"Pay per view, I'm in high demand"


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I entered on a budget in the city. I wanted to live in a hostel, but my parents gave me money so that I could rent an apartment for myself.
I watched the ads on a large site, so I did not doubt their honesty. The prices were exorbitant, but I wanted something else to be left of the money, so I was considering options not in the center, but in a residential area. And then I found a great option - odnushka in a new brick house, not far from the final bus, for only $ 150. In the photo, the apartment looked good, not even grandma's renovation.
In general, I call, the woman answers, introduced herself as Anna. She said that she bought an apartment for her son, but he moved to Moscow. She added that they call her often, one even came to watch, but at the last moment he disappeared, and she had already refused everyone. He says: transfer me a deposit, and then come and see, if you don't like it, I'll return the money. I transferred $ 50 to her and drove to the address in the evening.
It was alarming that no light was on in the windows. Came closer, there are no cars, intercoms do not work. I went up to the floor, starting to panic. The apartment was closed, I started calling Anna, she first dropped it, then turned off the phone.
I lived with my aunt, came, looked again at the ad, and under it there were two comments. With the same situation as mine! By morning, the ad was removed. Then it turned out that that house had just been handed over and the tenants had not yet been given the keys. I didn’t go anywhere, I didn’t tell my parents either. As a result, I rented a one-room apartment in Khrushchev for a normal amount.

Financial Culture Expert:
Prepayment as a guarantee is one of the most common tricks used by scammers who trade on online classifieds. They usually ask for a relatively small amount, having previously frightened by the high demand for a service or product. Without having time to think it over, the victim transfers money, and the next day he finds out that the scammers can no longer get through.
Most often, fraudsters demand an advance payment from those who are trying to rent a house, buy a mobile phone or a car, find out the results of "fixed matches" in the hope of winning on the sweepstakes. Extortion for allegedly found pets follows the same pattern.

How to recognize this type of scammer?
  • The price of the product or service they offer is 15–20% or more below the market price. Be sure to look at the entire list of apartments for rent or items for sale and estimate the "average temperature in the hospital."
  • Beautiful photos of an apartment or product, reminiscent of a picture from a magazine or the Internet.
  • You are asked to pay some amount before you meet with the seller or landlord: bond, commission, booking, pay-per-view or meeting.
If you see a suspicious ad on the site, report it to the moderator by clicking on the "Complain" button. If it happens that fraudsters have gained access to your bank card, immediately contact the bank and block it. Also contact the police: screenshots of the correspondence and announcements will help law enforcement agencies identify the cheater.