Novelty ID's and Other Documents - Create new Identity


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Novelty ID's and Other Documents - Create new Identity
English is not my first language, so be patient if you please. :) I have a friend in North America to which I ship the product, he checks them for quality and accuracy, then he ships to the client himself. This way if there is a problem with the packet, then he deals with the custom-houses instead of you. :) Contact [email protected] in order to setup order. ICQ is 601046030, encrypted chat only! (Pidgin OTR preferred)

All documents have correct thickness, weight, and feel, and include correct holograms and correct data written on the HiCo magnetic strip and barcode (if it is applicable), for correct scanning. See images below. I accept WMZ and LR only. If for some reason you cannot use those we will try to work out something else. I will not communicate my wallet numbers until your order and all relevant information is obtained. As soon as payment for your order is obtained your order will be processed and will be shipped within the limits of one week. Please allow 2 weeks from the time of payment for your packet to arrive. Lower prices existing for multiple IDs.

I still work to improve my UV process, therefore there are no IDs at present which have UV the sign of safety. However, Georgia, Maine, Tennesee, and Virginia do not officially issue IDs with any UV security characteristic from 2009, therefore these IDs are taken into account as "complete" and I propose them here for $125 on each. When I am satisfied with my UV process in several months I will have more IDs for sale which include this characteristic for $150 on each. IDs below the dotted line do not include UV characteristic although officially they have it. Hardly anybody which you entrust your identity card to will look for UV so if you are interested in one of those IDs and you do not care about UV, I have made them available for you.

IDs of novelty ($125 on each):
Rhode Island

Other documents of novelty ($50 on each):
Laminated social security card - you can put in your order SSN of your selection if you desire. If no selection is determined on the order, then to you I will give a false unissued SSN for your state of choice.

2 general bills and 2 fake bank account records (4 documents) - these will include any address you desire, and would be excellent complete set with the identity card and novelty SSN for a more complete "new identity" packet. It is useful for obtain voter's card, library card, and others supporting the documents of a new identity.

The identity card of college student - at present proposed schools are the following: University of Chicago, the State University of Pennsylvania, the University of Ohio, the University of Michigan, and Texas A&M. More schools coming in the future. If this is ordered with state novelty ID, 2 different photos are necessary. If you have specific school that you want, you send me the high-quality image of the existing identity card and I will see if I can make a template for you for a small added fee.

Identity card example:

You yourselves have the right to be any name you want. Nevertheless documents cannot be used for any fraudulent or unethical purpose. Use them in order to lease apartment, pay your bills anonymous, live free and happy, etc. I am not responsible for the damages of those caused by illegal use of the documents of novelty. It is a crime in order to present false documents to the power of the state or in order to steal or defraud. And you will know, the government agencies will frequently cross-check against their indices and your false documents are not located in the system; therefore use your head!
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Let me say in adding, if you add me to ICQ and then say nothing I will probbaly remove you from friends list.