Orphan business shelter for girls


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To be honest, while I was flipping through the top groups with earnings schemes all week, I was a little depressed by their "diversity". We are offered either to throw someone, or again to throw someone, or the scheme does not work, but in the end, someone will still remain an extreme sucker. In short, the top "darknets" got me, so I decided to go down a little lower in the list and see how young people earn there. By the way, I did not go too deep, about the level of 30,000 subscribers, and just there I had, in the truest sense of the word, a head drop. It has been a very long time since I received such a deep moral satisfaction, which I received in just 5 minutes of reading this scheme. I haven't laughed like this in a long time and now you'll understand why)

It all starts with quite a classic darknet public: a stupid name, no less stupid and identical thumbnails. Content - 100% of earnings schemes with the same names like "Making $ 100 a day from scratch, completely without investment". Just as I was about to move on to the next channel, my eyes focused on the real nugget. The laconic text "making money on cosmetics" awakened an ocean of curiosity in me. What will happen now? Any dropshipping? Perhaps we will ask for a 100% prepayment for cosmetic kits, and then do not send anything? Or even worse - to increase the activity of online cosmetics stores through "special" sites. I was wrong, because I was thinking too narrowly. This wasn't some run-of-the-mill gray scheme. This is a whole business lecture, scientific article, training, a concentrated course. Call it what you want, but it doesn't change the point. I present to your attention a post of a completely different category and quality. This is no longer a schematic. It's a MONSTER!

Initially, I thought that the author of this post is the Wolf of wall Street himself - Jordan Belfort. A hell of a lot of business, Analytics, and beauty. But then I remembered that Jordan probably not stupid guy, God rest his soul, is probably helping us figure out the business secrets of the cosmetics world. From the introduction of our guru, you can immediately understand that we absolutely do not need to understand the cosmetics market. All we should remember is that cosmetics will always be in use, as this is an excellent female tool for raising capital. I really like that in parallel with the analysis of the cosmetics market itself, the author teaches us the basic basics of the MBA in portions. Here we have already indirectly got acquainted with the mark-up, and what is the turnover learned.

With the theory, we almost immediately finished and are already ready to rush into battle. But first we need to know what we're actually going to be dealing with. So we understand what such a multi-faceted term as cosmetics includes. It turns out a lot of things!

Business school
Dachshund, stop. As it turned out, knowing what cosmetics are and that they are always bought for us is not enough. We need a little more knowledge. Imagine that we are a sponge and absorb. I remember myself on my first pair in a commercial technical school. It was then that I first learned that goods can not only be produced, but also resold. And most importantly, someone else has to buy it. No comments on these inserts . We just enjoy it) it's Not often that you get the opportunity to listen to a lecture by a rural Economics guru.

When will we start earning money???? Too many letters!! Awww.
Okay, that's something more specific. Which niche should we choose? I think it will be the means to care for calluses after horizontal bars.
Aha, we are creating our own store! What should be done for this purpose? Right! Remember about bath accessories and the possibility to do a manicure at home in order to earn extra money!
Here's what the cosmetics site looks like))))))) Thanks! Now we'll know! Sorry for the small number of comments. I'm just bursting with laughter. Just reading this post is ridiculous in itself.
Okay, that's it. I feel like I'm starting to let go a little. A serious debriefing is about to begin)))

Okay, I think we can stop here and take stock. I don't have the strength anymore. There is no point in continuing the review of the post, but for those who are still interested in reading it to the end, I will attach all the remaining screenshots below. Where should I start? Probably from the fact that this is not the only similar post on the same channel. I also noticed the analysis of the jewelry industry and even children's toys. In short, what there just wasn't. And I still find it funny. Funny for many reasons. The absurdity here is obvious. Under the cover of the earnings scheme, the dude just writes a school essay. Just an ordinary essay. How was my day? The earth is round, the sun is shining, and the birds are singing. I think you caught my analogy through the lines. In my humble opinion, the author of this content is an ordinary schoolboy. And, most likely, he even thinks that he writes serious and interesting things. Straight the economist of some kind. It's funny!! And I also like that without negativity. So in general, the author is only a plus.

For deceiving the audience and not showing any scheme, of course, a minus. But for not pissing in your ears, trying to be a nice guy and understand the topic of business, and most importantly, you haven't thrown anyone yet - you can put a fat triple for this.