One does not become a carder, one is born a carder (basic article)


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One does not become a carder, one is born a carder.

Let us immediately make it clear that this article has nothing to do with any theories accepted today about the nature of carding. We will not talk about a genetic predisposition to crime, nor about a “bad campaign” and so-called “bad” upbringing.

The first episodes of carding from a person always date back to childhood. Often in this situation, parents find themselves at a complete loss. What to do? How to react? Which psychologists should I go to? How not to raise a carder?

Why do children even start stealing? And how does this translate into sustainable behavior? What is carding? Is it possible to immediately recognize a carder?

For the first time, ALL answers are given by system-vector psychology.

Very nice, Carderf!

To begin with, let's say that only people with the skin vector can engage in carding.

In primitive times, the skin man was responsible for the extraction and storage of food resources. How was this expressed? First of all, the leather workers themselves went hunting as detachment commanders. When the flock returned with prey, it was the skinned man who thought “about a rainy day,” that tomorrow the hunt might be unsuccessful, and then he would also have to eat something. This is how he created supplies.

But times were difficult and an honestly mined piece of mammoth was not always enough for a rainy day. And therefore everything went into action: the remains of a mammoth killed in battle, and the booty of a neighboring tribe taken as a trophy. Carding was a normal phenomenon for that time.

In other words, the archetype of the skin man, that is, his function in the primitive pack, was the creation of a warehouse of food resources (no matter by what means) and its preservation. This is the root of carding.

But people quickly became more complex. And it was the skinned man who knew how to limit himself and others who created the Law. The original laws or, as they are more correctly called, customs of that time boiled down to restrictions on stealing food and killing within the pack. Inside the pack we don’t steal, don’t kill, don’t rape other people’s women - otherwise there will be severe punishment, outside the pack we can steal, kill, and rape - and we’ll even get a medal for it.

Gradually, the law was transformed and we came to today’s state, when carding is prohibited in principle, in all countries, by all legislation.

The role of the skinned person has also transformed from direct production of food by all possible means and limiting consumption to saving effort, time and other resources. Today, developed skin people become engineers, architects and, of course, legislators. However, some skin vectors remain archetypal, that is, they continue to fulfill the role they played in the primitive pack. For some, this is expressed in “flipping” - collecting from all garbage dumps everything that “might be useful”; for others, it is in carding.

How exactly does a person remain a carder in the modern world?

How to remain a carder?

So, every child is born archetypal, that is, ready to perform its functions at the level at which it was in the primitive pack. That is why we say that every skinned person is born a carder.

Nature is wise and has provided for us a period of development of 12-14 years (in system-vector psychology called the “period before puberty”), during which we have all the conditions for the development of our innate abilities. During this time, the skin child learns to assemble construction sets, think logically, obey rules, follow a daily routine, and so on.

On this path, he naturally tries archetypal ways of behavior. If you have the skin vector, you can probably remember how you once stole a typewriter in kindergarten or a pen at school. Little things, it’s unclear for what reasons, but it happened.

And everything would be fine - it happened once or twice and that’s it. But under certain conditions this behavior is reinforced.
So, when an anal father is involved in raising a skin child, tragedy often occurs. The anal father uses physical punishment as punishment, that is, he hits him with a belt. At the same time, he does this with the best intentions - “so that he grows up as a man.” He is trying to raise a child the way he himself was once raised. But the thin velvety skin of such a child, which has special sensitivity, is not able to withstand beatings. And as a result

, the little skin child stops developing, his whole being focuses on only one thing - survival (since the parents now pose a direct threat to his survival, and do not provide security). He begins to steal change from his classmates' pockets and briefcases, but he still has little experience, he gets caught, and his parents find out about it. As a result, in the evening at home he is again faced with the procedure of teaching with a belt, which gives rise to a new need to relieve stress. A vicious circle is formed.

As a result, the child does not develop and remains an archetypal carder.

Kleptomania - who are they, or skin vector neurosis.

In the TSB we will find the following definition of kleptomania: “Kleptomania (from the Greek klépto - I steal, abduct and mania - madness), an irresistible, periodically occurring painful attraction to carding. A symptom of a mental disorder attributed to impulsive drives... There is no selfish orientation in kleptomania: stolen things, as a rule, are not sold for profit.”
True kleptomania is a neurosis of the skin vector.

We already know that the broken skin child remaining in the archetype is a carder. But in even more severe situations, with colossal and repeated loads on the skin vector in childhood, the worst possible condition arises, called neurosis in system-vector psychology.

A neurotic person goes and steals not because he wants to, not because he gets pleasure or benefit from it. No, in this way he relieves suffering. This state can be compared to the torment of a toothache - when it goes away for a while, we feel “good”, but not because we enjoy it, but because we do not experience suffering at that moment.

To enter a state of neurosis, the child must experience such a severe impact that he gives up his own desires. This is the essence of neurosis - it hurts me so much that I give up my desires. My tender, stroking-loving, sensitive skin becomes rough, does not feel any pleasure when touched, does not strive for this pleasure. In a sense, I cease to be myself; all my strength goes into getting rid of suffering. In this state, a skin person becomes a kleptomaniac. I take it not because I WANT to gain some benefit, but because I simply CANNOT help but do it, I simply cannot control myself.

Neurosis is incurable. Doesn't go away with time. All that specialists can do in this situation is to help a person alleviate his suffering.

Neurosis is acquired once and for all during the period before puberty and does not arise at other ages. The sensational cases of “kleptomania” of famous actresses are of a different nature.

Skin vector under superstress.

It happens that even a developed skin worker begins to steal. In a supermarket, for example. This happens in a state of super stress. Overstress is an excessive load on our properties. When we are already formed, have passed the 14-year mark, superstress can no longer irrevocably affect our psyche, but it can temporarily “knock us out” into an archetype.

So, for example, a developed skinned person who suddenly lost his job and was left without a livelihood may commit petty carding. Or a developed skin-visual actress, living in a frantic rhythm and tension, also relieves stress through carding. The point will not even be in the stolen thing, but in this way to relieve your stress.

Such falls into an archetype are temporary and fragmentary. People who find themselves in such a state can by no means be called kleptomaniacs. There is nothing to treat them for. Give them a job, sign them up for a massage, go to the gym, and everything will go away by itself.

The archetypal condition of the skin in Russia is corruption.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the general condition of the skin vector in Russia. If in the West the law has long become the norm of life, almost all areas and cases of life are regulated, then in Russia the law has a more formal side. Here and there laws are violated at all levels, from the highest to the philistine.

Without delving into the reasons for this phenomenon in Russia, we will say that today carding is taking a very dangerous turn. The philosophy of “throwing the sucker” becomes part of our mentality. In Russia, even relatively developed and accomplished leather workers steal. The corruption growing out of this widespread carding directly threatens the existence of our state.

You will learn more about what carding is, how to cope with the problem of carding and corruption, how to properly raise a skin child and much more at the training of system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

(c) Authors: Marcel Latifullin, Maria Gribova