Parse the card dump


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We have a dump (Track 2);
1234567890123456 = 1211101123144650;
The first digit indicates that it belongs to the
3 -American Express payment system ; 4- VISA; 5-MasterCard; 6-Discover, Maestro
The first 6 digits are bin (123456 in our case) - indicates the country, the issuing bank (which issued the card), the card class (classic, gold, platinum, etc.)
Next 10 digits directly the card number itself (7890123456 in our case)
1211 this is our express date)) (the expiration date is shorter), the expiration date of the card. in this case November 2012.
Further we see 101 these 3 digits indicate the type of card chip \ not chip. Type 101 cards are not chip-based, i.e. dumping this dump depends only on how the "stars got up" (from country, bin, pin fidelity (if any), balance, limit, etc.). In the event that the stars are supportive to you, there should be no problems at the poster terminal, as well as at the ATM.
But with a card of type 201, that is, chip-based, difficulties must arise (I already wrote the details somewhere)
And the rest of the digits are somehow unnecessary))

Track 1 looks like this
B1234567890123456 ^ LASTNAME / FIRSTNAME ^ 1211101123144650;
It is not composed in a tricky way - the letter "B" is a command to the ATM that this is a payment card, then 1234567890123456 everything up to the equal sign (=) (in track 2), then the surname, name (in that order) ^ LASTNAME / FIRSTNAME ^, well, what after the equal sign (=) (in track 2) 1211101123144650;
track 2, respectively, has already been disassembled above.
1234567890123456 = 1211101123144650;

Well, for the post scriptum, a little more about the types of cards:
1234567890123456 = 1211XYZ123144650
X - 1 or 5 indicates that a card with only a magnetic stripe is used for intercountry and intracountry operations, respectively
2 or 6 indicates that a microprocessor card (with a chip) is used, used for cross-country and intra-country operations, respectively
Y - 0 there are no restrictions on the authorization method, in particular, the tranza can go offline
2 transaction is authorized only in real time
4 transaction only in real time, except for separately accepted agreements with the bank by the issuer and the acquirer
Z is the list of services and the method of verification.
0 any service + mandatory verification by pin (for example - maestro)
1 any service and any method (the most common is the meaning of some digits in the card number)
2 only purchase of goods (no cash)
3 only cash through cash, mandatory verification by pin


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Anatomy of a Dump: Lapis Philosophy

So after two years of promises and breakfasts, I will finally try to master the vyser about the anatomy of the dump.
Dumps are written to the magnetic stripe. Bands in my youth were of two types, LoCo and HiCo, i.e. high or low coercivity.
Coercivity is the force of magnetization required to record information. For nerds: Measured in Oersteds, but not the essence.
The bottom line is that HiCo uses more energy and is stored on the magnetic stripe longer, and is found in our time a little more than everywhere.

As you know, the dump consists of two tracks, t1 and t2, respectively. For example:

B4558891176769288 ^ ANUS / MICHAEL ^ 1601101000000000000000519000000
455889176769288 = 16011010000000519000

where t1 is the first line, m2 is the second, respectively. By default, numbers and letters fit into the first line; only numbers are included in the second line. The third line that you, a young adherent of real crobing, can find somewhere else is used for all kinds of bonuses and other trinkets, but in our time this is already an atavism.
The first line must contain the letter B, which, as it were, does not mean anything, the next is the number of the card itself ^ surname / name of the holder ^ year, month, service code and the generated tail, which is specific to each bin separately and includes CVV1, which is slightly different than CVV2 which is printed on the face of the card, if my memory serves me. Notice crober, date format, year always comes first, then month. Then follows the service code, that is, the code that indicates the restrictions on the use of the card, a regular card 101, a chipped pin is not required 201, an unchipped pin is required 121, etc. and transactions for purchases are allowed without entering a pin.
In the second line, there is actually t2 where the card number = eksp, service code and the tail, where CVV1 is present. In our case it is "519".
As you already understood, there is no pin on the magnetic stripe. It is stored in the bank or in the form of keys in the pincode block itself in the ATM. (I don’t remember exactly here)
Contrary to widespread rumors, t1 is not at all necessary for cashing out the cherished d + n (aliluya), when cashing out, the ATM reads only information from t2, and if all the ice and loot are on the balance sheet, then it gives out the bubble according to the limits set by the bank for tranza / day.
What is T1 for? It is needed specifically for POS (Point of Sale). a typewriter that stands in stores and serves the merchant of the enterprise. It reads the info from t1 and t2 and sends the info from t2 to the bank for reconciliation / approval, and prints the info from t1 on the sales receipt in the form of the buyer's name and in most cases the last 4 digits of the card. I also saw in my lifetime poss that print the first 6 and last 4 cards. But this only happened in Europe, so be careful, young Crober.
There is one "but" in the above about t1. Transfers less than about $ 300 are not required. You can cheat by recording t2 on your disc and go to the shop. I will sadden you, crober, with a purchase price of more than $ 300, POS requires t1, if he does not find one, then he declines. Again, personal experience, nothing more. Do not be lazy and write down t1 and you will be happy. It is also advisable to keep the original number of characters in the line of the name. That is, if in our case ^ ANUS / MICHAEL ^ is 13 characters long, taking into account the space, and you are already smart with us, you enter the left name with a fake ID, but you have it, for example, 15 characters, then try to shorten the result to the length of the original. Also, if you suddenly have a Chinese name via SUN / WIN and the length is shorter, correct the mistake with spaces, in our example the "correct" t1 looks like this:
B4558891176769239 ^ SUN / WIN ______ ^ 1601101000000000000000519000000
As you can see, the number of characters in the name is preserved using spaces. This track will be quite edible for the bank as something FSUs on the meaning of symbols, the main thing for him, oddly enough, is their number. And lo and behold, POS will spit out a receipt for you with the name you need and with a good standing of Venus in the house of Jupiter and sufficient balance on the brush, the desired approval.
It is also rumored that the last 4 digits that are printed on the pose occur precisely from t1, and if we do the same trick with them, then we will solve the problem of reconciliation with the card number. From personal experience I will say that yes, the last 4 are taken from t1, but if you change them in the same way as we did with the example of phio, then the tranza will give a declline, because t1 is checked not only with the bank but also with t2 directly on the pos-terminal, and if the verification passes unsuccessfully, then the pic will immediately show that the card is invalid.
This concludes my short review, because the time is already late, and the memory is no longer the same, I am getting old.