Operation Zero offers $20 million for hacking Android smartphones and iPhones


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Operation Zero, a company that buys exploits for zero-day vulnerabilities, is offering researchers $ 20 million to develop tools for hacking Android devices and iPhones.

Operation Zero published such a generous offer in its Telegram, as well as in the official X account. Interestingly, the amount of remuneration was raised a hundred times at once-from $200,000 to $20,000,000.

"By increasing the amount of remuneration and additional bonuses, we motivate developers to work with our platform," the company writes.

Foreign experts believe that Operation Zero operates on the territory of Russia, and the beginning of its activity can be considered 2021. The company's official website states that it provides services exclusively to private and public clients from Russia.

When Director General Serhiy Zelenyuk was asked why the organization does not work with NATO countries, he replied: "no other reasons than absolutely obvious."

Zelenyuk also clarified that the current amounts for exploits are temporary, in fact, they reflect the demand for hacking Android and iPhone devices. Conditionally, they may become smaller tomorrow.

Among the recent high-profile hacks of mobile devices, we can recall targeted attacks on iOS devices that affected Kaspersky employees. Then the cyber campaign was named "Operation Triangulation".