Plastic card - a tool of the loyalty program


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What is a plastic card?
Today, a plastic card is very common. There are many types of cards, each of which has its own specific purpose. So, there are gift, discount, bank and other cards. In the modern world, one cannot do without a plastic card, this is a special tool thanks to which a person is identified according to a certain loyalty program.

What does loyalty program mean?
Loyalty program means a certain system of actions that are aimed at retaining a regular customer or attracting a new one. Regular customers have certain incentives, for example, in the form of discounts on goods or services. It is the regular customers that bring the company a stable income. It is much easier to keep a person in this way than to attract and interest a new one. The task of any company is to give a person what he needs, meaning certain goods or services.

The loyalty program has several objectives:
  • formation of a customer database;
  • stimulating regular customers;
  • formation of the company's image;
  • looking for new clients.

More details about each task.

1. Formation of the client database is the main goal of the program. The database allows you to keep in touch with customers and make them profitable offers in order to retain a person. By keeping in touch with the client, the specialist can easily determine what the person needs most. Thus, the company only benefits, since there is no need to spend money on additional advertising and attracting new customers.

2. Encouraging customers is a necessary action, thanks to which the company receives great benefits, and the person gets what he needs. Let's take a look at a simple example. You need to wash your car and you will, of course, come to the place where the last time you were served properly and, in addition, given a good discount. Most likely, you will be happy to become a regular customer of this particular car wash, where the service was provided at the proper level.

3. If the employees of the company and constantly keep in touch with the client, make him lucrative offers, then this contributes to the formation of a positive image of the company in the eyes of the client.

4. The most effective way to advertise is to provide top-notch service to existing customers. As a rule, they recommend such a company to their friends and acquaintances. Thus, the organization's client base is expanding rapidly.

The main types of loyalty programs
The main types of loyalty programs include the following systems:
  • bonus;
  • discount;
  • fuel cards;
  • discount accumulative character;
  • gift (certificates, etc.) and prepaid;
  • additional services.

Discount systems of a cumulative nature are designed to accumulate various discounts. The client, if he receives a discount and subsequently fulfills any conditions of the company, receives an additional discount in a larger amount. The positive qualities of such systems are the mobility of the customer information base, as well as the ability to track customer activity. The disadvantages include rather high costs of the company and some difficulties regarding legal registration, due to the fact that there is no term "bonus" in the code.

Prepaid systems and gift certificates. If the client uses electronic wallets, it is very beneficial for the company. It is also convenient for the client to use such a system, since he can easily pay for certain goods and services without cash out. The advantages of such systems is that the company, before giving away a product or providing a service, receives money in advance. A small drawback is the complexity of legal and tax registration.

As for the provision of additional services, they are intended for the so-called VIP clients, for whom just discounts are not enough, but who need other methods of incentives. For such customers, a high level of service, exclusivity and originality of goods, and so on are of great importance. The advantage of providing such services is an individual approach to each client. The downside is sometimes high costs for finding non-standard solutions.

A little about the affiliate program
There are special loyalty programs in which several companies take part at once. Thus, the client receives a plastic card with which he can freely use the services of all companies included in such a program. It is very convenient and, moreover, beneficial for everyone - both clients and companies participating in the program.