PAYDAY in Swedish


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Today I will please you with another one who claims to rob the "century", but this time in Scandinavia, in our wonderful days. The guys stole nothing less - a billion crowns (approximately $ 113,090,000.00). And they did it all in just 20 minutes.

September 23, 2009, Stockholm. Bank of the collection company G4S. Early morning. Bank clerks are busy counting the money received. At that moment there were not just a lot of them, but to hell. The money came from shops and other banks. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a white helicopter appeared in the sky, which smoothly descended on the roof of the bank building, making an instant landing of four people armed to the teeth. In masks, in uniform, everything is as it should be, if you go to a charitable cause.

The roof was chosen not only for the epic action and inspiration of Hollywood. There was a light window, designed by the designers in the form of a glass pyramid, which the guys slightly smashed in places and lowered the stepladder straight into the operating room. There, with a kind word and automaton convincing the employees to remain calm, the boy-raiders with the help of explosives, a grinder and one mother broke the safes with money, scattered them into bags, and then lifted the loot along the ropes. Well, they dumped themselves, in English, they did not wait for the police. As well as entered. The employees did not show any resistance, and there were no people willing to become heroes. Therefore, there were no casualties.

Everything was done by the robbers clearly and quickly. Some were opened, others were covered. The cops, in their quest to catch the villains, turned out to be helpless, despite the fact that the alarm was raised a few minutes after the robbery. Everyone arrived at the meeting place - an ambulance, firefighters, sappers and special forces. According to the rules, they cordoned off the building, prepared for the assault. And the helicopter, meanwhile, flew over the horizon, at a low altitude, so as not to trigger the radars, in front of the sad police and surprised residents. Professionals worked, moreover, a whole group. Why didn't the police throw other turntables to intercept? Someone carefully hung a bag with the inscription "bomb" on the hangar of the police airfield, so they had to call the sappers again. True, it turned out that the bomb turned out to be a fake. Likewise, everything was bad on the ground - the patrols butted, because on the roads leading from the storage building,
A few hours later, the hijacked airfield of small aircraft will be found in some wilderness of Stockholm, and the police chief, wiping sweat from his face with excitement and helplessly spreading his hands, will say that this is the first time he is faced with such a daring topic. And the case was done by the pros, they didn't really leave any evidence, moreover, the helicopter pilot is a real ace, because not only everyone can sit on such a "patch", very few people can do it - the police say. This is because even hospital pilots, who are trained to plant turntables in difficult-to-land places, do not always cope with it. Another conclusion concerns the presence of an accomplice among the "paratroopers". Still, it is difficult to do this at random, without knowing the plan, work schedule, relying only on trunks and luck.

The G4S company appointed a large reward for information, the capture of bandits and the return of the stolen ... True, in 2010 the alleged hijackers were still taken and even managed to convict and imprison for certain periods, not very long, but alas for the bank, it was not possible to return the stolen ...

By the way, in 2008, a year before the event described above, something like this had already happened, perhaps these same guys showed themselves for the first time. At least the "handwriting" is quite similar. Just before the robbery of the main post office, covering their tracks, the guys "mined" the whole police department, several central streets, scattered thorns on the roads and, for greater safety, burned six cars. What started here - panic and chaos, as if the Wehrmacht troops entered the city. The police had to block traffic and streets, evacuating the local population, “clearing” the bombs. As a result, the mail was taken, the cars burned down, and the bombs turned out to be dummies, but more importantly, precious time for catching the robbers was lost.
In total, about ten guys took part in the robbery, also with machine guns, in equipment and masks, who at 1:30 entered the Main Post Office, laid the employees face down on the floor, took what was owed and calmly left.

Then the police threw up their hands - the first experience for them, no one taught them to work with such daring guys, and even more so in such extreme conditions to catch them.
