Pig farm or how to get 10 times more from a dating scam


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A beautiful but not rich girl from the province receives from a wealthy foreign boyfriend $500 for a visa and $3000 for tickets. After all, love is such-it works wonders.

But which is better for financial miracles - love or greed? What if you combine both love and greed?
This will turn out to be a pig farm a. k. a. Pig Butchering Scam.
This is a scheme where victims lose hundreds and millions of dollars. The essence of the topic is that the client is invited to invest in crypto through an investment site. The site, of course, is fake.

https:// www. abc.net.au/news/2022-11-07/pig-butchering-crypto-romance-investment-scams/101606644

https:// www. nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/pig-butchering-scams-rise-fbi-moves-stop-bleeding-rcna137009

https:// www. forbes.com/sites/cyrusfarivar/2022/09/09/pig-butchering-crypto-super-scam/

STAGE 1: Preparing the pig farm

To work, we will need a photo (and, preferably, short videos) of a rich woman of 30-40 years who boasts about a beautiful life-expensive cars, watches, travel and all the other signs of a wealthy instagrammer. Fortunately, Insta is full of them.

Somewhere in 10-20% of clients will ask for a video chat for verification, so if you can negotiate with her about this, then this is a profit. If not , then there will just be a little more loss on customers.

You need to initially think through the details of the profile legend - where he lives, what he does.

You will also need a phone number, preferably from the country and state (city) in accordance with the legend. We register a vatsap on it, from which we will correspond.

STAGE 2: Raising pigs

Where do we get traffic from? Dating sites, insta, facebook, linkin.
Or we buy it.

First, you need to sort incoming traffic as quickly as possible. The goal is to identify promising clients and weed out unpromising ones.
To do this, we need information about the client's car, apartment, job, and assets. Experienced scammers (or scammers, to make it sound nice) know that this should be done smoothly and gradually.
For example: Listen, my friend says to me instead of a prius, I need to buy a Porsche Taycan. I'm such an eco-friendly girl :) and what do you recommend? What do you drive yourself?

At the beginning, there will be a lot of incoming clients. It is useful to mark them immediately in vatsap so that you can quickly see who is responding immediately and who is responding later. I do it like
this A Jane Doe 19.02.2024 Los Gatos, CA Businessman
Jane Doe-customer name
19.02.2024-date of first contact
Los Gatos, CA-address
Businessman-who works for

I have 3 categories, I spell them out:
A-expensive car, apartment, prestigious job and assets
B-ordinary car, apartment, work is available but there are no assets
C-no car, lives in a garbage dump, there is no job or a dull job like a dishwasher

I can hoe Category A clients for a month or two, if I find a good potential.
For Category B clients, a maximum of 2 weeks.
For category C clients, you can spend 2-3 days at most, then you need to say goodbye.

Next, we begin to correspond. The beauty of a pig farm is that it doesn't have to be endearing. If the client is in a friend zone, or the client is also a woman, then you can communicate in a friendly way and then also withdraw to investments.

If the pig does not trust us, it will not eat well the nonsense that we feed it and the slaughter will not bring fat. So that mumps can trust us:
We try to stay in touch every day. We say hello, say goodbye, and respond immediately. 7 days a week. If you didn't respond immediately or (you never know) disappeared, then we apologize, send a plausible excuse why you didn't respond, and a photo of the proof.

STAGE 3: Slaughtering pigs
We prepare for slaughtering from the first day of communication.
When we introduce ourselves, we say that we work as an investment or financial adviser or businessman (businesswoman).
During communication, at least every other day hints about the authority in the field of investment and success in general.
Example 1: In the middle of the dialog, we write "Oh, I'm sorry there's a call" after 10 minutes, "I'm sorry this is where a friend called, wanted to thank you, bought a new car following my advice" and then communicate as if nothing had happened.
Example 2: In the profile, we found a photo with, say, a Porsche car. We do not send the customer a photo of the car immediately. We find a similar price, send links to the car to the client and ask: "what do you think, which one to buy? And then during the week I earned money "make a gift for myself" and then a photo with a car.

In general, photos from the instagram profile can be diluted with photos with plates of food from restaurants, expensive bags, watches on your hand-this is also quite rolling itself.

For slaughtering, we use hints. We ask if the client has invested in crypto, if he was interested in it, and how he feels about it. If it is negative , we continue the conversation as if nothing has happened and after a week we will visit again. I usually make up to 3 such calls, if it doesn't bite, then it didn't work.
If you get bitten , you need to take the client to the site. The site should be as sophisticated as possible, with a live support, with crypto billing and accepting payments to a bank account. If the site is bad, it will greatly reduce the profitability of the entire event.If you don't have such a site, you should ask someone who has one to let you use it.

Don't expect a customer to fill hundreds of thousands of dollars at once. First, fill in small amounts of $200-1000. Then they watch the numbers grow for a week or two, and then display some of them. Then the excitement wakes up among customers, and they start to top up.
To help the client top up more, there is a trick. Let's say we understand that the client will draw $50k. Support writes to the client's merchant profile something like this: "you can get increased interest if you make a premium account, for this purpose fill in 100k." From the created profile, we tell him-fill in 50k, I'll pay you another 50k, then return me 50k as you earn. It fills in 50k, the site adds the required amount, and the client enjoys the numbers of virtual profits.

30-40% of clients borrow money from friends, take loans and sell assets to invest. We need to push him to do this.

What if he wants to withdraw the entire amount? This means that we will earn a little more money.
The caliper will tell you that the client still needs to pay BEFORE WITHDRAWING FUNDS: income tax, conversion, in general, the caliper of such a site usually has five legends to extract additional funds. In fairness, it should be said that usually 1-2 times customers pay extra, then they realize that they are being bred.


A pig farm is a modern way to breed clients for large amounts of money. Thanks to the crypt, people are usually aware of stories about "crypto millionaires". And at times when the price of the crypt goes up, the interest and trust in this method of earning money from customers is even higher. So create your own pig farms, and the results will surprise even the most experienced scammers.

Good luck to all!
(c) Your bro-Winnie-the-Pooh.