On the waves of innovation: a floating data center can become the world's first independent AI state


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Del Complex transforms neutral waters into a zone of free creativity.

The world's attention is focused on the ambitious project of the American company Del Complex, which promises a revolution in the development of artificial intelligence. Experts plan to create the first floating data processing center — BlueSea Frontier Compute Cluster (BSFCC).

BSFCC is a giant pontoon powered by 10,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs worth half a billion dollars. On the X platform (formerly known as Twitter), the company said that the technology will use water cooling and run on solar energy, which guarantees environmental safety and the highest performance.


One of the key features of the BSFCC is its autonomy. Engineers hint at the possibility of creating "sovereign state entities" dedicated entirely to the development of AI, according to the same principle.

Recently, Joe Biden, the US president, signed an executive order with new rules for the development and use of generative AI. The document obliges regulators to develop new safety standards that may form the basis of future laws. Similar measures are being taken and discussed in other countries.

Del Complex assumes that the BSFCC will allow companies to avoid regulations, since the data center will be located in neutral territory. The company expressed the opinion that " excessive state intervention not only hinders innovation, but also hinders the realization of the natural potential of humanity."


In the long run, developers want to create a fleet of floating data centers that will move around international waters.

"Each BSFCC will function as an independent public entity, not subject to regulatory restrictions," explains Del Complex. "These network centers are outside the scope of outdated approaches and offer additional benefits, including opportunities for tax optimization."

How realistic are Del Complex's plans? The company is confident that the "state" status of each potential data center complies with international laws. Experts say that the sovereignty of the objects will be recognized in accordance with the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Montevideo Convention. All entities will be able to enter into relations with other states, and will also have a permanent population in the form of security (armed forces) and personnel, their territory and government.

Also, according to experts, "each BSFCC will have its own charter-a document that sets out the rights and obligations of residents and visitors."