Online dumps checker: Let's dismantle some myths


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I need some volunteers who have access to various dumps checkers around the web to make some tests. I am willing to contribute myself to this test with my own cards and set some facts straight about the dumps validity after they have been checked both online and physical on a POS machine in another part of the world shortly after they have been checked this way.

Suppose the checkers are linked to some payment gateways located in United States and shortly after I will have to ask some of you to actually buy something with my card in Asia for example, if you have the possibility to do that. I won't make any complain to my bank regarding this charge obviously.

I am willing to fund my cards and give them away to people who can help. Don't think that I will fund them with thousands of dollars, just a few dollars 10-20$ for a small test purchase.

I will also post here whatever restrictions or actions my bank(s) will take (if they will do that) regarding this.

My cards are debit 201's issued in Europe.

Other volunteers are needed with their own debit 101's issued in United States, Canada, Australia and other European countries.

Any other of you interested ?