. Babel in the story “How it was done in Odessa.” Today the techniques are tougher and the volumes are steeper.

The most common scheme for a businessman to work is as follows. The contract for the purchase of goods is concluded by company A, but is not involved in the sale itself, but sells it to companies B, C and O, which were founded by it in order to pocket the trade margin they have “earned” and hide income and profit from taxation. It is very good when companies B, C and O are located in other countries - Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan. Then all these states are easily deceived, and the income of businessmen increases tenfold. After a year or less, firms B, C and O either disappear or declare bankruptcy without paying taxes to the state for the entire period of activity. Other companies are opened with the same functions and with the same income.

The “Sixes” are the direct perpetrators of crimes, carrying out instructions from the leaders of the criminal environment. They strictly obey criminal authority, even if they have their own entourage. For disobedience and failure to follow orders - execution. They all dream of leadership, of the role of a significant and authoritative boss of the thieves' community, but 90% of them remain six with shifting eyes, an unreliable person, arrogant, aggressive, cruel, unprincipled.

In the first years of Soviet power, the clan of thieves was replenished by homeless children and destitute people, all those who suffered from the psychological and physical hardships of life and general disorder. Today, so many years after statements about the elimination of crime in the country, it turns out that young people are being pushed into crime by the same reasons as before. The thirty million people passed through the colonies in the last 30 years have a significant impact on the morale of society. There were and are so many teachers with criminal experience! It is no coincidence that youth crime is so high. Having been born and surviving in poverty, seeing the hidden abundance of the state nouveau riche, hypocritically promising abundance in the near future, the Soviet man dreamed of prosperity all his life. Unfortunately, there was no direct path to this, although, as they assured, all paths were open. Therefore, it often turned out that the only road led to crime.

The social layer of the “sixes” creates a toadying and supportive frame for those who are “in power,” “in law.” Their distinguishing features are naivety, primitivism and subsequent arrogance. Having no conscience, unable to have it from the very beginning, they strive only for pleasures, even the most crude and primitive ones. They are often talented in the arts of pretense, deception and bluff. They are not privy to the details of what is happening, they are simply used as unquestioning executors. Some of them most often fall for the bait of money, others for blackmail and provocation, since they don’t know how to do anything other than “six”. They are distinguished by boundless gullibility, uncriticality, and shamelessness. Vulgar standard jokes, causing nausea in everyone except themselves, barely cover up their dullness, rudeness and narrow-mindedness. The combination of these qualities pushes them to any criminal act that authorities entrust to them. Having encountered both strength and intelligence in a person, what they lack, sixes are amazed and crushed. This is evidenced by their demeanor, facial expressions, and voice. Fear, respect, love - perfect combinations for someone to use and discard.

The life principles of a criminal mature gradually. In childhood, he takes away a toy from the weak, in adolescence he clears the pockets of drunks, in adulthood he expertly prepares crimes, cooperating with his own kind. The worldview, morality and philosophy of a typical representative of a mendicant clan, who, for example, “won’t” invite a girl to a restaurant and run off with her fur coat, leaving the deceived one to pay the bill. The main life principle of the performer is receiving benefits. “If they want something from me, then I’m worth something, and if I’m worth something, then why should I be cheap?” People with such principles are easy to use as bait, as a tool, or as a disposable syringe. He beckoned with his finger, showed a green piece of paper, threw it patronizingly with approval: “Well, guy, you’re cool!” - and consider the tool at your disposal. After the case, the tool is thrown into the trash or destroyed so that there is no leakage of information. They do the same with him if, due to his “steepness,” he begins to deviate from the program of behavior assigned to him. The instability of beliefs often pushes performers to actions that violate the covenants of their elders. Katran players will rarely, for example, resort to direct robbery and blackmail of their clients, and their guards, the so-called “bugs,” may well, having the information they receive at the gaming site, resort to violent actions.

Engaged in group thievery, the performer acquires, thanks only to the size of the group, a feeling of irresistible force, and the awareness of this allows him to succumb to instincts that he never gives free rein to alone. In the group he is anonymous, the sense of responsibility disappears, and the same lawlessness that can be seen in power structures, in business and crime manifests itself. The behavior of a performer in a group resembles the state of a hypnotized person; he exhibits a tendency toward arbitrariness, violence, and ferocity. In a group, he is completely deprived of the ability to observe and analyze, if he has the latter quality at all. Ordinary performers do not hesitate to change their image, moving, for example, from pickpocketing during rush hours to performing the functions of “public transport controllers” when a small number of passengers are not allows you to “keep a sitter,” that is, to steal at a certain transport stop. The same gang of hefty fellows that got into your pocket on the way to the market will calmly fine you for traveling without a ticket, presenting documents in full form. “I’m not the one fining you.”, budget!“ “Everyone has children, pay, don’t gurgle!” one of the three fellows in leather barks in a well-trained voice at the timid woman.

Over the years comes knowledge and experience. They leave an imprint on the behavior of every person, including the criminal, making his actions more purposeful. Experience gives them confidence, they briskly “handle the hairdryer,” but their eyes betray anxiety. This distinguishes the performer from real, “big” thieves, who know how to suppress emotions in themselves and even put on the mask of an honest person. Prisons provide the greatest criminal experience. There, authorities teach performers thieves' skills, cruelty, and forethought when committing crimes. Those who are smarter; acquiring This experience, the narrow-minded people, who are the majority, either die in accordance with the algorithm of using sixes, or spend almost their entire lives in prison.

The desire to remain unnoticed and to keep one’s participation in theft a secret never leaves the criminal. At the same time, the uncontrollable desire to reveal one’s secret and share it with friends often forces one to blurt out the circumstances of the crime. If after the theft you are lucky enough to remain undetected, flaunting this, the perpetrators tell their friends about the ease and carelessness of a thief’s life. The talkativeness test is one of the tests used to assess the business qualities of a performer on his way to becoming an authority figure. The “boy” will not be crowned until he passes a comprehensive test. The tests really reveal the organizational and business qualities, character and will of the applicant. One of the serious tests is, in particular, collecting funds for the thieves' fund. This operation requires not only the ability to persuade the “patient” or “the man,” but, if they do not understand “in a kind way,” to instill fear in them, to intimidate them so cunningly that they do not rebel, do not lose their temper, but remain obedient tributaries . One of the tools here is the ability to swear. Newbies are also tested using this parameter. There is Russian swearing. But there is also a criminal one. The words are the same, but they contain such hatred, malice, and hysteria that they immediately suppress the will of the enemy.

The ease and accessibility of entry into crime seduces the semi-literate, lazy, arrogant, envious and cowardly, and therefore unable to act alone, pushes them to abandon a career that requires intelligence, initiative, energy, personal effort and will. A limited sphere of functions, the fulfillment of which ensures a decent existence, completely satisfies them. Those who end up in prison for a crime, those who are killed in showdowns, those who are destroyed by their own bosses to hide traces of crimes - these are the “sixes”. They come to replace those who have dropped out, so that, having temporarily taken their place, they will then give it up to another Russian “gangster” with an incomplete primary education. The country of beggars abundantly supplies recruits for criminal wars and Russian camps. Many of them die both in their showdowns and during forceful arrests, with which the authorities demonstrate their “successful fight against crime.” Although most often the detention comes down to the fact that the “boys” are asked to stand against the wall and spread their legs as wide as possible. After half an hour of standing like this, it is difficult to bring them together. In most cases, detainees are released after a certain period of time.


Circumstances push towards the path of crime. Moreover, weak people, strong people and those in power take this path in different ways. Those in power do not need recommendations on how to survive. Having made their way to the top, they have demonstrated an amazing ability to survive, and, moreover, this is their place, and if they do not show extreme greed when their interests collide with crime, which, as a rule, reflects poorly on their fate, they prosper for a long time and act fruitfully for the benefit of the very crime that accepts them into its wide arms. The rest of the citizens, who can be divided into two groups - the strong and the weak, regardless of the type of activity - business or crime, should be guided by various recommendations.

A significant group of criminals, both in business and in crime, turns out to be unsuited for such activities, either professionally or morally: they have no skills and experience; no character or strength.

As a result, an increasing number of incapable, narrow-minded and embittered people turn from light crimes to terrible, brutal robberies and murders. The lawlessness that has unfolded in Russia, the lawlessness in crime, in anti-criminal structures, in power - is an illustration of this. Even the majority of ordinary people take the path of crime, trying to deceive, not pay, or steal. For this category of citizens, the recommendations are simple. To survive in a criminal country and especially in a community of thieves, you should be guided by the following principles:
- do not go against the strong and do not get in his way;
- try to interest a strong person in your ideas;
- do not defend the loss if you do not have the strength to do so;
- build character, work on yourself to become strong.

What conditions determine a person’s ability to take the path of crime, and to commit them not secretly, like a state thief or shadow worker, but openly, contrary to the morals of society. The following justifications can be given for the growth of the criminal community:
1. Having decided to commit a crime, the thief psychologically, according to Dostoevsky, has already risen above society.
2. The poverty of Russian life forces a person to be evil. Hence, disregard for morality becomes canon.
3. The double-dealing of the authorities irritates the lower strata of society, Robinhood-like motives of behavior appear when a crime can be justified by lofty goals.

4. Having gone through prisons and camps, surviving there, defending his independence with teeth and knife, the criminal becomes morally stronger, strengthens his will and character. His fighting qualities raise him above most of the citizens.
The instrument of influence both on the thieves’ community and on the entire society is force, ideology or religion. In the former eastern republics of the USSR, adherents of Islam, as is known, preach submission and non-resistance to elders in rank and age. In the rest of the territory, the rulers entered into a “pact” with organized crime. Its essence is simple: suppression of the will and discontent of the population with fear, violence, rampant crime, i.e., a necessary condition for the existence of power is ensured and, in fact, free criminal activity is allowed, contributing to the prosperity of the criminal community.

Both of them fulfill their unspoken obligations, existing comfortably in a rich country with a poor population. Strong people are knocked out first - they violate the general background of humility and obedience. They die morally and physically in showdowns with both crime and the state, since they only take into account the strength of the enemy and do not take into account his treachery. This is how the scheme of suppression by an insidious enemy of the strong and rebellious is implemented.

The “black mayor” of the city, a “thief in law” nicknamed Maz, as first-hand swindlers were called in pre-revolutionary jargon, an extraordinary man with an eerie reputation, tried to restore order in the city by calling for the submission of the “Makhnovists,” a strong group of athletes who did not recognize the old authorities.

The “Arrow” of the black mayor and rebellious leader was appointed far from the city, in a sand quarry. According to the conditions, everyone arrived in two cars with weapons. The cars stood on opposite sides of the quarry, a hundred meters from each other. The “black mayor” and his assistant and the “leader of athletes” and his assistant headed towards each other. On the way, while lighting a cigarette, the “black mayor” dropped and crushed with his foot a supposedly empty pack, and in it was a one-time radio station “splash,” which sent a signal on the air. As the opponents approached, suddenly the sounds of an accordion were heard and a brightly painted army jeep drove out from behind a hillock, driven by a black man in a white suit. The radio in the car was turned on at full power. A joyfully beaming black man, stopping not far from his rivals, asked in a drunken voice whether he was going to Africa correctly. The amazed bandits did not have time to come to their senses when the black man dived down and stood up with a machine gun in his hands. A long line filled up the tough athletes, numb with surprise.

The probability of survival in a criminal state for government officials is almost 100%; for businessmen - 50% (can “run over” or “spoil” crime, rob or kill a competitor, suppress those in power); For criminals with their risky activities, the probability of survival is even less because they themselves destroy each other, and the authorities eliminate the material that has already been worked out and used.
In turn, there is practically no risk in any activity, including the possibility of being imprisoned, being “thrown away” by commercial and criminal structures, or going bankrupt, for government officials. But, oddly enough, for a strong person, despite his high potential, the probability of burning out, failing, or falling into ruin is twice as high as for a weak one. The strong ones are removed because competitors are not needed. This point is illustrated by the graph below.

The ability to survive depends on two factors: you need to know your goal and be able to find the means to realize it. The ability to choose a goal is determined by the level of education, experience, and intuition; the ability to find means, first of all, adaptability to the situation and, naturally, strong character, without which there is nothing to count on success. It’s not for nothing that they say: “It’s better to have a hard chancre than a soft character.”

The environment in post-Soviet society is bureaucracy and crime. You need to know how to interact with both systems. The bureaucratic caste has traditions, a corporate spirit, constancy, that is, a whole series of conditions that make it the main ruler in the state. The influence of power on a community is determined primarily by the bureaucratic apparatus. Power is those who make decisions; The bureaucracy is those who manage to use these decisions to their advantage. The bureaucratic apparatus performs two functions: the main thing is to distract public attention from the actions of the authorities; provides for himself using a standard tool - a bribe. The volumes of extortion through bribes are so large that they can be compared with the income of criminals from criminal activities.
In any society there are two interdependent components: the producer and the consumer. In an ideal system, they operate independently, paying taxes to the state on their profits. In a difficult case, such as the current state of the Russian economy, the manufacturer should be generally exempt from taxes.

With such a scheme of economic relations, the need for theft is reduced, problems with collecting taxes do not arise, and cumbersome and ineffective systems of tax inspection and tax police are not created. It is according to this scheme that the activities of shadow structures are organized, paying tribute, however, not to the state, but to the mafia, which includes the bureaucracy and crime. However, despite the simplicity and effectiveness of this scheme of relations, state leaders, fearing to lose their share in the mafia division and remain only on the salary of a civil servant, prefer the old, proven structure of interaction between the state and the manufacturer, which allows them to rob almost everyone.

They impose fees on the manufacturer and supplier for licenses, quotas, funds, forcing them to unofficially pay huge bribes for their favor, expressed in the form of resolutions and signatures, as well as officially pay for their services. In addition, producers, suppliers and consumers are subject to taxes, which they try their best to avoid. Thus, the only way to survive in a bureaucratic state is a bribe. Anyone who cannot, for whatever reason, or does not know how to give a bribe, will not succeed, and ultimately will not be able to survive in our community.

Crime today plays a more significant role in society than the government, acting in parallel with it and imposing tribute on everyone based on tips from the same information sources - banks and the tax inspectorate. Bandit formations, existing in parallel with law enforcement agencies designed to protect the interests of citizens, create tension around the entrepreneur, carrying out raids and scams. They themselves resolve them, demonstrating efficiency, fairness and strength. All this is being done so that, under the threat of criminal lawlessness, one can calmly reap the fruits of the activities of shadow structures.

The existing system of relations with crime allows you to exist next to them only if you interact through the “service” they provide, which is called “roof.” For this service, the essence of which is protection from other bandit groups, you have to pay up to 15% of the profit. Payment is made in “black cash,” that is, in money hidden from the state. According to some data, about 40 thousand firms and enterprises, that is, almost all, are in vassal dependence on crime. This means that for their “service” the criminal receives up to 15% of budget funds, or tens of trillions of rubles, using them to maintain their existence. Everyone knows about this system of relations between an entrepreneur and crime, and the authorities bless it with their silence, confirming the existence of a “pact” with organized crime. True, recently the authorities have been trying to move crime away from this source of income. Under the same conditions, a similar service, i.e. “roof,” is offered by law enforcement agencies.

Even in the last century, G. Le Bon expressed the conviction that socialist ideas of transforming private property into state property would finish off the peoples who were seduced by these slogans. Today, on the ruins of the socialist empire, the rule of force and crime reigns. The situation is reminiscent of America in the 1920s, during Prohibition, when bootleggers made huge fortunes. The pyramid of power has collapsed, and criminals, together with the authorities, are stealing everything they can. Both of them act on the basis of one simple principle: to snatch as much as possible, without thinking about what will happen to the robbed person and society.

Deputy to Prime Minister:
- But you have no idea about the people! Take any tram, visit any market and listen to what they say about your government.
That same evening, the prime minister went out into the street without security and, boarding the first tram, sternly said to the counselor:
— To the nearest market, please.

1. The normal system of organizing economic relations does not suit the authorities and the bureaucracy, since in this case their licensing function will remain unclaimed and most of the income they receive through bribes and other extortions will go away.
2. In a bureaucratic and criminal society, the instrument of interaction with the authorities is a bribe, and with crime - royalties.”

(c) The thieves. Robbers: Crime Theory: Book 2
Danilov Alexander