PayPal withdrawal to WebMoney


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We will withdraw PayPal to Webmoney, without casinos and merchandise, we will withdraw money almost, every day everything will depend on the volume of your work. Below is a list for safe work:
  • Sox + Dedicated (you can use a virtual machine as you like);
  • Fresh new WebMoney account;
  • A bright head responsible for all the actions you have taken.
Let's go after we have configured socks and dediks (RDP), prepared a new Webmoney account, we begin to register at


I would like to note that we also register from RDP or Socks or a bundle of Socks + RDP, after registration we get into the affiliate program, go in and set up payments, indicate our Webmoney wallet. We fill in the necessary data. Next, from the top, we click the offers -> button and select the goods in the side column, then after the selection we see such a window in which we see that the offer is paid by PayPal, so it seems that something is already showing up, see the screenshot and read the essence of further work below.


And so we see that they pay us for a paid order PayPal, then I think there is no need to say that you need to buy a PayPal and start merging to this site by clicking the CONNECT TO OFFER button, having previously indicated the site with which we will allegedly "work", click the cabinet on top, the sources column.


After we indicated the source, we clicked on the CONNECT TO OFFER button.

let's get down to business the point is that we will merge surfing traffic from the task exchange site here they will do the tasks that you write for a penny > to the links of the affiliate program, thereby winding up the statistics, but we will make the orders ourselves, calculating the conversion rate and orders, the optimal ratio is 10 to 100 or 20 to 100 that is, 10 orders out of 100 transitions, we can buy 1000 transitions or more for a dollar, using the head and the above examples, we can make orders by paying with our PP bought or leaked, we place orders to the left addresses by phone if necessary.
After work, you can wait for the payment or order an early payment to the ticket, the ticket is very responsive, so don't slow down.