Phantom Fake ATM


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  • 1 What is a Phantom Fake ATM?
  • 2 How to recognize a Phantom Fake ATM?
The most expensive, technically difficult, and therefore not very common type of taking money from holders of "plastic" is a phantom ATM. This is a pseudo-ATM (dummy) that looks like two peas in a pod like its “colleagues” from well-known banks. What it is, how it is used to steal money from card accounts, and how to recognize it - we will give the answer in this article.

What is a phantom fake ATM?
It is almost impossible for an ordinary user of plastic cards to distinguish a real ATM from its phantom "analogue". This is due to the absolute visual identity of the fraudulent ATM and the conventional one.

A phantom ATM looks just like any real ATM, and on the monitor the user sees all the bank data and the usual algorithm of actions. It should be noted that such an ATM, as a rule, "belongs" to large and recognizable banks. But all this is only visual.

In reality, the ATM is an empty box with a special reader inside (skimmer). When you try to enter the amount required for withdrawal, the ATM displays an error message. This may be a warning about a technical failure, about insufficient funds in the ATM itself (which, you must agree, happens quite often), or any other message that will not raise suspicions from the bank's client. The standard actions of a bank client are to pick up a card and find another ATM.

Thus, fraudsters receive all the information they need to make payments with your "plastic" using a skimming device. Read about all the nuances of skimming and its consequences in our review of this type of fraud. And while the bank's client is looking for a working ATM, the fraudsters use the information copied from the magnetic stripe of the card to create a functional duplicate of the victim's card.

How to recognize a phantom fake ATM?
The first thing to pay attention to is the location of the ATM. Phantom models are located exactly where there is no video surveillance, specialized security, and the place itself is quite isolated (for example, such an ATM is unlikely to be located in a shopping center, near a banking institution or on the territory of a protected enterprise).

The second, no less important characteristic: the method of fastening. Unlike a real ATM, the fraudulent ATM is not permanently fixed. In addition, the phantom ATM will most likely have no power supply. As a rule, such ATMs do not have an external power source.

Weight - also refers to the parameters that you should pay attention to before using the ATM. It is impossible to move a real ATM, it weighs at least 200 kg. The phantom model is very lightweight because there is no cash inside the safe.

A real ATM must display all the information about the bank, including the phone number of round-the-clock technical support. In the model of fraudsters, only the visual design and style of information presentation can coincide with a real ATM. You will not find any specific data on the screen of such a monitor - neither by the hotline phone, nor the name of the bank, nor its details (although the level of counterfeiting can be very high and it will be almost impossible for an ordinary eye to find differences from a real ATM).

In any case, at the first doubts about the advisability of using an ATM, it is worthwhile to carefully examine it again, or, better, find an ATM near a banking institution or in any protected area. Remember that fraudsters with bank cards "bet" on haste or carelessness.