Planning the year


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They say that there is no more just gift to humanity than time. After all, each of us is given 24 hours a day. One can argue with this statement. For example, if a person has talent, then in one unit of time he will do more and better than an untalented person. The list of “ifs” can be continued for a long time. But still there is something in this statement. After all, if one person can learn something in a month and, as a result, make a leap up the career ladder and increase income, then the other will be idle all this time, and in a month remain in the same position with the same salary, writes Today.

This means, whatever one may say, often our failures depend precisely on time, or rather, on how we dispose of it. So how to plan 2012 in order to be in time to the maximum, so that the plans do not remain just notes in the diary, how not to be mistaken with the choice of goals and not live another year "someone else's life"? Our consultants told us about this.


In order not to get lost in the dense forest of your desires, dreams, plans, you can use the "compass". This is a method of analyzing our goals, according to which our life is divided into four vectors: safety, sociality, self-respect and self-development. In other words - body, contacts, business and personal growth. (Or, as Confucius said, there are four tasks in life: to live, love, work and leave a trace.) According to the model, each of the vectors is responsible for “its own” part of the brain. And if chaos begins in some aspect of life, then the brain signals disorder, and we have an irresistible need to add, improve, fix something - and so goals are born. That is, it is quite simple to determine what to do in the new year: you need to listen to yourself and arrange what you hear in terms of vectors; then determine its degree of urgency and importance, and break down the goals into steps. But first things first.

Security. This is a vector of tasks related to survival, health, well-being, abundance, comfort for you and your loved ones.

Sociality. Or in other words, contacts / relationships. Here are the answers to the following questions: how much are you a member of your family, your pack; are you doing well in relationships with people, husband, children; are you married (married) or not; what is your position in the company, what account are you in; you are loved or not in the family, at work.

Self-esteem. Or the desire to be better. And not only others, but also yesterday himself. And here the tasks related to work, career, success, fame are solved.

Self-development. Or personal growth, spiritual development. At the same time, it is not only about some refined, rare skill. No, self-realization is all that a person does for the soul (from the heart) and from this "something" he gets high. And the question of whether others like it or its results is not worth it at all. It is important that you yourself are delighted with this "something".


Each person is an individual. Therefore, before attributing this or that vector to desire, ask yourself the question: "What does it mean to me?" After all, what is self-development for one person, elementary security for another, and a measure of self-esteem for a third person. Let's say work. “I know a journalist who has a very wealthy husband, and she writes for the soul. Although she is paid for it, for her what she does is not work, but self-development, - Diana Shcherbanskaya gives an example. - And for some, work is just a way to provide for themselves and loved ones, that is, to survive. And for some, a career is about striving to be no worse than others. Let's say that all my friends are all directors, which means that I should be no less than a leader. Or another example. All the girlfriends have a car. And if I don ' t urgently buy a car in 2012, then I will not be a member of my pack. And for another person, the desire to buy a car is just a desire for comfort (no need to ride public transport with incomprehensible drivers or taxi drivers), that is, a measure of safety. "

Write your desires on one or another part of a large sheet of paper divided into four vectors. To simplify the "casting" (do not rewrite desires eleven times, wiping them on one part of the paper, and writing in another), write your "want" on stickers (each on a separate one). And then attach them to one or another vector.


According to the degree of importance and urgency, all our aspirations are divided into four types: urgent and important (SV); urgent but not important (START); not urgent, but important (NSV), and not urgent, and not important (NSNV). When you are ranking your desires, ask yourself again: "Is it so urgent and important?" So that each desire truly corresponds to its group, and not be numbered among it under the influence of someone's opinions. Let's say it is urgent and important to get married. Mom has been lamenting for so long: "At 25, I already nursed two!" And if you listen to yourself? It turns out that having a husband and children is really important for you, but it can wait: "Yes, I'm 25, but not" already ", but" still ",


The "urgent and important" area is where the potential energy is. It is released only when the SV-business is completed (moreover, it is done urgently and in full) and then flows into the area “not urgent and not important”. And then all the "I want", "I wish" that are in it, will resolve by themselves! “I'll give you an example,” says Diana Shcherbanskaya. - For example, in the SV group, you have (including): build, win a lawsuit over property, achieve a fixed income per month. In NSNV - (including) marriage. You go on a diet, you go to the gym, you get the apartment to be registered with you, you get financial compensation, thanks to which your income grows. After a while, you are slim and independent. It's hard not to pay attention to such a woman. You have a worthy admirer, and not one, and someone even offers a hand and a heart. That is, the issue of marriage, which at the beginning of the journey was not urgent and not important, is now being resolved without your additional efforts."

But resolving issues in the “not urgent and not important” group may not be so direct. “For example, a man prays that his woman does not get slim,” continues the psychologist. “That's the only reason he started dating her, because donuts are in his taste. But if a woman herself is dissatisfied with her figure, then she cannot be adequate in these relations. And when she builds up, that is, becomes beautiful for herself, then she will let this man in, allow herself to fall in love. "

Energy flow also occurs when solving issues from the “important but not urgent” (VNS) group - when released, it goes into the “urgent but not important matters” (START) group. But these issues need to be resolved only after the "urgent and important" ones have been resolved.


When you rank all, all desires, you will find that the vast majority of urgently important matters lie in the same vector. Do not wonder. Our brain is designed in such a way that it "sees" the leading problem area before we realize it. Now, consciously expand the existing list of CB-to-do items in this vector to the maximum, and devote all 12 months to their implementation. So, a lot of tasks marked "SV" are in the vector:

Security. The brain beeps: urgently pay attention to nutrition if you want to stay healthy (it's not for nothing that you wrote in this vector, including, to lose weight). Immediately take a closer look at the people entering your house - are they really your loved ones or is it time to face the truth? For colleagues and work - are those and those with whom and where you feel comfortable? And so on. As a rule, "sos" in this vector appears on the eve of a new stage in life.

Sociality. In the new year, priorities need to be set in such a way as to work as much as possible on relationships with people around and the world. The brain beeps: you have become stale, you have ceased to love people, you only share information with them, people have ceased to perceive you as part of society. And if you do not direct all your efforts to make your heart blossom, then isolation or loneliness will await you, even in a large family.

Self-esteem. If you expand the list of questions (which have already been written in this vector) and solve them in 2012, then you can be sure: you will lay a solid foundation for the coming years and lay the foundation for career growth.

Self-development. It means that you have come to the end of some stage of your life, you are tired, and in order to come to life, you must find yourself anew. And if during 2012 you do not understand what you will be doing next, you will face a serious crisis. It is sometimes referred to as a midlife crisis.


Failure to fulfill their tasks from the "urgent and important" section leads to frustration - a state of oppressive tension, anxiety, a sense of hopelessness and despair. Therefore, it is not surprising that those who, from day to day, from year to year, postpone the fulfillment of SV-tasks for later, in fact, postpone their whole life for later - they get sick and wither.


If you cannot yet see the next year in a comprehensive manner, you can start by planning each day. The founder of this method is America's "father" Benjamin Franklin. The day before, write down everything you want to do in your diary - you plan to do it tomorrow. The degree of urgency and importance of tasks is divided into 4 types here: A, B, C, D. If there are more than one tasks "A", then perform the "very-very A" first.

It is better to monitor the achievement of goals weekly, summing up the results every Friday. Then if you are too lazy to do something, there will be two more days to catch up. If you didn't have time during this time, then reschedule the task to the next week.


This method is suitable for those who "see" their future in blocks: study, life, career, relationships with children, realization as women (men), etc. You can continue the list indefinitely and at your discretion. But first, write at least 100 “want” on a piece of paper, and then divide them into blocks.

Control over the implementation of plans is also more free here: you can call yourself on the carpet at least once a month, even a quarter. It is only important to immediately warn yourself with what frequency the checks will be. Absolute spontaneity is a kind of chaos and has nothing to do with planning. It is allowed to arrange days of lazy people, when you will not strive for any goals, but only fulfill the current issues of the day. But again, you need to clearly agree with yourself that there will be at least two such days a month. And in order to further motivate yourself to your beloved, give yourself gifts for every major achievement.


After you have written the goals, the first (at least a millimeter) step towards them must be taken within the next 24 hours! After all, when you outlined your plans, your energy immediately turned on. Do not spill it anywhere.

But first you need to break down goals into tasks and schedule their implementation by quarter, month, week and day. This is important for our subconscious, which, in contrast to the consciousness that says: "Let's do it," whines: "I'm afraid I can't do it." As soon as you calm this "whiner", you can do everything. To do this, detail the task in as much detail as possible. Let's say we want to lose 20 kg. Scary, too much? And if you write out an action plan for a year, then it turns out less than 2 kg per month. Isn't that difficult? Oh, is it necessary to starve? No, it's enough to arrange fasting days so many times a month. And it's not so offensive. That is, when the subconscious mind knows what will happen on such and such a day, it does not rebel, knocking you off the intended path.


But only on condition that at the moment of cancellation you experience joy, and not remorse. The fact is that often the brain does not give us direct instructions, but leads us to the goal in a roundabout way, so that we do not refuse to fulfill it. For example, “tell” he to you: “Go to advanced training courses - you will earn more,” you, as a lazy person, answer: “No, I don't want to, far from home, there's no time. Let everything remain as it is. "But, as an ambitious person, to the proposal:" Let's become a deputy financial director ", you agree with great willingness. One of the steps towards this position is study. You finish the courses, improve your knowledge, and then suddenly the idea of becoming a deputy begins to weigh you down. "Because the true goal that your brain whispered to you, you have achieved - you stopped thinking in terms of "Ay, it's in their company there", and began to think bigger, as if from the position of a deputy director, to take care of the interests of consumers, - says Diana Shcherbanskaya. - That is, your thinking has changed, and, while remaining an ordinary manager, you now work like a deputy director, so much so that thanks to your efforts, the company's revenues have reached unprecedented levels. And as a result, your salary and bonuses have increased. "you now work like a deputy director, so much so that thanks to your efforts, the company's revenues have reached unprecedented levels.