Police detain three scammers who stole hundreds of thousands of shekels from Israelis


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Central District police successfully solved a serious fraud case that led to the arrest of three suspects, including a prisoner. The suspects were charged based on the results of the investigation. This is reported by "Details".

According to the investigation, the suspects used deceptive techniques, posing as representatives of a telecommunications company, to obtain credit card data from elderly people.

The investigation began about a month ago after receiving information from credit card companies about suspicious credit card transactions carried out without the consent and knowledge of the owners, mainly among the elderly, in the amount of hundreds of thousands of shekels.

With the help of technical means, investigators were able to find and arrest three suspects - a prisoner in a prison in the south of the country, his brother, a resident of Ashkelon (20 years old) and a resident of Ramle. The suspects were remanded in custody after questioning, and their detention was periodically extended in court.

According to the prosecution, the suspects made phone calls and pretended to be employees of a well-known telecommunications company, arguing the need to update customer payment data.

Fraudsters organized conference calls with victims using the voice router of a telecommunications company to create the illusion that they were representatives of the company.

After fraudulently obtaining credit card details from victims, the suspects used them to buy electronics, electrical appliances and mobile phones worth hundreds of thousands of shekels.