Partnership on % in ATM skimming in India.

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Hey all,
I am looking for a partner who can supply me custom ATM skimmers (not those popular models in USA, Europe) who is interested in working on %.

First of all, you may think "fuck, india is a very poor country homs" Well, you are dead wrong on that. Indian credit card users usually have enough money on them to pull out for the day limit, which is $500 and most of the ATM spots receive high traffic.

What I offer you is, 50/50% partnership. I will supply you with the ATM photos, videos if you require. And I can put money in escrow for your peace in mind. (GSM - 2000 LR max and flash/audio - 1500 LR max)

PM me for list of the ATM models, photos, videos.
I will be downloading and sending the tracks to you everyday in the evening. If you want them to be cashed out, I can do that as well for you.

I have team of experienced people with me who can install your device safely and plug them off. If loss of skimmer in any case, you receive the escrow funds put by me.

More information, please contact thru the details below:
ICQ: 642955399
JABBER: [email protected]

Thank you.