Pentagon sparks cyber War: China exposes US Lies about Volt Typhoon


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Volt Typhoon is a U.S. program to influence the global community.

China denies US accusations against the Chinese group Volt Typhoon, which calls it a government-sponsored group.

China's National Computer Virus Response Center (CNCERT), in a new report, claims that the US campaign is part of a strategy aimed at obtaining funding from Congress under the pretext of fighting the "Chinese threat."

On May 24, 2023, the countries of the Five Eyes alliance issued a joint statement on the activities of Volt Typhoon, indicating its connection with China. The basis for such conclusions was the discovery of the group by Microsoft, but Chinese experts conducted their own investigation and came to the conclusion that the group's activities are more consistent with ordinary cybercrimes that do not have state support.

Volt Typhoon is particularly troubling to intelligence officials, who believe the group is part of a larger effort to compromise critical infrastructure in the West, including seaports, Internet service providers, and utilities.

The Volt Typhoon campaign was first discovered in May 2023, but hackers expanded the scope of their operations at the end of the year, changing some of their techniques. The widespread nature of the hacking attacks has led to a series of meetings between the White House and private technology companies, including several telecommunications and cloud firms that the U.S. government has asked for help tracking the activities of cybercriminals.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry said that Microsoft and other American information security companies conspired to create and distribute false information about the Chinese government's support for cyber attacks against the United States in order to obtain funding from Congress and conclude large government contracts.

The report also highlights that the 2 US companies mentioned in the context of Volt Typhoon are partners of the US government and received significant contracts from US defense agencies shortly before the publication of their reports, which raises questions about the authenticity and motives of such accusations.

In addition, the upcoming US presidential election encourages politicians of both parties to use the topic of the Chinese threat to attract public attention and strengthen their positions, which underlines the politicization and bias in the approach to cybersecurity.

The CNCERT report calls on the US to stop cyberattacks against China and stop misinformation, arguing that such actions violate the international order in cyberspace and worsen relations between the two countries.