Paypal self-registration tips for newbies


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1. Often, when starting to work with PP, beginners start using texnow instead of guards. Apparently it's cheaper and more convenient?!
Well it’s not. The first trick is that we can use 1 Guards for dozens of accounts.
How do you do this, you ask? It's very simple.
- We take GV, see the number, then we indicate this number when registering pp. BUT we do not confirm it. Thus, you can enter 1 number for 10 pp and no where to verify it.
The bottom line is that from 10 PayPals, SMS will come to 1 GV.

2. Suppose you have mastered the basics, you succeed, you have the first balance, which you are ready to merge, say, on some attached BA.
You attach the withdrawal bank and wait for the minicar to verify it and put the amount on the withdrawal. (not everyone does this, well, many)
- So, in order to withdraw money to a BA, it is unnecessary to verify it with micro-deposits, you can attach and bet on withdrawal to an unconfirmed bank.

3. You bought a BA, tied it through the account number & routing number (AN - RN), then run to the chats / forums with the question "how to check the micro-deposits?!?
" and the pass from the BA itself. To do this, go to Wallet and click confirm bank there, then enter the log and pass and voila.
What to do if you do not ask to enter a log and pass, but immediately requires you to enter a minic? For example, for numerous attempts to attach a ba or bad internet speed or you accidentally closed your browser.
(if you try to attach by log and pass several times - it is unsuccessful), then it asks for verification current by micro-deposits. Well, if you forget about the account for 12-24 hours, then again there is an opportunity to confirm by log and pass, despite the fact that the micro-deposits have not been sent yet.

4. Under certain manipulations, the midrange jumped out?
- often helps, close the browser, change the IP and re-enter the account

5. What if the bank turned out to be a maxlink? - I personally am against such accs, well, suddenly someone wants to know how to attach them to a PayPal.
- We break through the AN from the bank. When attaching, we enter AN and the RN we take the left one (we are looking for it in Google).

6. VCC / CC?
- unnecessarily spent on them, it will not be better to give an acc

7. Trying to pay for $ 100 - does not give, try for $ 50 - the bitch does not give again, then at 30, 20, 10 ....
- Numerous swotting is not an option. With each new unsuccessful attempt, you drive the ACC even further out!

8. How to collect self-registration, so that everything is under one state and zip?
- there is no need for this. Take any fullz, any ba, any IP and into battle

9. What plugins should I install so that the PP gives?
- no plugins are needed, this is all superfluous. It will not be better to give PP. Solve the issue with IP and you will be happy.

10. And what about the same limits at once for all pp fell?
- Worked from one IP
- Beat in one shop / donate