Poor carder. Let's get out of poverty together.

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Day after day, article after article. The meaning is the same, the message is the same.

Let's take the first skill of successful carders: risk propensity. Yes, there was no 100% guarantee of success at the very beginning for any of the millionaires and billionaires, but what did you think? I hope it is no secret to you that the most profitable type of activity is carding, not work for hire. And in the first place, unlike the second, you do not have and cannot have anyone who would promise you a certain level of income, and even with regular payments on certain days, vacations and sick leave.

Do you want to earn above average? We'll have to take risks. Yes, beginners often go broke - and you need to come to terms with this in advance. There is no shame in being broke and then getting rich. But, from my point of view, there is a certain shame and idiocy in working all your life for a salary that is barely enough for food and Chinese clothes on sale.

Poor carders, of course, think in completely the opposite way: they are not ready to accept the possibility of losing everything. Even if “all” at the moment is a pair of leaky sneakers and a monthly salary comparable to my personal expenses in one day. But no, you can't lose this, because this is “EVERYTHING”. (- What: everything? - Well, everything.) Apparently the word itself is scary - I sympathize and understand. Although no, I don't understand, and never understood, to be honest.

I'm not saying rich carders don't get scared. It happens that you never dreamed of it: it only seems that risking ten million is as scary as risking ten rubles. Everything is everything. But I would say not really. It's just that a rich person differs from a poor person in that he understands: the question is not even worth it, to take risks or not to take risks. Another thing is: how to take risks, why take risks, with whom to take risks and how to reduce this risk to a minimum. Learn to ask these questions, and you will advance further in the next year than in your entire previous life.

The second skill of rich carders: goal setting. I don't even want to live here for a long time, since there is a book “Goal Space”, and I'm not ready to briefly summarize it in two paragraphs. But I can say in a nutshell that unless you have clear career or carding goals, you won't get anywhere. And if you still manage to advance somewhere without clear goals, then consider this even greater luck than if you walked into a casino off the street and won a million dollars in the first 5 minutes. In short, rest assured: this will not happen to you a second time.

Poor carders differ from rich carders in that they are always too lazy to think ahead. The future evokes in them an explosive mixture of emotions: fear, mixed with the real experience of their inner circle, and weak hope, mixed with fantasies and fairy tales. As a result, they go into this future with their eyes tightly closed, and then at a critical moment they break down and, screaming: “It was not there,” they rush into the abyss. After which they naturally find themselves at the very bottom, which consists of an advanced stage of alcoholism, a negative loan balance and advanced neurosis on the topic: “How beautifully I screwed up my life.”

The third useful skill is the absence of useless spending. Rich carders differ from everyone else in that they once understood the main secret of wealth: you need to stop trying so hard to create the impression that you are rich. According to my observations, this is exactly what 50 percent of the entire budget of carders who complain about a lack of money goes to. Or even more. Rich carders have exterminated the inner pauper. The one who absolutely needs the latest iPhone and a sports car to show off in front of the boys.

Poor carders, as you might guess, have not conquered the inner beggar in themselves - on the contrary, they worship it. They have a special altar where gifts are brought monthly: new models of everything in the world, from headphones to cat toys. Interest on loans accrued for a car, apartment, fur coat and vacation is placed on the same altar.

All for one goal: to be no worse than others. Which others? Other poor carders, as a rule. Indeed, their loans are usually no worse than yours - after all, poor carders make friends in flocks and throw dust in each other's eyes, thus inspiring their friends to spend more and more.

What amuses me most is how poor carders go shopping and communicate with sellers. Even a five-year-old can scam them out of money, because they are mortally afraid of appearing poor. It is enough for the seller to offer them everything that is most expensive, having previously informed them that this is the most expensive, and they will gladly take it.

But for me personally, for example, I don't need the most expensive things - I'm a modest person. The best goods and services at the lowest possible price are enough for me. When carders ask me: "Why don't you buy a new awesome BMW?" I always ask in response, why do I need it? Or take, say, repairs. If I go to repair my car, I'm in no hurry to shell out as much as they ask, at the first service center I come across. No, I'll first do diagnostics at several services: it costs pennies. But the bill for repairs at the first shitty office you come across can be quite large, especially if you arrive in a normal car.

A few years ago, for example, my suspension went kaput - and they estimated the repair at 60 thousand. I just drove on, and at home I got on the phone and asked to make a calculation in 5-7 centers. Needless to say, in the end, they did the same thing for 37 thousand in a specialized service?

And fourth. Perhaps this will come as a surprise to you, but rich carders have one skill that is worth all three of the previous ones: they are a little better than everyone else at understanding carders. Of course, you will say that you are as insightful as Vanga. I will answer: perhaps you are an exception. Most poor carders, however, are rather permeable. In the sense that they are seen through.

Take, for example, typical Central Russian girls who always want to marry a millionaire for love. Or Central Russian startupers who want to take my money and, of course, only to make me richer. To my happiness and to their sadness, I understand quite well where to send every startup I meet. Now I won't even talk about how to use the above-mentioned girls for their intended purpose, for reasons of tolerance.

But when a rich person meets, for example, a smart worker - one in a thousand stupid ones - something quickly works in him too. He grabs him and hires him, for example. Rich carders also know how to distinguish not only smart workers, but also promising partners, clients, suppliers. This paranormal intuition is developed over the years.

But poor carders understand carders in exactly the opposite way. As soon as they meet the first crypto-fraudster, gypsy, prostitute, sorcerer with a magic ball, schizo guru they come across - they go into a wild pig-like delight, tell everyone about the happy meeting and bring money in bundles. But as soon as they come across a sensible blog on the Internet - for example, my channel, they start spitting saliva and screaming that they were insulted. I will not even tell you now how carders with such distortions behave when they write to me. I will say one thing: fortunately, lately I meet such individuals less and less often.

How to develop the same sensitivity as the rich? Here you will have to sweat a little more than in the previous points, but the result is worth it. Learning to observe is an extremely useful skill. Just watch what carders do without getting carried away by what they say. Patience also helps: do not rush to conclusions, no matter how rich you consider your life experience, no matter how much you rely on supernatural intuition. I don't want to upset you, but carders with more experience than 90% of the world's population prefer to rely on common sense much more often than on subtle matters.

What else to say? Of course, there are many other funny ways to ensure a poor and even beggarly life. But if you really find a way to change at least these four programs of thinking and behavior, then within the next year you can multiply your income and significantly improve your overall financial situation.

Don't believe me? Take a close look at these four points and at anyone you know with financial problems. I guarantee that you will find all the cockroaches - and they will be fat and very visible. And when you find it, ask any rich person you can find, at least online: do they have goals? Does he spend money on crap? How often does he take risks and how much is he inclined to trust carders?